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1.7k · Sep 2012
I am from...
Myckayla Sep 2012
I am from jumping from school to school, making new friends and trying to keep old
From long car rides on deserted streets late at night, through rain and snow, words coming through the speakers nice and low
From a big family that always talks and chatters, laughing and making jokes that no one else can say

I am from state fairs that tempt you with sweet food and amazing memories forever in your thoughts
From camps where I learn to write like my brain is on fire and how I am ‘normal’ even with my condition
From shots of insulin, needles piercing my skin and  blood sugar tests ten times a day, wearing my calluses with pride

I am from colors filling the pages as my hands move quickly across the paper, making outlines and shadows, filling whats left with color
From writing like crazy, my mind never stopping with the ideas that flood it daily
From writers calluses and the pounding of keys as I try to get my ideas down before they leave

I am from not being athletic, but still being active, running and letting myself be free
From my feet hitting the ground, my legs aching as I just run my heart out
From crossing the finish line with a smile on my face and a finish in my heart

I am from church full of people who love me like their own and help me with my faith
From a community that helps me learn more and help move others
From a group of people that wants me to be my best and is a second family to me

I am from a family of many, who are all so diverse
From my parents who couldn’t be more different and my siblings who I couldn’t love more
From my nephew who already is just like his auntie Jess

I am from a group of close knit friends who are more like family
From friends who constantly tease me for the little things I do
From family who may not be related but still loves me the same

I am from relatives and friends who live close and far
From some I only talk to when I must, and others I talk to everyday
But, I am especially from people who love and care for me
934 · Sep 2012
Her Soldier
Myckayla Sep 2012
Not just a white knight
But a soldier
A protector of many

He doesn't wield a sword
But he's a hero
Just the same

He doesn't have a crown
Instead a few dog tags
But a prince just the same

He doesn't have a cape
Just a camouflage uniform
But he's royal the same

He doesn't have long hair
But a crew cut short
Still beautiful to me

He traded his life
For all of this
But he's the same

He's still my white knight
Even as a soldier

He still has my heart
Even if he's away

This princess, this Rapunzel
Is willing to wait for her

White knight

Her hero, her **soldier
597 · Sep 2012
Myckayla Sep 2012
The scuff on my wall
The flicker in the hall

The guitar in the corner
Jokes about the foreigner

Letters and drawings
The paintings on my wall

Music slipping in
Talking about the end

Everything I see
Everything I do
Reminds me of

577 · Sep 2012
The One
Myckayla Sep 2012
Warm chestnut eyes
A smile that melts your heart

A strong build
Protective of me

Twisted humor
That always makes me laugh

Great personality
That fits me perfectly

All of this together
Is the one for me
575 · Oct 2012
Myckayla Oct 2012
Break the surface
Of the trees

Light shining through
The beautiful colors
Cracking the darkness

Reds kiss the trees
Orange touch the clouds
As yellow fills the sky

Rising high in the sky
This is the sun's way
Of whispering everyday

"Good Morning"
539 · Oct 2012
Myckayla Oct 2012
Break the surface
Of the trees

Light shining through
The beautiful colors
Cracking the darkness

Reds kiss the trees
Orange touch the clouds
As yellow fills the sky

Rising high in the sky
This is the sun's way
Of whispering everyday

"Good Morning"
524 · Oct 2012
All these Hearts
Myckayla Oct 2012
Pull on my heart strings
Play with it again
Keep me on my toes

Don't let my heart be hollow
Fill it up with your love
Don't let it run out

Make my heart skip a beat
Make the pace pick up again
Listen to it beat

Make my heart go crazy
Make my mind fix on you
Keep me in love with you

You have my heart
So do all these things

Keep it in your pocket
Keep it fairly safe

For I have one heart
That I don't want to break
466 · Sep 2012
Dear John?
Myckayla Sep 2012
No 'Dear John' letters
At least not yet

I won't ever get sick
Of waiting for you

No "This is goodbye"s
"I don't want to try"s

That's not me
That's not who I want to be

No "I met this guy"
Or "Nice try"

I love one
And only him
As long as I can

There's no "Dear John" for me
No end
Only loving from me
439 · Oct 2012
In These Sheets
Myckayla Oct 2012
A cool deep breath
Let out in the air
As we lay there

Skin on skin
The heat welcome
In these sheets

Oh just you and me
I forget everything
In these sheets

Lets forget everyone else
All the past hurt and pain

Just let it be
You and me


— The End —