When it all comes down to it,
At the innermost core
We are our own hearts.
Not the ones pulsing blood like the beat of the ocean
Or salty-sick tears to mimic emotion,
But a bright, shining moonstone of a heart,
Plucked from the sky and infused with our qualities,
All of our dreams, personality
Fears and realities
All pulled together from mutual disparity
Into the real us, something of clarity
All tucked away at
The core
Our core
But we treat it like an apple core
Once round and full
Take bites of it
Spit out the seeds
Throw it on the ground
And let the birds peck out the juice
And we tuck ourselves away, bundled up in insecurities
The need to please
The standards of society
And hope for nothing more
Than to be loved and thought of highly.
It’s the side of us you’ll never see-
I’d like to wear it on my sleeve.
Excuse me for a sec while I go dancing in the rain so
The drops can hide my tears and I can laugh away the pain
I’ll pull all my outer layers off and throw them on the ground…
Let the real me shine through
Or I would
I guess
If only I knew how to.
Until then, I content myself with
Showing little pieces of it when I feel most comfortable,
Looking for a diamond of it in a loved one’s smile
So I can find perfection for a while.
In the core,
My core, your core, doesn’t even matter,
These little moonstone cores are beautiful and someday
I would like to have the confidence to wear mine on my finger-
I don’t care if it’s a flawed stone anymore.
I’m done examining it for imperfections.
Because it’s mine
And I am proud of it.
Its truth is in its beauty
And it is beautiful because
It is the real me.
Someday I promise I will gather up
The strength to wear it proudly
Like the people who are braver than I.
Until then, I wear myself
Like a badge on my shirt pocket
And try to notice if
I’ve subconsciously let it slide
Under the heavy suede jacket
Of the expectations of others.
I’ll take it out, polish it, and display it in a place of prominence again.
Because it’s my core
All mine
And I want to let it shine.