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602 · Nov 2013
MRS Nov 2013
Bound to the ground
Chest beating hard
I can feel my soul leaving my body
As your cold, cruel, demonstous words
Break me down as if I'm just a China doll
I think to myself as if this pain could go away
Yet the darkness is still creeping up behind me,
As you walk away.
I have tried running
I have tried not caring
Yet nothing seems to work
You have me trapped in this love
So I'll stay bound to this ground
And I'll take those words as if i never heard them before
As I'll hope you'll change forever and more
586 · Oct 2013
Not the Only One
MRS Oct 2013
I know I'm not the only one
i try to deny it myself
Just as easy as you deny it
If not only, then why any
To much things going on, my head is filling up on its own
I have so much to say but no way to say it
Why is it always this way
Drained, an emotionally damaged
I don't know what's right from wrong anymore
I know I'm not the only one
560 · Oct 2013
Pure Heroine
MRS Oct 2013
Solid smooth an light
My love is to quiet
Im falling through the cracks of broken glass
Trying to reach for that last piece  
Crushed up into dust
Turned to liquid by the touch of flame
Desolved into your system
An ever since I'll never be the same
But I'll always be solid, smooth, an light
Because my love is to quiet.
527 · Oct 2013
I'm Done
MRS Oct 2013
Tears run down my face
As i hope to see you
Cause i know my hope is faint
I tell you hope i feel
Yet i fear you don't care
You're slowly disappearing into the darkness
As my heart locks the door
My love here is gone
My guard is up an no longer going down
I'm done being heart broken
by those i love
So as these tears run down my face
i know games must stop
Those tears are the memories
I once cherished but now their gone and I'm starting over.
508 · Sep 2013
The Light
MRS Sep 2013
You see a light
Shining so bright
you wonder whom owns the light
Walking closer to the bright light
You begin to feel something tight around your hand
You look to the left an see nothing less
But your own reflection,
And the light above your head
449 · Mar 2014
MRS Mar 2014
Told me you don't feel same as she
Told me " I'm not hers, only yours"
Told me " I'm here to stay forever"
Tells me " I'll be back later"
Lies you do feel same as she
You are hers now, not i
You are not here to stay no longer
you never came back.
I no longer cry for your pity nor your comfort i cry for me
412 · Oct 2013
truth be told
MRS Oct 2013
Truth be told
I'll never be able to fully like you
You done something i would never do
Hide the feeling you lie about
if it's true then let it free time to move on
Like a leaf falling off a tree
341 · Nov 2013
Whats the point
MRS Nov 2013
I sat here crying for hours
Waited to hear those three words
But every hour that passed i knew,
That you were drifting from me, us
I tried to keep my cool but i can't when your with her
What's the point in trying if your barely saying how you feel,
The trust has gone down the drain, an so has the the tears i cried tonight,
Time to step up an say what i gotta say
So what was the point of this?
Recent feelings...

— The End —