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willow sophie Jul 2019
I'm merely a fraud
in the presence of true art,
a measly charlatan.
Alas, my aspirations
to acquire such pure talent
tells me that I may begin a fraud,
but I may earn fame later on.
willow sophie Jul 2019
"I will give you a choice, heads or tails?

I wonder why, at my death row, I pick the side of a coin?


The coin flips with the flick of the executioner's thumb and it flies through the air, an inexplicable suspense.

"It has landed on heads. Instead of a flogging with the Cat o'nine Tails, you shall receive a beheading."

I sigh, but this was inevitable. With my wrists burning from rope, I lay my head into the guillotine.
willow sophie Jul 2019
Foxglove, for insincerity.
Orange lilies, for hatred.
Geraniums, for stupidity.
Meadowsweet, for uselessness.
Carnations, for disappointment.

You planned this, didn't you?
I understand your loathing for me,
but your loathing for yourself
is amplified tenfold.
willow sophie Jul 2019
I will reincarnate
without dying,
I will cleanse my blood
of your poison,
I will birth
a clean,
wise soul
to replace the one
you tainted.
willow sophie Jul 2019
A huff and a puff,
tobacco smoke from a wooden pipe,
*** on the rocks in my left hand,
rather Victorian,
wouldn't you say?
willow sophie Jul 2019
In all the debris,
the black and white of the world,
I swear I'll do better,
I swear I'll sport colour.
willow sophie Jul 2019
leather cover,
French poetry.
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