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92 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
Flags of our countries,
of my native land and yours,
they wave in strength.

(14w haiku)
91 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
The smell of brewed herbs
and the hot metal
of the kettle
is strong in the room.

We drink,
we speak,
and we let our deepest secrets
spill out of our lips
like poison.
91 · May 2019
willow sophie May 2019
A youth adored by a goddess of love and beauty
He was confident, with stricking features.
His bravery, a virtue admired by many
led to his demise.
Was it the chaste huntress Artemis who ended him?
He was to spend the afterlife in the underworld
during the chilling season that frosted the Earth
And spend the summers with Aphrodite.
He was stricking, and melted the chill
of the underworld.
91 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
Just the both of us,
we are seldom of like mind
when speaking of you.

(15w haiku)
91 · Jul 2019
willow sophie Jul 2019
Every time I blink
a new world forms
behind my eyelids
like a screen,
like a dream,
so that,
I can escape.
91 · Jun 2019
pick your poison
willow sophie Jun 2019
poison needn't come from a chalice,
it can come from words,
full of malice,
a strum of cords.

a reddening whip
on your back with a belt,
provoking hot tears
that could make copper melt.
91 · Aug 2019
Your Currency
willow sophie Aug 2019
Covetous, you;
parsimonious, gold spent;
you now have ****** and wine, what else?
90 · Jul 2019
willow sophie Jul 2019
A huff and a puff,
tobacco smoke from a wooden pipe,
*** on the rocks in my left hand,
rather Victorian,
wouldn't you say?
90 · Apr 2019
chin up, child
willow sophie Apr 2019
i used to hold my head high
my stance filled with pride
but now my neck is aching
because I keep looking back.
90 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
the expectation
was that victory
would taste sweeter.
you shouldn't lament,
for no matter the outcome,
war always tastes bitter.
90 · Apr 2019
willow sophie Apr 2019
On the battlefield
fighting the adversary
who was once part of his own pride.

In his heavy chainmail armour,
he was struck by a musket
which ended his misery.

However, his beloved
would mourn over his body
as tears fell freely onto his armour.

Over time, it rusted
with gold.

People far and wide came in search
of this, now famous armour
thinking of invincibiliy.

Legend says the man's beloved
buried it
in the exact place he died.
90 · Jun 2019
black and white
willow sophie Jun 2019
you're so dull,
so simple,
black and white.

that's how you see the world,
black and white.

see the world
in colour.
90 · May 2019
willow sophie May 2019
I used to gaze upon dandelions
as if the were flowers.
"They are only weeds, darling. We must rid of them."
But without them, I felt as though
our garden had too much space.
It wasn't cluttered with yellow,
it was bland.
89 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
that is how you look to me
as I smile your way.

(13w haiku)
willow sophie May 2019
You drain me of a necessity to live.
You try to enthrall me with manipulation and power.
You lie, you don't love me, you are much too aloof for that.
You are conniving, with a malicious smirk to accessorize your bloodshot eyes.  
You disdain me, you love only those who can offer you gold.
You need not receive my love, for you are too fascinated with yourself.
89 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
The flaming, glorious mirth in your iris'
as you place your dirk to the throat of the adversary
as you contemplate whether you should send him to death,
or await submission.
In your sporran,
bullets destined to be loaded and shot from a musket
lie, a dead weight,
reluctantly used.
You let the adversary flee,
with warning,
for a proud warrior you may be,
but willing to accept a change of heart.
89 · May 2019
Water's true form.
willow sophie May 2019
We may try to put water in a mold,
to shape it forever without letting it freeze.


It will drift quickly upon a river,
fall fast when shooting out of a faucet,
sail openly on cold metal
and sink when in contact with fabric.

Water has no form, yet it possesses one of the most
magnificent beauties of our world.
89 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
I am a widow,
sorely awaiting my death,
so I may join him.

(13w haiku)
88 · Aug 2019
Such a Shame
willow sophie Aug 2019
The old floor creaks
as the people dance drunken shimmies
while they laugh mindlessly;
it's a shame, really.

They come to forget,
to drown their sorrows in mead, beer or wine
and seek relief;
they forget the pleasure
as they dance into the night,
indulge in a forbidden chaste kiss,
it all perished from one's memory,
but not their reality.
88 · May 2019
What you like.
willow sophie May 2019
You would like me to brood
while you remain aloof,
how is this fair, I ask?
What would you like me to do?
88 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
Heralding comfort
like a delicate sedative
that will help me
rest happily.
88 · Jul 2019
To lose my Senses #1
willow sophie Jul 2019
What I pity
it would be
if suddenly,
I couldn't see.

I would be saddened
to lose my eyes,
but then again,
I wouldn't cry.
87 · Jul 2019
To lose my Senses #2
willow sophie Jul 2019
What a pity
it would be
if suddenly,
I couldn't speak.

It would be awful
to lose my voice,
for I would no longer
have a choice.
willow sophie Aug 2019
I practice magick, not theology, my apologies-
but I can assure that this cherub becomes a daemon at the pearly gates! Bring your silver spear, I am adorned with bronze!
I needn't worry, no deity awaits my presence, only Death; let us be reunited at last!
87 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
I have lost all trust,
for you in particular,
because you hurt me.

(13w haiku)
87 · Jul 2019
To lose my Senses #5
willow sophie Jul 2019
What a pity
it would be
if suddenly,
my smell would flee.

It would be awful
no to smell the breeze
as it carried the scent
of the cherry tree.
87 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
We pull in a slick black beaumont
from 1965,
but the year was 1985,
where we make-out
with the film playing to
our tongue's dance.
I wasn't sure what film it was,
but I know I enjoyed it.
87 · Jul 2019
willow sophie Jul 2019
Do you hold not
the value
of fidelity,
my love?
87 · Jul 2019
Heads or Tails
willow sophie Jul 2019
"I will give you a choice, heads or tails?

I wonder why, at my death row, I pick the side of a coin?


The coin flips with the flick of the executioner's thumb and it flies through the air, an inexplicable suspense.

"It has landed on heads. Instead of a flogging with the Cat o'nine Tails, you shall receive a beheading."

I sigh, but this was inevitable. With my wrists burning from rope, I lay my head into the guillotine.
87 · Aug 2019
Avoid Them
willow sophie Aug 2019
They're so ungrateful,
so terrible,
what must I do
to avoid these swines?
87 · Aug 2019
willow sophie Aug 2019
to be different
is wanted.
But why?
Why now?
Why do you take the name
of the minorities
and claim
to be one of them?
To take their limelight
when you have fought their battles?
86 · Jul 2019
willow sophie Jul 2019
When you awaken,
wipe the grime from your eyes
and squint to the sun,
start the day like you wanted to
86 · Apr 2019
Masquerade Ball
willow sophie Apr 2019
If you really think about it
a masquerade ball
is simply people in posh fabrics
hiding behind a bedazzled mask
because they cannot face humanity.
86 · May 2019
willow sophie May 2019
I listen to the planes soaring through the clouds,
I watch a dragonfly kite pierce the air,
I hum a tune of delight.

What a lovely afternoon, wouldn't you say?

I listen to the birds chirping jauntily,
I watch you stare in amazement,
I smile with glee.

What a lovely afternoon, with you here to keep me company.
86 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
Oh, nobility?
I know nothing of those folk,
the so well spoken.

(12w haiku)
86 · Jun 2019
Winter Wonderland
willow sophie Jun 2019
After a night that let
snow like chilled cotton
fall from the cloudy, yet sunlit sky,
the enthralling,
calming sounds of
twittering birds
and crunching snow,
that is my winter wonderland.
86 · Jul 2019
it is what it is,
willow sophie Jul 2019
Isn't it?
I mean,
there's not much we can do now,
but that's alright.
We will still
we'll remain
86 · May 2019
blood moon.
willow sophie May 2019
I lay in the sand as the ocean caresses my skin
as it crawls boldly to the shore.
I ask for a favour, but the sea is its own master.
It is hungry, insatiable. It desires blood.
The moon shines brilliantly upon the ocean,
illuminating the flowing string of blood
that choses to meander upon crystalline waves.
I stare at the moon as she takes my unborn child.
"Do protect her, please."
A poem that addresses the atrocities around the world - if a woman choses to abort her child, so be it.
86 · Jul 2019
Liar, Liar
willow sophie Jul 2019
heart on fire
from a noose
of wire.
85 · May 2019
willow sophie May 2019
I collect the tears of the sky
in hope that it will suffice
so that I need not release
tears of my own.
85 · May 2019
willow sophie May 2019
I'm an amateur poet,
passing along messages of sorrow and wisdom
like a child passing notes in class.
84 · Aug 2019
Allow Me,
willow sophie Aug 2019
Prickling thorns on a white rose;
it has been stained by Adonis' blood-
care for nectar, Highness?
I offer you my condolences and my adoration,
wouldn't you accompany me?
83 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
War always brings death,
it assures tears will be shed,
bringing solemn hope.

(13w haiku)
83 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
Roll the dice,
see how many times
you'll be hurt.
83 · Jul 2019
willow sophie Jul 2019
When I have been struck by an arrow of silver, I lay, awaiting death.

"Mother will cry!"

May she grieve quickly.

"Father will cry!"

May he mourn peacefully.

"Brother will cry!"

May he live happily.

"Your lover will cry!"

May he become free.
83 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
that is what I thought of you
when you would hurt me.

(13w haiku)
83 · Aug 2019
To The Battlefield
willow sophie Aug 2019
'Swine, O swine!' you cry, but why?

Our doom is inevitable, let us repent?

No, we are late, onwards!
82 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
You left me to rust
buried so deep in the dust,
you show me disgust.

(15w haiku)
82 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
I'm rather nervous,
I fear that I will not sleep
because of our fight.

(14w haiku)
82 · Jun 2019
willow sophie Jun 2019
Let oxygen flow,
in and out,
as you release tension,
and replace it all
with love.
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