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My poor generation
we're drowning in the *******
we're buying into the tasty lies.

We're born and raised
believing we can do what WE want
and so few realize
we CAN do what WE want
BUT, should we?
Should we question ourselves?
I believe we should
because how can you be so sure
in a rapidly transforming world like ours?

That's why I say
We are the Lost generation
Lost amongst the pretty lights and fun
shoved down our throats since birth.

It's all we know
we lost Compassion
and embraced Greed.

we're being ******
and we have to realize
we're ******* ourselves.
It hits in waves.

To begin,
it throws a right jab
(the lack of energy
with a hefty dose of insomnia.)

it follows up with a nasty left hook
(the irritability)
(the self-doubt)
(the mood swings)
(the paranoia.)

And finally,
it finishes you
a mean right uppercut
with those bone-crushing

Gripped by a dark world,
NO hope
NO light
and most painfully

Regardless of how hard
you search
you know
it can only be taught to you again
because you don't recognize it anymore
it is a blank spot now.

You knew you would have to pay the price
to experience such a sensation
and you'd heard of the stories of how it
changed people
but you still craved that excitement
of the unknown
the forbidden fruit
and you had your taste
but it consumed you too
until now,
you're fighting the beast
that threatens to
overthrow the true you.

This is a fight you must not lose.
Your deep brown eyes
always captivated  me
because they shone like the moon
full of love
in this loveless world

Your smile
brightened my life
and made everything
oh so much more bearable
because it reminded me that
we can truly be happy

I hope you know
your love is my savior
but it is a double-edged sword
because ultimately
when your love is gone
when those big brown eyes that would gaze upon me with such longing
when that jagged smile that was oh so goofy but so so bright
is gone
it destroys me
Thoughts of foolish love
fill my head
This pain in my heart makes me believe
LOVE is truly dead

So I just
can I provoke apathy
to possibly save me?

I need out of this
I need to stop caring
I need to move on
for your happiness

and for my health
Today, the day,
I feel love AND hate
Maybe it's just fate
but she's chosen him over me
most likely based on the fact
that he is superior
to my inferiority.

It's something I can't
quite understand
because I would have
treated you better
than any other man can.
Written back in high school about a crush I had, silly silly times.
Look into my eyes
Now tell me, what do you see?
A Sinner? or Saint?

Maybe different?
Perhaps a Human? or GOD?
You see what you want
Hello so nice to hear from you again.

Hope all is well in life
and hope you know I miss you my dear friend!
I've come to see the world is in strife.
people drowning in their own fear,
it makes me want to cry my dear.

I ask why?!
Why must we be afraid?!
Why do we continue to live this **** lie?!
Letting others tell us how to live our lives!
Well I say NO! Not I!
I've been doing as you say,
being the most me I can everyday
because where's the point in being fake?
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