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ms hitt 1h
serene - the water-surface
smooth as a silken sheet
seven shamrocks spectate
the shoreline.

only minute ripples, like
brazen bumps, built like
a beat to a song, rhythm
a rhyme wrought 'round.

the color resembling a
pale rose-white coat
laid on a bed of lush
green brushes and tree.

the pier provides a
picturesque photo-spot
its reflection as deep
as the hole in my head.

by the row-boat, there rests
a singular rubber duck
as yellow as the sun
on a sweltering day

as the cicadas chirp the
buzz of the critters and
animal-things and the
woosh of the wind.
come visit sometime
ms hitt 2h
chuck norris can save you
chuck norris can save me
no need to fear, chuck norris is here

help! im stuck in a pit of my own grief
no need to fear, chuck norris is here

help! im dangerously overweight!
no need to fear, chuck norris is here

help! im slightly tired and home is still 2 block away!
no need to fear, chuck norris is here

help! no one respects me!
no need to fear, chuck norris is here

what would happen
if chuck norris were
to disappear?

would anybody remain
to listen to me cry?

would anybody remain
to help me die?

would anybody remain
to make my life
a red carpet walk
straight to heaven?
sometimes, there needs to be problems
ms hitt 3h
my words filled with
notions of three
three things

the three wise monkeys
but I see evil
but I hear evil
but do I do evil?

three parts of psyche
id does desires
ego does thought
superego does justice
but do I need justice?

three segments of soul
logos thinks
thymos keeps
and what does
eros do?
it drives me on.

the third gender
ms hitt 3h
do you love me?
that was a
rhetorical question.
the rhetoric

my logos
says that that
was a lie

my thymos
says that that
was the truth

my eros
says that that
I love you
ms hitt 3h
can broken english
convey my broken heart
to you?
ms hitt 23h
gag all the loose ends
prune the plotlines
distribute the plot armor
piece together the times
and places of everything

it's time for a happy ending
where everything comes to close
so celebrate before the show ends
there might me reruns or prequels
but know that the book has finished

it's a happy ending for all
everyone is smiling
you will never see them again
it's all over
this is the end.
the end.
ms hitt 23h
i weigh twenty-one
and three tenth grams
so why does moving
feel so heavy?

like a dog tied to a tree
all i can do is bark
but no one can
hear me scream

why am i trapped
in a suit of flesh
if i am destined
to leave it?
Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring...
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