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 Nov 2013 MS
Madison Faye
A module of perfection;
With douftfullness unknown.
The awe-inspiring actress,
I envy in my heart.
Abundant in the arts;
More cleverly than I.
I long to one day be you,
In beauty, soul, and mind.

Dedicated to the one who brought me here.
You romantic.
 Nov 2013 MS
Ingrid Ohls
I guess this is it, the breaking point.
The time I thought would never actually arrive.
I thought it would work out, I thought you would care.
Care enough about me, enough about yourself.
Love is a funny thing, I can't stay because of my love.
Leaving is the only thing left, you aren't here anymore.
My heart wants to jump out of its chest.
I want to scream, I want to shake you and show you what magic you're stealing from our lives.
The laughs as a family, the time and the hugs.
Our kisses, our late nights.
The things that mean so much to me, seem to mean nothing to you.
I have wanted you to grab me, hold me scream how much you love me.
I wanted you to do anything for me.
To take charge and take me, to fix our family.
Your desire for me, is gone.
Your will to fight for me is obsolete.
So I'm left walking away, wishing for a miracle.
For a change of heart, for you to scream don't leave.
That you don't makes this more painful, makes this so hard to take.
Yet, it also shows me I'm making the right decision.
Twenty years from now, I will still love you.
But I won't have to regret living a life of hurt.
I wanted this love, I wanted this life, the way it was.
I wished and prayed and begged and yelled.
None of those things will change that you don't love me.
Nothing hurts me more walking away, loving you so completely.
Knowing you don't feel the same way.
I wish I could turn back the time to where you held me close and I could feel nothing but your unconditional love for me.
How did you just stop loving me, our love was so strong.
I'm dying inside, I've lost one of the biggest parts of my life.
I've lost the family I dreamed about.
 Nov 2013 MS
Max Eastman
 Nov 2013 MS
Max Eastman
A LIGHT is laughing thro' the scattered rain,
A color quickens in the meadow;
Drops are still, upon the window-pane--
They cast a silver shadow.
 Nov 2013 MS
Your name.
 Nov 2013 MS
I carve your name onto my skin.
                                                        Letting the letters sink in.
                                                                                                   Its not out of hate or pain.

                                                     But a love I cannot contain.
 Nov 2013 MS
Maureen Richardson
I cant decide which I like best
No I can't decide at all
They're all so good
All so simple all so easy
How long have I been here?
Oh I've lost track with
Counting how we used to be.
Now I want back,
Back from 10.
Back from the brink.
On to lift off.
Send me into outer space.
How long would that take?
 Nov 2013 MS
Brooke Barnes
putting words out there
just to get them down
to expand the pressure, the energy
that's beating me down

to find
a rhyme

to fill a space
to fill a line

anything to be more mine

to move myself forward
to hold myself back

to make
the thing
that was what i lacked


for better
for worse

for me
for mine

like the need to exhale
or sneeze
or scratch

my words
are the me
that makes me
a match

and dark

my words
are the fire
that leaves me
a mark

— The End —