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May 2015 · 456
How Thoughtful
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
tonight i am outside
and i am observing the sky
during it's vulnerable state:
the thin line of orange
where the sun is almost entirely declined
because it cannot stand on its tired legs anymore

wondering how the sky came to be
for the purpose of surrounding a lonely sun(?)
May 2015 · 372
/ / /
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
i forget
that you cannot live
through eternity
and neither can i
but wouldn’t it be so lovely
to relive the seasons
just to watch
winter’s freckles
fall onto your eyelashes
and summer lighting
your lips gold
because my lifetime alone
is not enough
all we have is years
years are never enough
May 2015 · 356
To Remain
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
i want your lips against mine
as pressed petals are
between the pages of books
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
remember when
i tried to wrestle with the wind
but it folded me into a kite
and i was stuck up in the sky
wishing for someone
with long arms
and a string
to guide me out of a dramatic whirlwind
May 2015 · 491
A Realistic Tragedy
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
as a child
time was always honey
dripping from the spoon

now it is the hot tea
being poured
onto my lap
May 2015 · 911
The Simple Difference
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
a need:
i need your lips against mine to reunite myself with happiness

a want*:
i want your lips against mine to distract myself from the loneliness
May 2015 · 558
Early Bird, but No Worm
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
what used to be just a little girl
poking in the dirt with a stick
in search of a worm
until the rain came
and i sped into the house
and suddenly time turned
and i, a woman of twenty years
in search of much more
than a worm
May 2015 · 3.7k
Trust Issues
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
you froze in fear
as i came at you with a knife in hand
to cut off the hand of the one behind you
about to twist the knife into your back
Not everyone is out to get you.
May 2015 · 394
Reality After Physics
Mia Smiljanić May 2015
you drop the vase
the ground wins
the vase shatters
there is no going back
without the glue
then we remain fragile
watching life on the shelf
and cannot be touched
too much
before we fall apart
Apr 2015 · 349
Mia Smiljanić Apr 2015
i just want to be touched
so wholeheartedly
that my skin could never forget about you
even if i have
Hands are so important.
Apr 2015 · 412
Loss of Taste
Mia Smiljanić Apr 2015
i tried–
i tried immeasurably
to wring any words out of you
like juicing a lemon
but my hands are left stinging
and you are dry
i cannot bring myself
to drink lemonade anymore
People are so **** difficult.
Apr 2015 · 386
Mia Smiljanić Apr 2015
we are supposed
to find that one thing
that fits us
like the right key
in a rusty lock
to open the door
of such inspiration
even light

they are supposed to leave
then they will leave
and they will carelessly
toss that key in a big ocean

and we are supposed to
continue to live on
without each other
with a doorknob that squeaks
every time a curious someone
puts their hand on it
in attempt to turn
this door on our chest

they find nothing
A sad truth about love.
Apr 2015 · 351
Crescent Sun
Mia Smiljanić Apr 2015
i bit off a piece of the sun
a little too soon
before i allowed it to cool

i was craving the light
inside of myself

but had i swallowed the entire sun
my innermost self
still, a dark room
with a lighted lonely candle
propped in the center
The sun always finds a way to shine itself onto my writings.
Apr 2015 · 732
Mia Smiljanić Apr 2015
i shot an arrow into the sun
i don't know why i did
curiosity, i guess you can call it

but shortly
honey began to drip from the sky
and turned the sea golden

you almost wanted
the blonde waves to swallow you

imagine all of us--
hair twisted with each other

like a fly preserved
in hardened amber--
a memory
Wouldn't it be easier that way?
Apr 2015 · 708
A Goodbye
Mia Smiljanić Apr 2015
a goodbye
that sat on my tongue eagerly
before jumping off the edge
of my mouth
knowing that
a chain around its ankles
won't let it get too far

it climbs back up
sits back on my tongue
as it did every time before
and it waits
for you to do something
This is defined as: A sad love.

— The End —