I tried to paint a picture,
holding my canvas and brushes still,
i took my brush into shades of blue hue,
to paint my sky over the hills,
but it appeared red.
i wondered how and then began again,
i dipped my brush and blew some paint on the paper,
it was adsorbed as patches but again none appeared blue later,
then it hit me~
'red' is the colour that has painted my thoughts,
red is the colour rushing into my capillaries,
and red is the colour i am immersed in ,
for red is the 'colour of love',
and i could think of nothing but love,
whether it's painting, poetry or prose,
for colouring millions of tiny worlds ,
red will be the colour everytime i will choose,
for 'red' is the colour of love,
and i could think of nothing but only love.