The Good Fairy was wondering by
She saw lonely Alex who was a good guy
She thought she knew a perfect match
Cleo was lonely and in a rough patch
So in her head,a plan started to hatch
Cleo's very old ad, put by the fairy
In front of Alex like a tasty cherry
She knew they'd click and so they did
They found harmony that they never did
They would always talk & always share
At one another's words they would always stare
Million miles stood in between
But their thoughts as close as it had never been
They wanted a song that suited them perfectly
They found the one, Truly Madly Deeply
He was her King and she was his Queen
A kingdom they built and together they reign
But all of a sudden things changed
Their world turned upside down unexplained
An evil laugh was heard by the fairy
She turned around & saw in wary
Wicked witch was in high mood
For she had managed to undo the good
She cast a curse on the King & Queen
And in their Kingdom planted a devilish seed
That grew into thorns of negative creed
And the spell blinded them from seeing the truth
They wouldn't talk, they wouldn't share
Each alone was living in despair
Fairy thought of what to do
To help bring back together the two
She sprinkled fairy dust everywhere
The curse was lifted up in the air
The thorns vanished into eau-claire
The King & Queen felt a high
Said we were jinxed by an evil eye
Their world was back in order
And they felt that together, they were stronger
Little did they know it was all because
A fairy was always working for a good cause