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Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Action plus Faith leads toward redemption and God.
Action plus Faith leads toward a life worth living.
Action plus Faith, leads toward a much better world.
Action plus Faith leads toward miracles and Salvation.
Action plus Faith are the keys that lead toward heaven.
So use your Faith to step out in obedience to Christ.
Thus the world shall see Christ working within you.
Action plus Faith will lead show the lost Christ within you.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
How can I love unconditional, in this world.
Unless I felt Christ love for me in this life.
For we can do nothing good in this world.
Unless we were shown by Christ or the Holy Spirit.
For we deserve only death and suffering in h3ll.
But Christ made a way for us to go to heaven.
His sacrifice has changed each of our lives.
For by going to the cross for each of us.
He has set an example of what true love is about.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Addiction is a prison, full of suffering and pain.
Some people loves the pain, it makes them feel alive.
Others think that this is all that they deserved.
To suffer, because they feel that they are worthless.
But listen to Christ, he said that I have came to set the captives free.
Still today he is at work setting free captives of addictions.
Showing the world that he is still working in this world.
So that all that see it can come to him and be rescued.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
There is sorrow in a life of person, whom so many made a difference.
Because I am not sure if I made a difference in their lives.
They pour out their love, plus so very much more into my life.
Yet I was blinded by the fact that I was lonely without a girlfriend nor wife.
But even once I got that it was dead of romance love I still was blinded.
To the fact that Christ has used so many people to shape me and my life.
Yet I still stand in despair because I had/ have so many that care about me.
Praying that maybe I still in all of my brokenness and anger then.
Still reveal Christ so that they still ended up going to heaven up above.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
To love, is to hold and let go not to suffocate.
To live is to and die to self in a every day manner.
To care so deeply for others  unconditionally.
For a life full of self-sacrifice is a life worth living.
For what you give,  you shall receive right back.
For to live a life with fear of being hurt is no life at all.
But to freely give of yourself without fear or stinginess
Shall be revealed after you have pass away through the hearts of others.
For those who did truly lived shall be also be truly miss as well.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We are only as strong as we allow God to strengthen us.
We are only as blessed as we allow God to bless us.
We are only as wise as we allow God to give us wisdom.
Sometimes it is our fault why we lose certain blessings.
For we have to be obedient and trust the Creator of our souls.
He is perfect, but we are far from being perfect, we must trust him.
God wants the very best for each and everyone of us his people.
Trust him this is very important, we need to fully trust him.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Take my Heart, overwhelm it with your amazing Love.
Take my Spirit fuse it with your Holy Spirit Lord God.
Take me as I am , transform me into a sinless man God.
I am but a empty vessel, dying from hopelessness without you.
All that I am is because of you the Great I Am. my Savior.
For nothing matters unless you call me your child God.
For without you, what the use of living this bitter life.
Without you what is the use of getting out of bed God.
Only because of you and your love , do I rise in the morning.
All that I am , I owe it all to you, my Perfect Savior.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Amazing life we live, knowing that this suffering shall not last much longer.
That we are headed to a better Lite place, because Christ shall be there.
Not just in Spirit but he shall be there in flesh as well to say well done.
This will be the greatest moment in all of Gods people lives to see him.
Face to face we shall see the nail holes and  give him a hug like a child hugs their father.
To have the treasures that we earn given to us O Glorious day that will be.
To be in heaven with our Amazing Savior, whom died so that we shall live.
He truly does amaze me with so much that he has done for me already.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O cities of this universe, cast your eyes on our Amazing God.
Lord Christ our Redeemer lives within each of us always.
Building our faith in him on a daily basis, for he is good.
For he shall finish what he has startled in each of us.
Molding, shaping, healing, and delivering us from our old ways.
So that our Light might shine especially in the darkness here.
For it is by our Light, that others shall see God within us.
Thus wanting what we have receive and repent then follow Christ.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
A new age is coming, get ready for the church new home.
After the birthing the new thousand years will come.
Where we shall sit and celebrate Christ Glorious coming.
What a time that shall be, no more tears just great joy.
We shall be praising, and worshipping our Creator.
While feasting on the finest food that we ever tasted.
For Christ will set out only the very best for his people.
So looking so forward to our fellowshipping together.
Enjoying our sinless love and enjoying our Savior love too.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I may fall upon my face, but at those time I shall turn it around to worship you.
For when I mess up , I want you to turn it around for your Glory only.
Cause you deserve all of the Praise, for when I fall upon my face.
For only you are worthy, you lead me from the darkness into the Light.
You save when even I gave up on myself, I am so unworthy God of my Heart.
If it was not for you I would be rotting in h3ll right at this very moment.
I did not deserve it but you gave me another chance to live anyway Lord.
Throughout all of my tears falling like water falls yet here I stand.
Not because I deserve it but because you love me so very much God.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A life without sacrifice is an empty one, without direction.
How can you reflect Christ if you never sacrifice anything.
For how can you minster Christ if you never felt any pain.
For pain and suffering, are mix together to reveal his love.
The Love from a Savior, transform into something beautiful.
We all make sacrifices, giving up sins and addictions too.
To live a Life Holy and Righteous,  being transform by God.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Are you hungry for life, ready to follow Christ into a better life.
Are you tired of struggling for a reason to keep living life.
Are you lost without hope and without a purpose to live.
Are you always running around on empty, without a clue.
Are you wandering aimlessly not knowing what happens after death.
Then pray to Christ to come into your life and make changes in you.
Ask him to become your God and to forgive you for sinning.
Let him know that you know that he died on the cross for you.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Are you tired of carrying this load alone.
Are you tired hurting , and suffering too.
Are you tired of being weak and tired.
Give it to Christ the true God and Savior.
He want to save you from sin and rescue you.
Just give it to him and trust in him to finish the work.
For he is true Holiness and Good and Faithful.
He is waiting he truly do love you very much.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Some days I look like I am crushed, and banged-up.
While other days I look like a victorious Mighty Warrior.
Yet both times I stand firm, a Overcomer through Christ.
For its not me that is the overcomer but my Awesome God.
Whom came down from heaven to share my body with me.
Together we become one spirit,  sharing the same body.
He protects me fro all harm, he is my comforter here.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Each decision that we make is a Spiritual battlefield.
Do we do what  feels good to our flesh or what is right.
For doing what is right in Christ eyes is very different.
Then what is right in the sight of man, very different.
For the laws are made by mortals morals not God morals.
So even the simplest of decisions become an Spiritual battle.
The battlefield is Spiritual  not an physical place here .
For the battle occurs in our minds on which side that we chose.
To side with the Christ is our choice others choose the world.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You are all beautiful people, wonderfully made.
God never created the word ugly, for all are beautiful.
It was a counterfeit word from the devil, to shame people.
Christ never created ugly people only beautiful ones
He made all people beautifully and Awesomely.
So do not allow the evil one deceive you , you are
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My Beautiful Glorious God, loves us more then we can imagine.
For he died so that we may live, he suffered so that we may live.
For only he could take our place on that wooden cross filled with our sin.
Only he could rise back to life, right after dying on that wooden cross.
He did not have to die for us the Heavenly Father gave him a choice.
But he loved us more then we could ever know , he truly loves us.
So trust in him whom lead Israel, out of Egypt, into the promise land.
Trust in him whom loves you enough to died on that  wooden cross.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My Beautiful Savior has rescue me from the death that I deserve.
I am a sinner whom failed him, I allow my brokenness to come between us.
His love for us is beautiful, his Love for us his people is Great.
He died a wretched death filled with our worldly sins to save us.
The Cross is beautiful, it is a symbol of freedom from sins and death.
He rose up from death to give us everlasting life with him in heaven.
He came to the earth to die and live again to give us true Hope.
He saved us, he lives to bring us out of rebelliousness with the Father .
My Beautiful Savior came here to save us from a death that we deserve.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We have to be careful whom we root for in the movies.
For example Gilgamesh was rebellious against God.
Some of the earthly heroes are angry at Christ.
They believe themselves to be their own sort of God.
For pride is a very evil sin that sets in to full people.
Making themselves believe that they do not need God.
But I know that I am nothing without my God Jesus.
Gilgamesh and ****** are one and the very same.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Let us allow Christ to transform us into a Beacon of Hope, for the anybody.
Revealing to the hopeless, that Christ is the only Hope that there is.
Let us whom are weak allow Christ to become our strength in everything.
Let us allow Christ to become our source in everything that we need.
For he is protection from the storms of life for us as well, so praise him.
For he will deliver us to the finish line of this race that we run.
He is the armor that we wear when bullets from the evil one fly at us.
So let us show this world all of this that Christ does for us.
Thus becoming the beacon that will lead many to Christ Jesus.
Eddie Starr May 2014
Blessed is the hurting, because you can see Christ through it.
Blessed is the poor whom uses their faith to become blessing to others.
Blessed is the middle-class and wealthy whom helps other people
Be not like  most of the rich becomes greedy with others money as well.
Thus then the money becomes their god as well as selfishness.
Thus they take everything away from the poor and middle- class.
They shall lose the true blessings from Christ, because they do not belong to him.
But blessed are everyone whom bless others poor, middle class and rich.
Because their minds are set upon kingdom business in helping others.
This is what Christ calls us to do is to become a blessing to others.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Become a Blessing today, love on others today show them Christ.
Become a blessing today , let Christ be visible inside of you today.
Become a blessing today, help others to obtain hope in our God.
For no other hope is will last,hope through others will be short lived.
Hope in everything else is short lived only through Christ is it eternal.
For only can he give you true Hope, because only he is God.
So if you need true Hope, then start a real and personnel relationship.
With the one and only true Giver of Hope, Life, and Salvation.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When you are destine for Greatness,  like becoming a Hero.
It does not happen overnight, God deems you to be a hero.
Its a process in the making, he is transforming you into greatness.
For really the Greatness is the Holy Spirit within you not you.
But people can not see the Holy Spirit so they believe its you.
Never take credit away from Christ for this is a sin called pride.
But always remember that the Great things comes from the Christ not us.
So when people perceive you as a hero, thank God for blessing you.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Becoming a Miracle,first you need to trust in the Word, Jesus Christ.
For he came down in human flesh to save them that were lost and hurting
So all of you Miracle men and women whom want to change the world.
Whom want to help the hurting, despair, and desperate as well in the world.
Give everything over to the Word Christ so that he can transform you.
Into a Miracle revealing to the lost that he is truly the Savior of the lost.
Thus then many more will become able to see the truth and repent too.
Becoming a Candle in this dark evil world that we are living in now.
Eddie Starr May 2014
After seeing what happen in California, I see Christ truth.
Be content with whom Christ has created you to become.
Realize that the reason the opposite does not fall over you.
Might have nothing to do with you, but Christ is protecting you.
As also it might have nothing to do with them, so be not angry with them.
It might have to do with the journey that you are on right now.
It might have to do with Christ, if you ended up with that person.
They might have pulled you away from Christ, it might have to do with your high calling as well.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Behold the Lord come knocking at the door of your heart.
Are you going to keep him waiting, or will you answer it.
For he has come to lead you into salvation, mercy, and grace.
For through him, you shall see many miracles and be saved.
Fear not for he shall walk you through your journey.
Showing you things that others in this world shall never see.
For his kingdom is not the earth, but the heavens themselves.
He shall lift you up, and teach you new things that are hidden.
Eddie Starr May 2014
Being a hero can be very  lonely life here on this here planet.
It means laying down things that the world wants to hang onto.
It means to follow Christ even when there is no one else with you.
It means laying down self, to pick up Christ will for your life.
For being a true hero is about saving souls for the kingdom.
Not so much saving lives, but saving their souls for heaven.
Its about obedience not as much about knifes and guns.
Its about living life one moment at a time here on the earth.
For this here life is short but the next one is for forever.
Eddie Starr May 2014
Being brave does not mean that you are not afraid.
But rather that you still act even through that fear.
To do the heroic thing even though you are scare.
For to know that Christ has your back and to trust him.
To protect you even though things  looks one way.
Christ is still on the throne, and he is still the situation changer.
So fear not what the evil one is throwing at you now.
Rather trust in the one that place the stars in the sky.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I believe in each and everyone of you will be blessed today.
I believe that you are children of the only True Living God.
I believe that love does conquer all, for God is love.
I believe that by faith I am saved , its true for all whom believes.
I believe that one day we shall meet and praise the Lord together.
I believe that Christ Mercies and Graces has not limits on it.
I believe that eacvh of you shall bre super-blessed today and always.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I believe that Christ holds our  salvation in his hand.
I believe that Miracles and Healing still happens today.
I believe that our God shall see us through till the end.
I believe that he loves us more then we shall ever know.
I believe that through his Holy Spirit within us all.
He shall do Mighty Miracles and Heal many people.
I believe that we too can love others unconditional.
That we shall be raise from the dead when he returns.
I believe that we are his people and he loves us much.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I will believe, for you have already reveal your faithfulness to me.
So I shall not give up on you, but believe that all will be to help others.
For you have shown me your love in such an huge way Lord.
I know that there are so many caught up in the hopelessness O God.
They are still caught up in the trenches of a war that always killed.
So here I stand as proof of your love and faithfulness Lord God.
It has nothing to do with what I can do but rather what you will do.
For it was never about me, but rather you Holy Savior for you are faithful.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Believe in Christ to see you through the hardships.
Believe in your relationship with Christ in the hardships.
Believe in Christ love for you even during the hardships.
Believe that Christ loves you no matter what you are going through.
Believe in the Holy Spirit that dwells within you helping you to overcome.
For the hardships are testing grounds to reveal that you are strong.
That your circumstance does not make you who you are here.
But your faith in the only one that really matters in this life and the one to come.
For its Christ that is doing a powerful work within you transforming you.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Be strong, stand firm, test the spirit of the sermon.
Play hard trust God fully, Love all unconditionally.
Dance for God sing your heart out for him as well.
Be not afraid to love others, for God loves them.
Run like the wind, to help others out when you can.
Be joyful show others just how awesome that God is.
Praise his name, pray to him often too be of good cheer.
Trust God fully love him fully as well be there for others.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Sometimes the best miracles are not for exactly for you.
But they happen,  so that those around you will see.
That Christ is God and God alone is the Savior of the World.
Example you might not be ready to give up an certain addiction.
No problem, Christ does not need your permission to deliver you.
He just need to show you that it was him that deliver you.
By revealing what happens to those living in disobedience.
People around you know how you struggle with it.
Thus knowing that it was truly a miracle that you were delivered.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Never estimate the powers of the Lord your God.
For his love for us is never ending and he is faithful.
He shall stand by us, till the very end of time.
For he shall raise us up on high, bless his Mighty Name.
We shall never fully understand his love for us.
At least not until we meet him, then we might.
So just keep praising his most worthy Name.
Treat others with the same love Christ shows us.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Blessed are you , the children of God for he is your Father.
Blessed are you, who love Christ with complete love and devotion.
For he shall , lift you up to minster to many people in his name.
Blessed are you because your home is in heaven above us.
Blessed are you God's people because you know God intimately.
Blessed are you because Christ shall use you to do miracles.
Blessed are you, because you obeyed, when Christ called you.
Blessed are you, who choose to follow the King of the Universe.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I want to become so blinded for everyone that I come into contact with.
That I can not see what they look like or who that they are that I run into.
This way I will love them for them and not for what they will do for me.
I want to love unconditional, not love them because they are rich or famous.
Nor because the beautiful woman has turn my head, I want to love freely.
I want to be blinded to their faults as well, for I want to love like Christ.
I want to be so blinded by Love that it shall flow freely from my heart.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We are to walk in Faith, for through Faith we learn to trust God.
We learn obedience as well as trust, they are the same at times.
For our God is worthy of it, for he was example of being obedient.
When he went to the cross, for us he was obedient to the Father.
So who are we to expect to not have to become obedient to him.
He loved us enough to suffer at the hands of very evil people.
So that we may be saved by him our Loving Lord and God.
We are nothing without him except heading to h3ll a very bad place.
So I will follow my Lord and Savior, so that I may become like him.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
In this world today it seems so many people are blinded.
By selfishness among other things, this is truly sad.
They have a intelligent mind, but its hidden from others.
Because of the selfishness that they are caught up in now.
So its hard to see anything but the self-centerness.
That holds each and everyone of them captive.
So they will continue going down that jagged edge cliff.
Eddie Starr May 2014
Drowning in other people pain and sufferings.
Knowing that a lot of people are hurting so bad.
Knowing that it was of no fault of their own.
Drowning in their pain because I can feel it too.
Sometimes the gift can be a blessing and a curse.
Blessing because some of them will be healed and saved.
But to see the others hurts and sufferings yet unable to help.
This is where the curse is to see them end up in ****.
Knowing that they were unfairly hurt into their situation.
A life consisting of nothing but drowning out their sorrows
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Born to die, suffer in-between yet you came here knowing your future.
A future  knowing that you were going to suffer rejection and die alone.
You lived to die, to save a world that would insist that you die.
Still you came knowing every thing that would take place in your life.
Crucified, yet you still came to save lives, to leave a doorway to life.
For those that would eventually accept you as our Lord and King.
Yet we still find reasons to complain, yet you kept quiet through it all.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I was born twice in my life once flesh and blood.
The second time that I was born of spirit and water.
I was born to die to self, to live for my Savior God.
I been born to reveal Christ within me everyday.
I was born to show others of Christ existence to the world.
I was born to live for him , the one that gave me life.
I was born to die to self, this is true for all of his people.
For its him that matter, for only he can give people salvation.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We were created with a great purpose and untold value.
When Christ use us to reveal himself to the lost through us.
For its by far greater to find the only one whom can save your very soul.
Then for a hundred years or so to live a live in the lap of luxury.
Then to die and spend the rest of all eternality suffering in torment
Our purpose is to allow Christ to draw the lost toward him.
So that they too may join us with him in the heavens after death.
So remember you are by far more valuable then all of the riches in the world.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Breathe in Spirit,Breathe in God.
Live for Spirit, Live for Christ alone.
Live in the Spirit, Live for Christ.
Die to self, never let go of God either.
Breathe in Suffering and Struggles.
Never allow fear, to dictate your life.
But trust Christ totally and hang on.
Just as Peter walked on water back then.
You too may walk on water with Faith.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Christ breathes life into the dead , to bring us to unto a new Spiritual life.
Christ raise the dead to a higher life , one full of Miracles, and Wonders.
Christ gives a world of Healing, Miracles, to those that follow him.
Showing the world that when he gives people life's they truly do live.
A life of not just surviving but overcoming obstacles thrown at them.
Thus Revealing to the world Christ love for the lost and everyone else.
For he gives everyone a chance to get right with him in this life.
That is why he uses his people to reveal his existence.
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Christ whom is the word, breathes life into a dead situation.
So trust in him the giver of Life and total truth, then watch.
As he speak into your life new Hope , and resurrecting your life.
Thus renewing, things that have look dead to you and others.
For Christ will then restore unto you things that were stolen.
Like relationships that the evil scumball stolen from you.
Just stand still and believe that God has got you cover.
Then watch and be amazed at what occurs next.
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I may be broken , but through Christ I am invincible.
Just like an egg you have to break it shell to get on the inside.
We too have to become broken so people can see Christ in us.
So know when you become broken it can be use to help others.
Show them Christ within you, and the miracles that he preforms,
in your life everyday will draw them to him to help them too.
So that your poems can help heal other people too whom,
are going through now what you have already went through.
So stand tall, let God heal you and use you to heal others.
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am broken, but it is you that are holding me together.
I been crushed, but you are, in the midst of healing me.
My heart been broken but you have all of the pieces.
I been lonely for along time now, but you shall never abandon me.
I seen hardships but I was never alone through all of them.
I am so grateful that you love me more then I shall ever know.
I am so blessed to have you in my life Lord God thank you.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I have been broken most of my life hurt and alone.
But only alone through human understanding.
For the Lord my God, he has never left me .
He never will ever leave me either, God is Awesome.
For he has rescue me from so much and he loves me.
He is my rock, my foundation is built upon his love.
For I am very special to him, actually we all are.
For he is the God of Love and Saving Salvation.
He stands at the door of our hearts knocking.
Are you going to let him in, so he can make your heart,,
His home too sharing communing with you.
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