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The sea awoke at midnight from its sleep,
And round the pebbly beaches far and wide
I heard the first wave of the rising tide
Rush onward with uninterrupted sweep;
A voice out of the silence of the deep,
A sound mysteriously multiplied
As of a cataract from the mountain’s side,
Or roar of winds upon a wooded steep.
So comes to us at times, from the unknown
And inaccessible solitudes of being,
The rushing of the sea-tides of the soul;
And inspirations, that we deem our own,
Are some divine foreshadowing and foreseeing
Of things beyond our reason or control.
i didnt even know her ,
i just loved her poetry on
something in them just married with my inner being,
im so confused.

i thought it was to pass but the feeling never changed
what was wrong with me?
she was definitely think im crazy or something if she knew
but hey she was the one who told me that i should be free in my poems
so i am today.

i thought of what she looks like , definitely beautiful i guess
i thought of her voice , how sweet it might sound
i asked my self ,what she think about me after she reads this
will she like this crazy talk of mine or she will never talk to me again.
im crazy i know .

but how could it be it be ?
having feelings for someone you hardly know ,
someone who is millions of kilometers away from you,
someone you will never meet any day.

maybe we can turn that around ,can we?
i think i know her from what her poems projects about her,
she might be millions miles away but her inner feelings are just in front of me ,in her poems
never say never maybe i will meet her one day in this life or the other.

wow,i never knew i could be this crazy about someone i knew only her user name ,sarah.
who are you sarah?
Who are you Sarah?

— The End —