They judge of how you look
Should I look like brad Pitt or Nicolas cage
We forgot the importance of the jewel inside that make the beautiful look ugly and the ugly so pretty.
The soul is the core that we should judge not by the looks cause the looks are from God.
A woman can look ordinary but her soul is so beautiful that it shines a light that just blinds. It makes you forget her ordinary looks and see her as the most beautiful woman you have laid eyes on to.
When you judge how people look . Look at yourself in the mirror and judge what you see. Are you handsome do you look even nice , do you deserve people love do you deserve there respect. They say don't judge a book by its cover isn't that so true but we only hear and say but we never do.
Look at people souls and you will see imaginary beauty that your eyes want believe. This world has taught us to judge the people and what they wear and how they look like and didn't tell us how pretty people are from inside.