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ms hitt 1d
a conflict is a
over something

am I conflicting
over something?

do I deserve the
respect I get from
everything else?

am I just a typo in
the song of the universe?

are my efforts in vain?

forgotten - the failure
of memory.

would that be me?
ms hitt 1d
the strong should not give the weak
their powerful weapons and implements

correlation: can kindness cause casualties
corpses create chasms in consciousness
ms hitt 1d
who am i
ms hitt 1d
he was sad
she cheered him up
and all was well
for now
ms hitt 1d
i am not here
i am standing over there
i am not visible
i am in plain sight
i am not existent
i am on the floor
i am not normal
i am empty
ms hitt 1d
my ego is full of
empty promises and
broken dreams.

my id is full of
lustful desires and
pictures of you.

my superego is full of
regret of the things i've done and
regret of the things i haven't done
ms hitt 1d
you ask me to move a mountain
as if I could

you ask me to move a boulder
as if I could

you ask me to move a rock
as if I could

you ask me to move a pebble
as if I could

you ask me to move a grain of sand
as if I could

as if I could
move a grain of sand

then I could
move a pebble

then I could
move a rock

then I could
move a boulder

then I could
move a mountain

and I cant move a mountain
today's poems revolve around sisyphean tasks
-- i have a big test today
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