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mrmonkeylips Jan 28

As I do my work I look up to the class to escape for second

At frist hearing I hear

My teacher teaching

At the second hearing I hear myself breathing

Then I hear them

The classmates

My classmates

Not. My friends

Just people that I share a room with while getting lectured 7 hours of the day

There talking about plans of there day



Homework test


I know there not talking about me

It can not be

I did nothing to them

Except share a class

I don’t even know the

But nevertheless

They stare at me

While they talk and gossip

And I’m forced with the will of destiny



stare back

As they talk.
mrmonkeylips Jan 28
We won’t born to be broken
We won’t born to be broken
And we are not born broke
We get broken
But that's life
We are born alone not die alone but to find the right person in the future
In the long run we find each other, brother
It just takes us more for some.
And just because we got stuck in hole in the rode
Is not that the rode is over
The rode nearly began
We are not born broken
We are not meant to be broke
We are not toys that broke and can’t be used again
We are indestructible
We are one of a kind
We are special
Because we Were born special
We are not  born broken
we are born gifted
We Were  born alone
We just meant to find each other
We are not broken
And we are meant to stay like this
We are gifted.
Your gifted.
mrmonkeylips Jan 28
Dear.. me
You're probably wondering how or what are you in the future
Don’t worry,brother I don’t know
But we never know
You can never truly know until you know
I still don’t know
But I think you and me will know when we know
Maybe writing words in pages and digital pages will bring you joy
Maybe not
Maybe we are sculptors, big fancy ones on tv and in the screens. The ones you said you can ever
Or maybe we are artist
But that’s is an umbrella term
Dear me
Don’t get discouraged
Or get split between words
We don’t know what makes us truly happy
Or that thing that will pay the bills
Or how we are paying it with
It ok not know
We are open to anything at the moment
Anything that brings us joy
We still don’t know what will be the definitive thing.
But that ok
We both will know
When we know
Let’s pray we actually know at the end.
mrmonkeylips Jan 27
Who is this person I stare at ?
How is he?
I looked at him and only see his flaws
IS tendency I must admit
Too fat
Too skinny
Too shy
We, I
Constantly tend to nitpick everything he does
Every word he says
Every question he has
Every friends he has
I hate that I do that
Do I hate him?
I have a mental exercise I do
I look at the other side of the coin
I see what is wrong
But I can see the bigger picture
He’s not perfect
That for sure
I look at him and
How sympathetic he is
How caring he is
That he doesn’t care for the way he look but still takes care of his body
He eats
He sleeps
And every day I try to count my blessings
Instead of seeing flaws
What is this reflection I see
In the wall
Is he the prettiest of them all?
No he is not
But every day he tries to be a better
A better
mrmonkeylips Jan 27
Blonde are beauty
White skin like snow is beauty
blue eyes the shade of blue is beauty
Sugar white teeth are Beauty
so happens
Black Afro hair ain’t
so happens that
black, brown and soft brown ain’t because it’s 3 shades to dark
so happens that
brown skin like chocolate ain’t it
hair like black snow ain’t it
eyes like the milky way galaxy ain’t.
ain’t beauty
Society has one mold and if you happen not to fit then you ain’t worthy
that the skin, hair, eyes that you are bound with are not beauty,
says who.
open your
and escape the mob mentality that have us
in chains.
This is not making progress.
black hair is beauty
black skin is beauty
black eyes are beauty .

— The End —