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340 · Aug 2016
Athena (D Noble Rebel)
Munish Manas Aug 2016
As tough as ice she might appears, but still carries a melting heart of snow,
the softer side of this warrior Princess is still left for the world to know;

She carries an attitude that may pierce the heart of many suitors,
& for those who are judgmental her words come as battle *******;

Few Casanovas might have survived the attacks of her coquetry and grace,
  for others are still lying unconscious deeply wounded in Hurt’s Embrace;

Although it seems she has evolved as a sagacious damsel, all set for a ****,
still her humility, servitude and feminine art is hidden under a veil;

Her care for the family n kins is exemplary filled with concerns,
& her stand for protecting them is like sunlight shining on golden ferns;

At times she recollects the sweet memories that r close to her heart,
as maturity replaced d sugar-pie of her innocence with a lemon ****;

Although she dresses and dallies like a grown up duchess of shire,
deep inside she’s a still kid longing for a rostrum in this world’s mire;

Her prayers to the lordships are never tinged with selfish material needs,
instead, she beseech only forgiveness & strength for enduring righteous deeds;

We wish her all happiness and warmth she deserves in her life,
may the lord showers her with his choicest blessings that too rife;
Munish Manas Aug 2016
Not everyone can see the flame behind the raging mist,
for she has ornamented with gold her mighty fist;

This world has failed to judge the shimmer of those innocent eyes,
for behind those sleepless tears she has arduous dreams yet to arise;

Mistaking her compassion and soft emotions,
many self-made critiques have made faulty notions;

For the most competent may still harbor humility of heart,
& she carries such talents as gifts from the ultimate Mozart;

Time is not far when her chirping would outrun the worldly roars,
for the lordships have heard her forgotten prayers from far shores;

Her inner Faith in almighty’s mercy can move mountains,
& that’s the only currency in his market to open nectar’s fountains;

The proposal of friendship has been sent to her from lord’s side,
& he is awaiting her reciprocations by pursuit of his will to get abide;

For after enlightening her path he expects her to initiate the walk,
& soon his mercy would supply this cuckoo, the wings of a Hawk;

Her grand flight may know no boundaries and walls,
for the divine sky will nurture her endeavors and praise her calls;

We too wanna see her laughter again pouring like a sacred wine,
for its time to drop the curtains and unveil this Covered Sunshine…
My imagination but a Reality of higher realms...
Munish Manas Aug 2016
Never thought I was lacking this creativity;

She was scolding me with heavy words,
And my heart was getting lighter with each nick of such swords;

She said I must act mature n think positive about my allies untwisted,
I was simply mesmerized by d beauty of her simplicity so rarely gifted;

She opened d past wounds when I had cut my own hands......
Coz of ego n ungrateful heart I lost so many of my gems in time's sands....;

My loneliness is d fruit of my own foolish attitude ;
For I could not forgive small hurts n killed heartfelt gratitude;
Towards those millions moments that made me laugh,
Instead I cling to puny negativity like a leach in d skin of a calf;

She won my heart by renouncing any expectations in future reference,
I am sold out today one again with lords preference;

I preach aloud philosophies in aspects so rife,
She made realized how less I have imbibed those in my own life;

I'm fortunate that I got such friends as gifts from lord,
N I must honor his will n surrender to his accord;

To embrace his children without  judgmental vision,
for love n get loved is his ultimate mission;

Thus, till we share a life amongst  a company so warm,
We would feel safe as if protected by a divine charm;
In appreciation of Someone's Scolding....
216 · Aug 2016
Purple Flower
Munish Manas Aug 2016
Purple flower ur blossom has captivated my hearts beating
N my blood is ushering to nurture your lips tweeting
D warmth of your body is d only armor left
coz d winter of lonliness has left me bereft
Of d songs of joy n flight of my feeling's dove thus
Although Poets love to write but today I write to love.......

Ohh lord! Sacrifice me on d altar of her BEAUTY ..... Coz to fancy her is my passion n to love her is my DUTY

— The End —