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Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you start to love others unconditionally ,there is no failure.
Because you ignite a spark in each of their lives, even in the ones that you get no response from.
For people were created to love, but sin got in the way and twisted it.
Made it into something selfish, and wicked but it was not suppose to be like that.
Still Christ calls his people to love others unconditionally to show them.
The right way to love others,it may shook them  to be loved like that.
So if you want to follow Christ, it might be tough at the beginning.
But you shall become a world changer by loving this way.
Even if it but one life that you might change, it shall be worth it.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
You have saved me Lord, with your amazing love.
You have saved me from a life without any purpose.
You have rescue, even though I am so undeserving.
You have gave me a life, a purpose with a mission.
To show this world of your existence, Lord Jesus.
My life has seen your Amazing existence Lord.
I am but one man whom only have a life through you.
For I am nothing without you God, I am because of you.
For this is the reason that I live to serve only you God.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O Holy One, open my mind and heart to the hurting and suffering.
Show them to us, that we whom been there can encourage them.
Let them see our tear filled eyes, so that they shall know that we do care.
For we through our brokenness, have seen Christ up close to us.
We know that he been there in his sufferings and overcame them for us.
So that he can help us to overcome all of our hurts and sufferings too.
My heart breaks for those that are still hurting and struggling.
I know what it is like to hurt and feel like no one understands what you are going throgh.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Our Creator is more then just a creator , he is a Savior as well.
He is Love, he is Peace, he is the Speaker of  true Life.
For there is no death, *******, nor hatred in him at all.
Hatred only came about after Adam and Eve fell from Eden.
For God so Love the World, see nothing about hate here.
That he gave his only begotten son , that whoever believe in him.
Shall not perish but have everlasting life, see Life and Love.
He is much more then a Creator, he is Giver of Life itself.
Being born does not make you alive in itself you have to give yourself over.
For true Life is in the Son of God, this is where real life begins.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Our dreams and goals can be accomplish if we lay them at Christ feet.
Our life can be a joy to others if we lay down our will to pick up  Gods.
For this life is not about us , but about Christ for its by his sacrifice.
That we are able to choose Heaven in the first place, so his will matters.
Christ love for others , as example that we need to follow as well.
For obedience is by far the best thing that we can give to God.
He loves us so much and when you love Christ back you obey him.
He said people will know my people by their love for other people.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We all have our hurts, and struggles, and pain.
There is no perfect life that exist without sufferings.
There are so many drowning in the bottle of hopeless.
They want to drink away their memories today.
I want them to see that we all can have Hope.
In the one who was perfect yet he took our sins away.
Dying on a cross full of sin and shame he died.
To rise back up in the ashes of the Fathers forgiveness.
For he took our punishment upon himself.
So that we could become reborn in his righteousness.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Everything that each of us receive comes from God.
No matter who we are , the very air that we breathe.
A gift from the great I Am, the source of Life in itself.
For he give and take away, to the save and lost both.
You do not have a be a follower of Christ to receive from him.
It is his way of trying to reach out to those that knows him not.
To show those just how much we need him , he created the air.
That each of us needs in order to breathe and sustain our life.
For without the air we all would perish in just a few seconds.
But he wants us to live, so that we can become children of God.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My hope for everyone that I meet and everyone that I met and know.
Is that their source will not be worldly but that their source is in Christ.
Because compare to Christ, worldly source is but for a moment .
But our God Jesus is eternal, for his Kingdom does not ever end at all.
My hope is that they not love him always and never get upset with him.
For we as humans will fail one another but he shall never fail us at all.
Yes following him, shall be harder then not following him here.
But in the end, the rewards of worshiping such a awesome Savior.
Shall in itself be a super blessing, for he is the source to all our needs.
He is everything to those that truly do worship him and love him much.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I have been overcome with pain and lots of suffering.
I have been overcome with heartache and desperation.
I have been overcome with dread and loneliness.
I have been overcome with a darkness that has tormented my soul.
It was called hopelessness, but Christ has made me a overcome.
I have overcome cigarettes gambling , and alcohol addiction.
I have overcome  sins, through the Holy-Spirit that dwells within me.
Christ has made me an over comer in this life and the very next one.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I felt sorrow in my life, but the Lord helps me to overcome it with Joy.
I felt weak, and abandon but the Lord overcomes everything bad in it.
He overcomes me with strength his strength and to know that I am not alone.
For he shall never leave me nor forsake me in anytime for he is my comforter.
He leads me along still waters for he is the source to all of my needs in this life.
He shall always be my guide to the very end , he shall be with me always.
For this I am very grateful, that he stands with me in everything that I do.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Savior, deliverer of my wasting life here.
Create in me strength to overcome my trials.
Teach me how to lay down my sins here.
For I want to be going to heaven after I pass away.
So do a mighty transforming inside of my life.
Rework my attitude, among my behavior too.
Transform me into your likeness Lord God.
Heal me, restore me, create in me a righteous heart.
Create in me a steadfast spirit, finish your work in me.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I have been overcome with depression and anxiety as well.
But Christ within me has overcome both of those demons.
I have been overcome with deep inner sorrow and pain.
But Christ has overcome them both that wreak my life.
I still am attack by these demons that try to engulf me in hopelessness.
But Christ Spirit within me has already strengthen me to fight it.
For I can do nothing on my own but with his help my battle is won.
For he who lives in me is by far greater then he that lives in the world.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
When we are weak, Christ strength is filling us up overflowing.
When our faith is small, we need to pray for God to take our unbelief.
Filling us up with plenty belief, for we are because he is in us.
Everything that we overcome is because he is living within us.
When pride steps in we need to squash it and pray for humbleness.
For today I am a new creation, today God lives in me to overcome.
For he goes before me in each trial so that he can lead me out of it.
He gives me everything that I need to stand firm while he leads me out.
Sometimes he needs me to stay there until the person that I am suppose to help lead out shows up in my life.
Eddie Starr May 2014
I owe you my Life, world and everything else Lord.
For through this hurt, suffering, I still am standing.
Overcoming, because you O God are my strength.
I am but a lost sail ship which is lost in the storm of life.
But you have not only rescue me but restore me as well.
For through the pain, you are still in control of my life.
Throughout my life, you have reveal yourself to me.
Showing me things, that only you could have done.
Saving me from death and many other sadden things.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you allow Christ do clean house inside of you.
He shall work within you miracles, healing , and deliverance.
For he wants the world to see him within us all.
Thus giving him, not us the glory for them all.
For he will do a work like nothing that we could do on our own.
For then he shall raise us up so the world will see us overcoming.
Thus praising his worthy, Holy, Glorious and Mighty Name.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
There is only one way to overcome life's problems.
Through the Spirit of God which is the Holy Spirit.
Because we most of the time can not overcome them on our own.
But when we have the Holy Spirit living within us, we can.
But it is only because God is fixing our problems not us.
For I know that I am far from being a problem-solver.
But I know the creator whom created all of the good things.
He knows how to fix the problems because he created everything .
Eddie Starr May 2014
The only true way to overcome life sufferings.
Is through faith, and a relationship with Christ.
For it is impossible to do it on our own strength.
But with the help of the Living Savior Jesus Christ.
Nothing is impossible for him to accomplish in us.
So put your faith that he will rescue you from them.
Thus it shall happen through faith in him the Christ.
For he said that nothing is impossible for him to do.
So trust in the one that has place the stars into the sky.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I hate not being able to cry, the tears are building up.
My heart is broken, the struggles and the pain are real.
Each time that I try to cry, something  holds me from crying.
If my tears could freely flow out they would be over- flooding.
But I  guess today is not the day that they will begin to flood.
Only Christ will know when they will start to over- flood.
But its clear that today is not that day of over- flooding tears.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Overwhelm us with your grace, and your mercy.
Overwhelm your people with your love and faithfulness.
Overwhelm us with your perfect goodness and blessings.
For the whole world to see that you are our Salvation.
Without your faithfulness we would fail to enter your kingdom.
For our salvation is not built on our works but your spirit.
I am so unworthy of Heaven, but by your grace I shall be there.
Because once you start a work in me, you shall finish the job.
So I shall make it there but only through your works Jesus.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am blessed to be overwhelm by your Love, your Grace as well.
A life time ago I felt an overwhelming Love by so many people.
I felt joy and happiness, Christ blessed me by them all.
But I took it for granite at the time because I was alone.
But this Love outweighed the Love of a mate or spouse.
Because this was a love by people that did not have to love me.
They just did unconditionally and it showed me how to love.
For to love others has to be done unconditionally without expectancy.
To love them fully and to accept them for who they are no matter what.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O Holy God , his love overwhelmed me with much joyfulness.
He has rescue me from a hopeless life of total self-destruction.
He whom love each of us in a awesome,and perfect way.
He whom went to the cross, to die a sinners death to save his people.
He whom bored  our sins, so that we may have a second chance.
At living a life filled with his Mercy, love, and grace abound.
We are so unworthy of his great love, yet he freely give it away anyway.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I know from experience how hard it can be to deal with true pain.
I felt inner pain most of my life, but it only made me that much stronger.
Do not look at pain as a bad thing, for sometimes God uses that pain.
To push you through the fires, molding you into a Mighty Warrior.
That can sympathize and love other people through your experience.
You have learn knowledge on what they are going through now.
So that you may help lead them out of the hopelessness and darkness.
The sorrow and suffering has only made you that much stronger.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
If you have empathy, your suffering, loss , and pain.
Can become your greatest gift to others around you.
Because not not the negative feelings but what you do with them.
If you allow Christ to use them as a pulling others out of theirs.
Then you through your poetry and actions can encourage others.
Even inspire others to use their gifts to help others, still in their sufferings.
Also prayers to Christ to rescue them as well as healing them.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Whatever you are passionate about, describes who you really are.
Are you faithful small and free simple things, that he has bless you.
For are you about love or are you about playing games with people lives.
For once you answer the question then you shall see who you really are.
For love is not an option, it is who Christ true people really are about.
Helping other to see Christ through us, who are Christ temples.
We need to be full of love for everyone even the ones that hate us.
Eddie Starr May 2014
My passion to live for Christ, while dying to self.
My passion to serve others , and loving my enemies.
Christ calls us to love the most unlovable people.
For we will do the opposite of what the world does.
The ones that society looks down on and hates.
The ones that we as children of God are to love.
The pedophiles , cannibals , and serial killers among others.
Yes they are very evil yet as children of Christ.
We are still called to love them unconditionally.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We all have a past, things that we would rather forget.
But we all have fond memories as well, good things.
We all have past loves, people that have touch our hearts.
We all have seen beauty in one form or another too.
We all have seen misery too and felt some kind of pain.
But to be honest until you find God, Lord Jesus.
Your life shall be not be as great as it could be.
For he is a healing God, a saving Savior the Creator.
He is the rescuer, the Redeemer of Men , my Salvation.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Sometimes what we perceive as a curse is actually a blessing.
For to live a Righteous life is perceive as a curse by many people.
But it is actually because this life is the opposite of heaven living.
Because of our physical body, it makes living righteous harder to live.
So when you are feeling curse, it quite possible that you are actually being blessed.
By dealing and overcoming this hardships that you are going through.
Stand firm and trust God, for he has only the best intentions for your life.
It may even seem unfair  at those moments but once you get to heaven.
Your perception of those situations shall be quite different to you.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ will not only rescue us, but restore us as well.
For he will finish what he has startled in each of us.
For he loves us so much, that he want us to be perfect.
He will raise us up in the last days to be mighty Warriors.
Fighting not through flesh and blood but spiritually.
For our battle will not be a fist battle but a scripture one.
So by putting thy full armor of Christ on each day.
Shall prepare each of us for the evil war before us.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We are not perfect right now, but one day perfection shall be my name.
I am still half way between coal and a diamond, but Christ is still working.
One day we shall be a flawless diamond, that Christ has perfected .
For he shall us into a work of art a great master piece .
We shall then be a great friends to all of those that love our God.
For then they shall see Christ in us and in everything that I do.
For then I shall be a twin to the true Living God my Lord Jesus.
One day we all shall be name Perfection in Christ the Living God.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
A perfect life is not having a easy one to live in.
But to live a life that shall draw many to Christ.
Because this life is short lived , maybe 1 hundred years.
But then come forever which you shall live in suffering.
For through the hardships and trials, yet never giving up.
People see Christ within you, they also see Christ strength.
Thus seeing a supernatural life that you are living here.
They will want to have the very same life that you are living.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Something you need to know suffering builds inner strength in us.
Its like child bearing , it hurts until you become healed then you feel joy.
Like an addiction cigarettes for example you suffer until you are healed.
Then it becomes another notch in your belt of Gods Faithfulness  and love.
So be thankful that Christ is using you in a mighty way an awesome way.
For he has a purpose and an plan for you, one of all of your own.
He loves you that much that he has plan out your whole life before you were born.
Think about that, it proves that he loves you more then you could ever imagine.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We do not live in a perfect world, because sin ravage it.
A perfect world would be full of peace and love for all.
It would mean that there would be no poor people either.
It would mean no sickness nor homelessness nor pain.
It would mean that we would all love one another.
It would mean no death , just life full of unconditional love.
But we do not live in a perfect world yet not till Christ returns.
Then it shall be the true Perfect World for all whom belong to him.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Things are getting more differcuit in these trying times that we are living in.
I know there have not been a day that went by that I did not want to give up.
But remember Christ has already won, we have to just walk out the victory.
Just trust him , he is really on our side, he not like the politicians making lying promises.
He is God, he is Holy which means he does not lie to no one , so just trust him.
For he wants only the very best for us, he died on the cross for  everyone that loves him.
So all that we can do is finish the walk out , for he already been victorious.
Thats what this life is all about trusting in the one that created us.
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
There is power in a life, laid down for others.
There is power in a life given over to Christ.
There is power in becoming a servant to all.
There is power through the Holy Spirit within.
To put  others before yourself, thus leading by example.
Its easy to call yourself a Christian, but its much harder..
Following through with becoming a true Christian.
There is power not your own spirit but Christ Spirit,
That dwells within you is where the power comes from.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
The power of words can heal or destroy other people.
Reason why there are so many broken people in this world.
Is because of bad decisions and bad choice of words used.
Yet at the very same point you can help bring healing to them.
Through using the right words, thus bringing life back into them.
For the right words bring life while bad words bring death.
We need to start using the right set of words to help others.
By doing this we too can make a difference in others lives.
Using the right words with love can make all the difference in a person life.
Eddie Starr May 2014
My promise is that I shall accept you for who you are.
To see you through Christ eyes and love you through Christ heart.
To accept you the way that Christ has accepted me freely.
To honor you as a creation of Christ, for he does not create junk.
For to love you the way that Christ loves us, does cost us.
But in the very end, he shall bless us beyond our imagination.
The truth of the matter none of us are any better then anyone else.
For even his people were loved first and he gave us the sight to seek him.
Thus we can not look down on the lost for it was by Christ grace that we are saved.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Just because life might be harsh, does not mean there is no joy.
For Joy is not a short lived emotion, but one Christ has place within you.
So stand firm and be grateful that the Lord your God gives you Joy.
For true Joy can  over whelm you with great joy and peace.
For Christ blessings will not be short lived, he loves you too much.
To allow your blessings to be taken away from you too soon.
So be thankful to a Savior that bless you with true gifts ones that are true.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Our purpose is to love Christ and everyone we come into contact with.
It is to freely show others Christ that lives within his of his people.
There is not one soul that was not born lost, but to be used by God.
To reveal Love to those that do not know what true love is all about.
For unconditional Love is true love, its the kind of Love that reach others.
But most people do not know how to love like Christ, but they only know earthy love.
Which is to love only those that love them back, but that's not Gods love.
Christ love is not the  emotional kind, but its a verb action type of love.
For to love others is to put them above yourself, to want the best for others.
To pray for others to find Christ to become real followers of Christ.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Just imagine how great you shall feel once your Purpose is fulfilled.
Just imagine what shall feel like to hear Jesus say well done faithful servant.
To see all of the lives that you have touch through your obedience to God.
To sit at the same table  as them and discuss what brought them to Christ.
Just think of the joy that you shall feel by being with them in heaven as well.
Just imagine the love that you are feeling at that very moment family.
Just imagine a world where you have touch many lives and vice - versea.
Eddie Starr May 2014
Broken heart, long suffering, nothing is going to stop me.
For its not my life that matters, but the lost and hurting.
Once we accept that we were born to be servants to others.
Then we will not allow our sufferings get the best of us.
This life is short compare to the next one which is eternal.
So our mind-set needs to change, we need to reach the lost.
For we want the whole world to find their salvation too.
To end up in heaven with us, enjoying our relationship with God.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am being push through, the hardships that I need to go through.
Because Christ whom reigns in me, created me for a purpose.
To become an over comer and overcome every obstacle before me.
For it shall not be me over coming them but the Holy Spirit.
Which reigns in me, for the Holy Spirit and I have became one.
Even though that slimy bucket demons attack me daily here.
The one that lives in me, is more greater then they will ever be.
For the Holy Spirit which is God reigns in me always and forever.
So guess what, they shall lose every-time to God, for he is Awesome in Power
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Rain upon me Holy Spirit with your healing touch.
Rain upon everyone your healing touch Holy Spirit.
For I am tired of suffering unless it is to be use to help others.
Some people enjoy their sufferings , but I would rather not.
O Holy Spirit how can we reveal Christ Faithfulness.
If all we do is suffer , for is that not how the lost live.
So rain upon your people your healing touch God.
So that all of your people may reach out to the lost.
Revealing to them a much better way to live life.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my sorrow.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my pain.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit cleanse me of my sins.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, deliver me of my sins.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my sickness.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, strengthen me now.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit reveal your wisdom to me.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, save me now Jesus my God.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
The struggles that we have to endure hurts very much.
Everything about life in today world is hard, very hard.
There are lot of people without anyone in their lives.
But alas we still must go on, no matter how hard it is.
We must stand firm for only by living life can we reach out.
To the lost and the hurting of this world, we call planet earth.
Even though many of us have no one in our life that cares.
We still need to keep living, and love upon those like us.
Also love those that despises us for who we are in Christ.
How else is Christ going to reach out to them only through us.
They will see true love from Christ, the love that says it all.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Reach out to those that are hurting.
Reach out to all of those that are in need.
Reach out to those that are desperate.
You may never know who life you may have saved.
Reach out to the wearily and suffering as well.
Reach out for by this way , you are helping others.
Reach out who knows, maybe this person shall help you too.
Reach out , reach out we all need a helping hand.
Whom knows maybe one of these is a angel from the Lord.
Whom been sent to help restore you as a child of Christ.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ is getting ready to do a new thing within his people.
First he shall test them to see if he is first in your lives.
Secondly he shall give sight to the blind and voice to the mute.
He shall give healing to the hurting and sound to the deaf.
He shall give life to the dead and home to the homeless.
He shall give love to the brokenhearted and wisdom to the dumb.
He shall lift his people up, so others shall see him in them.
For he is still working on healing in the very last days.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
The reality of life is this, there are no super-heroes to save the day.
So if you are expecting a person to come in and save your day.
Then think again, for that is Christ place, to save you all.
He is a jealous God, he wants no one else to take his place.
So wake up, realize that only Jesus can save any of us .
Then you shall see mighty miracles and wonders in your life.
For he shall save you from everything that is not of him.
He shall even save you from yourself, he is totally Awesome.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I been learning from Christ about his unconditional Love.
Its the perfect love without any strings or conditions.
It to love everyone with perfect unconditional love of Jesus.
Its simply to love everyone the same even people who hates you.
For there are so many that hates Christ, but he loves us all the same.
For each and everyone of us , were created by him and the Father.
But most people been manipulated, by the evil demons and satan.
They lie and try to fool people into hating Jesus, this way they win.
Because those people fail to gain a personal relationship with God.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A follower of Christ , is a rebel to the ways of the world.
Just as the worldly are rebellious against our Awesome God.
We rebel against the evil ways that the worldly live their live by.
We love even those that despise us, for we are a people that love.
It is the thing about us that stand out the most to other people.
For we know that the lost are being deceive by the evil ones.
That they know not what they are doing, we need to keep them in prayer.
The evil demons hates us because we are a people of great Light.
That Christ uses the Light to reveal the evil deeds of those evil demons.
Thus drawing people away from those wicked demons and their people.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Powerful conversion, repented of sins and attitudes.
These are just a couple of  things proving rebirth.
For once you are rebirth you shall hate worldly things.
For we might be living in this world but we are not of this world.
We belong to Christ whom dwells in heavens above us.
So live radical, live a life focusing on our Redeemer Jesus.
Love others as Christ have love you, be selfless not selfish.
Live a life without greed, live a life full of miracles.
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