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Nov 2013 · 535
MS Nov 2013
Things have changed
since the time
when my parents
were growing up.

Back then
kids could walk down the street
without having to fear
being kidnapped.

In those days,
You knew all your neighbors
and they became
some of your best friends.

A long time ago,
kids would play outside
for hours
no matter the weather.

You used to be able to
get whatever you wanted,
your wildest dreams
for only a nickel.

People used to
not have kids
until after they were married,
so they could have a future.

In those times,
you would actually go see your friends
instead of only
texting, tweeting, instagraming them.

...and they say change is a good thing.
Nov 2013 · 550
I want to go back... ©
MS Nov 2013
I want to go back
to when I was little.
All I had to do was sit back
and enjoy it while it lasted,
but all I wanted to do
was grow up.
I tried so hard
to grow up
and now that I have
I want to go back.

I want to go back
to when "Stupid"
was a bad word
and the only time I cried
was when I hit my head.
I grew up
and "Stupid"
gets thrown around
like its nothing
and sometimes
I just break down and cry
because nothing
is going my way.
I want to go back.

I want to go back
to when the only work
was a worksheet on addition
and boys
still had "cooties"
I have to work nights
packing boxes
for UPS
and boys
can take over my life
with one look.
I want to go back.

I want to go back
to when life was simple.
Nothing ever went wrong
but I wanted to grow up
and now
I want to go back.
Nov 2013 · 557
Believe ©
MS Nov 2013
What would it take to make you believe?
More fire from the sky?
Another part in the sea?

Download Free at:
Nov 2013 · 342
Him ©
MS Nov 2013
I love you.
Must I say more?
Nov 2013 · 562
Once Upon a Time ©
MS Nov 2013
All my favorite stories growing up
began with "Once Upon a Time."
There was a girl,
she met a boy,
it was love at first sight,
and it would end in "Happily Ever After"
That kind of stuff never happens to me,
so I wrote my own fairytale...

Once Upon A Time
there was a girl.
She met a boy
and they became bestfriends.
She fell in love with him
while he fell in love with some other girl.
The girl cried herself to sleep every night
and pretended it didn't hurt,
but it did.

It's not that much different from the ones I read growing up,
*It doesn't end in Happily Ever After
Nov 2013 · 661
Picture ©
MS Nov 2013
They say a picture
is worth a thousand words.
I think a picture
can hold a lifetime of memories
all shoved into one little shot.
A person you used to know,
the street where you grew up,
or the restaurant where you had your first date.
if you asked me what a picture was worth,
I would say *EVERYTHING
Nov 2013 · 295
Dream ©
MS Nov 2013
I lay in bed every night
as I fall asleep,
what would it be like
to fall asleep in your arms.

Is it is great as I imagined?

Then I just Stop
and cry
because I know
this will always be a dream.
and never a reality.
Nov 2013 · 361
Words ©
MS Nov 2013
I have always wondered
why do we align our words
to a certain spot on the paper,
like they're an animal
being put in its cage.
Why                                                        ­                                                                 ­                         
                                                     cant                                                             ­             
our                                                ­                                                  
words         ­                           
go                                                              ­                                                                 ­ 
wherever                                                        ­    
they                                                        ­                                                                 ­                                       

*Set them Free
Nov 2013 · 385
Poetry ©
MS Nov 2013
This poem might not get read.
I really only do this to clear my head
of the dreams
that never came true,
of the people
I wish I still knew,
and and the memories
I need to leave behind.

I need to *keep moving forward.
Nov 2013 · 922
Mama ©
MS Nov 2013
When I  was little
I would sit on mama's lap
and she would sing me a song
so I would fall asleep.

I'm a big girl now.
Big girls don't sit on mama's lap.
Do they?
Is that weird?

To be honest,
when I can't sleep
I sit on mama's lap
and she sings me a song.

Don't tell anybody.
It's a secret.
I'm a big girl now.

**Big girls don't need Mama
Nov 2013 · 763
Yesterday ©
MS Nov 2013
I wanted to die.
I'm glad I didn't.

Things Change.
It gets better.
**Never lose hope.
Nov 2013 · 293
Adam ©
MS Nov 2013

I love you
is all I have to say.
I think you should know
I cried while you were away.
Without you
I feel like a part of me is missing,
like I'm

I love you Adam
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Red ©
MS Nov 2013
Red is the color of love

It's the roses
he gave you for your birthday.
It's the color your face turns
when he holds your hand.
It's the lipstick
you left on his cheek.

It's the red velvet cake
on your wedding day
and the bow
you put in your baby girl's hair.
It's the her first bicycle
and her first car.

Now, It's the roses
he buys her for her birthday.
It's the color her face turns
when he holds her hand.
It's the color your face turns
as the tears stream down your face
on your baby girl's wedding day.

It's her turn to be Red

— The End —