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557 · Aug 2015
My Punctuation Lovestory
Muggle Aug 2015
Exclamation point** of love that morning!
Time flies with Question marks, actions are contradicting?
Comma’s of waits when  he leave me hanging,
Then, a period was drawn and it’s the ending.
441 · Aug 2015
3-in-1 Coffee Mix
Muggle Aug 2015
1 tablespoon of coffee for  hearts to be better.
Put sugar to make it sweeter.
For a twist, fight a little creamier .
Mix it altogether and you have forever.
337 · Aug 2015
Not Another Me
Muggle Aug 2015
Not meeting the standards, I’m sorry
But, If a chance is given to choose the person to be
Even if you still don’t like me
I still choose to be me
261 · Aug 2015
Muggle Aug 2015
Someday we will know
How do fishes cry in the water of sorrow?
Will x be actually found by the math guru?
Or will you know that I exist by tomorrow?

— The End —