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willow sophie May 2019
She was like a fox;

a cunning look in her eyes.
Never malicious, but always quiet.
She avoided attention,
while her flaming hair never agreed.
She grinned, but was careful
not to show her gaiety.

She was like a fox;

A chaste huntress in plain sight.
willow sophie May 2019
The sky was covered by a blanket of violet dusk,
the only illumination coming from the tall, eerie lampposts.
I strolled, slowly, aware of my surroundings.
My feet dragged satisfyingly
on the sidewalk.
It was time that I follow the moon,
she would lead me
to where I need to be.
willow sophie Jun 2019
you are so delicate,
so pure
and brilliant,
i can't help but look at your smile
and think of
silver lace.
willow sophie Aug 2019
Humans nowadays,
they know not to cherish
caring only of more,
But how much
can one have
before it's too much?
willow sophie Jun 2019
To be a sinner
or a saint,
it's a picture
they paint.

They scare us
into submission,
it's not much
of our decision.

It doesn't matter though,
we're all the same,
we are all greedy
and seek riches and fame.
willow sophie Jun 2019
The folk tales say
that on the sapphire sea
the wind would roar
to the melody
of the siren's song.

The folk tales say
that the sailors were so enamoured
with the music of the seacreatures
that they jumped overboard to join them.

The folk tales say
that the sailors were hypnotized;
in reality, the sea drove them mad
and they dived to their demise.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Every line the pencil creates,
a sharp turn or a thick stripe of lead
seeping into parchment
will create something beautiful.
willow sophie Jun 2019
My skin upon yours,
a seductive pleasure
that we give with love.

(12w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
I shall let this liquor
smite the doubt
kindled in my body.
willow sophie Jul 2019
I fell in love
just as you fell from Heaven;
I never wanted to fall,
and neither did you.
But here I am,
and there's not much
I can do.
willow sophie May 2019
The air is smokey
my eyes water,
my mouth is dry.

The air is smokey,
I find it hard to breathe,
it's too familiar,
like the symptoms of anxiety.
my eye
willow sophie May 2019
I once knew a man, he was wealthy,
he had taste and class.
He might as well have worked for an auction,
because every time he stole someone's soul
in return for a favour, he exclaimed

His name, you ask?

Lucifer. I'm sure you've encountered him.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Drink your whiskey till you take your last breath,
for there is no drinkin' after death.
All the wounded men will shout and cry,
amongst all the dead men, let him lie.
May the king live well in his wealth,
and may he bid us forever lasting health.
Drink, drink, drink till you're down,
and may the rightful king wear the crown!
willow sophie Jul 2019
You threatened me,
you said you'd rip out my heart,
but you'll be devastated to hear
that I'm sure I don't have one.
willow sophie Aug 2019
Within the debris,
there was the ring;
the rusty, silver ring
that held the story
of a broken oath.
willow sophie Jun 2019
An unlikely pair,
a ***** scent at the nape of your neck
as I pull you into an embrace;
you smell of spearmint and oranges.
willow sophie Jun 2019
you smell like a witch's storage,
a pantry of spice;
rosemary, basil,
turmeric, corriander.
the smell,
it's spice.
willow sophie Jul 2019
Once it has lived
a fulfilling life,
the spider plant let's it's children
hang elegant from her arms.
They don't let go,
until someone takes her children
from her.
willow sophie Oct 2020
when you were used to loneliness,
he was right behind you,
a winged man who caught you.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Oh, nobility?
I know nothing of those folk,
the so well spoken.

(12w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
My perspective on the world,
it has become tainted
over the years.
The colours swapped places,
tricking my mind,
it seems psychosomatic.
I open my eyes,
scared of what I might see;
it's not too bad, I suppose.
My iris' are now
windows of stained glass
as I gaze upon the world.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I tried to explore
what was beyond this world.
I made tracks
made only of wax.
Steps and steps
made of wax, not wicks.
Alas, it was all in vain,
destroyed not by wind or rain.
As I got close to the sky,
I swear I could fly,
until the sun melted my path;
it was the repeated aftermath.
willow sophie Jul 2019
My wooden guitar,
it's rather bland,
so I'll paint a picture
of the stars.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Sometimes I'd like to float down a stream
and ignore what is causing me pain.
willow sophie Apr 2019
There are six strings
on my guitar.
Although they are different,
bigger or smaller,
louder or timid,
I need them all
to create my melody.
willow sophie Aug 2019
The old floor creaks
as the people dance drunken shimmies
while they laugh mindlessly;
it's a shame, really.

They come to forget,
to drown their sorrows in mead, beer or wine
and seek relief;
they forget the pleasure
as they dance into the night,
indulge in a forbidden chaste kiss,
it all perished from one's memory,
but not their reality.
willow sophie Jul 2019
you're far too sweet;
it makes me sick.
willow sophie Jun 2019
The longest day of the year,
can I handle it?
Will I survive,
decaying in reality,
for so long?
willow sophie May 2019
The clouds look like pigmented smoke,
magenta, navy, cyan and wine,
twilight is near and brisk breezes
bite my skin harshly.
And yet, my feet stay rooted in the field
cluttered with sunflowers that look to the sky,
their petals drifting in the wind,
creating a breathtaking contrast as they dance
among the stars.
willow sophie Jun 2019
The sunflowers bloom
so majestic and yellow
deep in the meadow.

(11w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
I surrendered
my mind,
my body,
my soul
to you
only to have you
break me.
willow sophie Aug 2019
I seldom swear
on anybody's name,
but never in vain,
as I cry to know,
for somebody's sake,
where are you?
willow sophie Jun 2019
I was always so engaged,
curious to see what my fingertips could create,
what litterature my mind thought of.
I sat, brooding over the words to come.
He addressed me with a grin
and told me I needed to hide from the world
to explore my imagination.
Handing me his sweater,
I held it over my head,
writing my heart out
as my imagination soared.
willow sophie May 2019
Your voice is smooth,
an angelic rumble of laughter,
a serenade of sweet nothings.

I don't know what to call this
your voice like running water,
it must be an aphrodisiac.
willow sophie May 2019
I love,
I absolutely adore
staring into your eyes.
Oh, how those hues
of blue and green
capture the sweet spring sunlight
so majestically.
willow sophie Jun 2019
using but only a sword and daggers
in a battle of rifles and muskets
would be naught but suicide.
willow sophie Aug 2019
My dear, my friends, countrymen!
Lend me your ears and take my word as gospel;
the soldiers come in blood-stained tunics and armour of leather, they come to fight on the plains if we engage-
we shan't sacrifice all these men, no!
Pay the ransom in silver and gold, let it not become sultry!
willow sophie May 2019
Let me, love,
allow me to remove your cold facade
so that we may engage
in a dance, a symphony
of carnal pleasure.
willow sophie May 2019
your gaze is soft,
your pupils like tapioca,
willow sophie Jan 2020
Pendant que je joue le mandoline, les flames brûles humblement.
C’est la nuit; hélas, je ne voit pas le soleil. Mais on voit les étoiles !
On peut voir de la fumée, mais pourquoi? On gèle !
Est-ce que ça se peut que c’est toi qui fume une cigarette pure
Pendant que tu admires les étoiles; pendant que tu admires la lune gibbeuse ?
Et toi, mademoiselle ! Aimes-tu la musique de mon mandoline fière ?
Ou peut-être vous-êtes une femme qui préfère le son d’une lyre…
Ah, bon. Je’n sais pas jouer la lyre, mais peut-être t’aimes chanter ?  
Non, non, non ! Tu me dis. Mais pourquoi ?  Vous-êtes une dame pointilleuse. Mais peut-être t’aime la poésie ? Je sais raconter des histoires !
Oui, oui, oui ! Tu me dis. Parfait, je te raconte l’histoire de ma vie.
C’est une oeuvre, je le sais. Mais tu deviennes langoureuse, vous êtes endormi.
Ah, je le comprends. C’est ****, ouais ?  Très ****, je le sens, mais je’n bu pas !
Mais désolé, je joue encore mon mandoline, mon mandoline en acajou.
Et le bois du foyer n’est presque pas là, je voit seulement de la cendre.
Mais c’est ****, c’est très ****.
Donc je souffle les bougies,
Et je vous souhaite une bonne nuit.
willow sophie Aug 2019
I'm a tad too late
for one thing,
and time goes by fast
when you're older,
and while I don't have much time,
I'm not too late
for the other.
willow sophie Aug 2019
I wear my scars like tattoos,
dead skin etched into my arm;
O, please know!
These are signs of pain turned to wisdom!
An exquisite display of an oath, a sword placed on both my shoulders as I am rewarded Grace for my sacrifice-
One cicatrice on my knee
from falling off of my red bicycle;
the other from crawling, climbing out of the utter Hell
that I suffered.
willow sophie Jun 2019
The smell of brewed herbs
and the hot metal
of the kettle
is strong in the room.

We drink,
we speak,
and we let our deepest secrets
spill out of our lips
like poison.
willow sophie Jun 2019
Eyes so full of tears
that leak, fast, over the brim
as I wait, patient.

(15w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
An evolution of technology
has created a source of history,
information, questions
at your fingertips.

When technology and machines
begin to perish
will we thrive,
or suffer technical difficulties?
willow sophie Jun 2019
This is just a test
to see how you will behave
when your time comes.

(16w haiku)
willow sophie Jun 2019
you're gone now,
but it wasn't a waste of time.
thank you, truly,
for the love you offered me.
willow sophie Jul 2019
One plays the acoustic
with the potential of a genius,
writing lyrics
as thoughtful as himself,
but he is blind
to his magnificence.
willow sophie Jun 2019
I had never felt
the firm grip of a bow,
the wispy shot of an arrow.

One eye closed in a focused wink,
I targeted the blood-red target,
my fingers pulling the arrow
with unknown precision.

It shot the red eye
the first time,
and it was then I knew
that in my past life,
I was an archer.
willow sophie Jun 2019
He wore the finest leather gloves,
held a hammer of steel,
sported dead eyes.
He had witnessed countless deaths,
far too many,
caused by the very weapons
he crafted blindly.
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