I was Numb on the first shot of your admiration
As the scar was fresh, the trauma was there.
As I am lost, and I was going nowhere.
But the honest approach had bitten my inner self
So infectious that it ripped my beliefs,
Crossed the bounds of established myths.
Your care, The feeling I am raised,
Placed, hesitations aside to waste,
And the case was reversed and beautifully bared.
How I am honored, to feel a love like yours,
Heavenly and mystically redeemed,
A feeling that grows, Love that leaps and soars.
Should you ask me will this feeling understand and grow,
I don't know, but I want to bind our paths crossed.
Should you care asking, would you stay in your place?
I'll let it be you, stay here,**for Always.
(c) 2011.414 Let it be you jcjuatco