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6.5k · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I once was held chained up in hopelessness and depression.
I still live in depression, but the chain of hopelessness fell to the floor.
When I realize that it was Christ not people that gave me Hope.
I felt alone, lonely and empty deep inside my broken heart.
I even travel around searching for that woman who was my perfect mate.
But each time I thought that I  found her, I was toss aside once more.
It been many years since I did the traveling, but I now know something important.
Only Christ can give us that Hope that we all yearn for, in our time of need.
6.5k · Mar 2014
Never Give Up
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you are hurting and suffering, never give up.
When everything is getting dark, and you are losing hope.
When there is no joy, just sorrow, pain, and suffering.
When everyone abandon you, and life is bleak and dark.
Never give up, just realize that Christ is the true Hope.
For only he can bring you hope, for he is alone Awesome.
He shall carry you till, all life escape your inner-being.
Never allow another person to become your Hope.
For we all shall let each other down, for we are weak.
Only Christ can be that Light shining drawing us in.
6.3k · May 2014
Unconditional Love
Eddie Starr May 2014
Unconditional Love will never kick you when you are down.
But instead will come and help you back up on your feet.
Unconditional Love never judge, nor condemn you or anyone else.
But instead will accept you for who you are along with your baggage.
Unconditional Love is given freely without any price attach to it at all.
Unconditional Love is always to see the best in others no matter who they are.
For Unconditional Love comes not from man but from Christ alone.
So when Christ creates unconditional Love within you to share with others.
Be grateful that he loves you this much to use you to love others unconditionally.
6.2k · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I have been overcome with pain and lots of suffering.
I have been overcome with heartache and desperation.
I have been overcome with dread and loneliness.
I have been overcome with a darkness that has tormented my soul.
It was called hopelessness, but Christ has made me a overcome.
I have overcome cigarettes gambling , and alcohol addiction.
I have overcome  sins, through the Holy-Spirit that dwells within me.
Christ has made me an over comer in this life and the very next one.
6.0k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
The hopelessness hold so many worthy people hostage.
The key to rescue is in truth, Faith and healing,  love of Christ.
Like you I too was at one time, held a prisoner by its grasp.
But it took Christ to rescue me from its slimy clutches.
I needed to know I am loved, and worthy of complete joy.
I may not always be happy but I do have joy in my life.
To know whom you are in Christ is the key to rescue.
But so many end up ending their life because of this.
But once you realize just how special that you are.
This is where the healing will take place  in your life.
5.7k · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you start to live in love, sacrificing becomes easier.
Because Christ starts to fill you up more, sooner than before.
He wants us to sacrifice for others, this is what he did.
So he wants us to be just like him while he walks the earth.
For he said the one who becomes the servant is greater.
So please don't be afraid of sacrificing yourself for others.
You will be so thankful that you did it when you get to heaven.
Live a life sacrificing yourself , giving of yourself is the perfect act of love.
4.9k · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I have been overcome with depression and anxiety as well.
But Christ within me has overcome both of those demons.
I have been overcome with deep inner sorrow and pain.
But Christ has overcome them both that wreak my life.
I still am attack by these demons that try to engulf me in hopelessness.
But Christ Spirit within me has already strengthen me to fight it.
For I can do nothing on my own but with his help my battle is won.
For he who lives in me is by far greater then he that lives in the world.
3.9k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I whom once ran from obedience to you O God.
Now receives the redemption from you Lord.
For you freely give your redemption to people.
Whom once were disobedient to you Jesus.
You give us grace and mercies everyday.
Even though we really do not deserve them.
Yet you love us enough, and sees something within us.
That we have not seen in us yet, thank you God.
3.4k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Savior, deliverer of my wasting life here.
Create in me strength to overcome my trials.
Teach me how to lay down my sins here.
For I want to be going to heaven after I pass away.
So do a mighty transforming inside of my life.
Rework my attitude, among my behavior too.
Transform me into your likeness Lord God.
Heal me, restore me, create in me a righteous heart.
Create in me a steadfast spirit, finish your work in me.
3.4k · Feb 2014
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I have been renewal through the Living God.
My life has changed for the better through Christ.
He is my strength, my soul gets renewal through him.
He is my provider, my best friend, and my King.
When he draws me nearer, I am raise up by him.
He protects us from harm, and delivers me through hardships.
He walks me through the hardships then uses me to bring others out.
He is the Light that I see at the very end of the tunnel.
3.1k · Feb 2014
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Redeem from the sins that I have done in the past.
Redeem to become a true child of the Living God.
Redeem from my rebelliousness and attitudes.
Redeem from a life that was wasted till now.
Redeem from being just a another member of the crowd.
Redeem from living a selfish, non sacrificial life here.
Redeem to fight for the fatherless, widows, and poor.
Redeem to be the child that you have created me to be.
2.8k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
In this world today it seems so many people are blinded.
By selfishness among other things, this is truly sad.
They have a intelligent mind, but its hidden from others.
Because of the selfishness that they are caught up in now.
So its hard to see anything but the self-centerness.
That holds each and everyone of them captive.
So they will continue going down that jagged edge cliff.
2.8k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Each of us are on a crossroad to choose which are road to take.
Are we going to choose  the road that lead toward worldly.
Or are we going to choose the road that will lead to Christ.
It is your choice, but I have chosen the road toward Christ.
For I want to be able to praise him and worship him in heaven.
I want my life in the end to be meaningful and beautiful.
One that other true believers will be able to say yes he belong to Christ.
2.6k · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
You are more refreshing then a tall cold glass of milk.
You are more refreshing then rain after a heat wave.
You are more refreshing then a warm breeze in springtime.
You are so refreshing, your love light up my heart.
You are the cool breeze , during a hot steamy night.
You are the air that I breathe, the water that washes over me.
You are sun that warms my back, the moon that lite my way.
You are the source of everything, you are the source of my life force.
For you are Christ , my Savior and my God you are everything to me.
2.5k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Powerful conversion, repented of sins and attitudes.
These are just a couple of  things proving rebirth.
For once you are rebirth you shall hate worldly things.
For we might be living in this world but we are not of this world.
We belong to Christ whom dwells in heavens above us.
So live radical, live a life focusing on our Redeemer Jesus.
Love others as Christ have love you, be selfless not selfish.
Live a life without greed, live a life full of miracles.
2.3k · Apr 2014
Never Give Up
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you feel like all your strength is gone and you are lost without strength.
When you feel like everything that gave your life meaning is gone.
When you feel all alone and like no one cares about you at all.
When you feel like your life is empty with no purpose in it at all.
There is only one that could rescue you now, he lives above in heaven.
Cry out to him to reveal himself for he is all ears, he will show you.
For he loves you with unconditional love, real true agape love.
For he is here for you, he shall never ever let you down.
2.3k · Aug 2014
The Helper
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Remember, Christ loves you more then you will ever know.
Remember, once you receive the Helper you receive true Power.
Not Power like the worldly gains, but true Power from the Helper.
For the Helper is the Spirit of God also known as the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit gives you protection over being hit by a vehicle.
Also it keeps you from dying from poison, bullets, and knifes.
For the Holy Spirit and your Spirit becomes one Spirit within you.
So Christ is keeping you alive until your Purpose has been fulfilled.
The Holy Spirit helps you with so much more as well as saving you.
2.1k · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I felt sorrow in my life, but the Lord helps me to overcome it with Joy.
I felt weak, and abandon but the Lord overcomes everything bad in it.
He overcomes me with strength his strength and to know that I am not alone.
For he shall never leave me nor forsake me in anytime for he is my comforter.
He leads me along still waters for he is the source to all of my needs in this life.
He shall always be my guide to the very end , he shall be with me always.
For this I am very grateful, that he stands with me in everything that I do.
1.9k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To live with struggles everyday, is to see Christ grace.
To see the attacks from that wicked scumbag demon too.
For Christ strength keeps you persevering through it.
While so many others have given up with no hope to stand on.
But when we place our hope on the Living God strength gets renewal.
So that even through the rough times we keep pushing through.
With  the strength from the Lord helping us to overcome everything.
That those demonic forces throw right at us on a daily basis .
1.9k · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
The journey that we are on is full of sacrifices.
Sacrificing sin, and addictions as well for God.
Its giving up things that the world deems good.
It a learning experience as well, learning to be free.
Free from the worldly-attitude and behaviors as well.
To become Christ like , to be spiritual like Jesus is.
To boldly become transform into Christ like person.
To stand firm and trust Christ with everything within you.
1.8k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Overwhelm us with your grace, and your mercy.
Overwhelm your people with your love and faithfulness.
Overwhelm us with your perfect goodness and blessings.
For the whole world to see that you are our Salvation.
Without your faithfulness we would fail to enter your kingdom.
For our salvation is not built on our works but your spirit.
I am so unworthy of Heaven, but by your grace I shall be there.
Because once you start a work in me, you shall finish the job.
So I shall make it there but only through your works Jesus.
1.6k · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When you are walking with Christ, his protection covers you.
It shall be there when the evil one tries to destroy you.
But Christ shall say no and cover you in his protective wings.
He shall catch you when you fall and gently set you down.
Life still shall be hard, but you shall not perish here.
Until God says that it is your time to pass on to heaven.
So stand firm, trust your Lord God and serve him only.
For he is getting ready to raise you up as well.
He is going to use you all in a mighty awesome way.
1.6k · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
We need to have empathy, this way we can feel others pain and joy.
We need this as well as unconditional love for other people .
I feel tears stream down my face when I see hurting people.
We need to be able to place ourselves in other people shoes.
Then we can see them not as evil people but ones whom are hurting.
Then we shall have compassion for other people which is important.
Then we can love others unconditionally which Christ calls us to.
Unconditional Love with Compassion and Empathy we can love others.
1.4k · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
People whom seek Love will find it when they look to the true source of love.
For no one shall face starvation, when they look toward Christ for love.
He shall freely give them the love which everyone basically crave to receive.
For he put that need to be love in each and everyone of us, his creations.
So that we will need to look toward him to receive this love that is from him alone.
For he is our Rock, our strong-tower, especially in this time of hardships.
Just trust him that he shall carry you in these times of desperation moments.
So believe in him the one whom walk on water and parted the red sea.
1.4k · Mar 2014
Overcoming Life
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
There is only one way to overcome life's problems.
Through the Spirit of God which is the Holy Spirit.
Because we most of the time can not overcome them on our own.
But when we have the Holy Spirit living within us, we can.
But it is only because God is fixing our problems not us.
For I know that I am far from being a problem-solver.
But I know the creator whom created all of the good things.
He knows how to fix the problems because he created everything .
1.3k · Mar 2014
Life Struggles
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Life struggles keeps me in tune with staying humble.
I know that this life was never meant to be comfortable.
For you use our brokenness , hurts, and struggles.
To reveal yourself to the lost and hurting people.
Through our hurting , and pain they see your faithfulness.
So they shall know that you are the only true God, Jesus.
Thus then they too shall come running to Christ for healing.
1.3k · May 2014
Evil Slime Repent
Eddie Starr May 2014
O how angry and selfish are you child of satan.
That you want **** many innocent people in your quest.
If you want to die just pull the trigger on yourself.
Leave the innocence alone, die on your own time.
But leave these innocence people alone child of satan.
I feel no sorrow over your evil selfish death evil one.
Now that you have taken other people with you devil.
Repent evil ones like them, do not steal others lives.
If you must take your own life then do it but leave others alone.
1.3k · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Christ alone is perfect, the rest of us are humans.
Born to error , born to ***** things up sometimes.
As part of the human race, I still need to some healing.
For if I was perfect, then why would I need Christ.
But I am not perfect and I need Christ everyday.
For he is my source, he is my Salvation in everything.
I need him every minute of every single hour and day.
He save me from a life of drowning in my own mistakes.
For I am still a work in progress, I am a broken man.
1.2k · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I struggle with my sleeping hours, and my brokenness.
I struggle with so much, yet God is still with me here.
I struggle with wanting to be married as well, still...
My God loves me I struggle with loneliness and isolation.
I struggle with life still I know that it is not my choice.
Whether I shall live or die, so I accept my fate here.
Because, I love my God and Savior and accept his decisions.
He knows my future and my life's end, I shall trust him.
For he is God and wants only the very best for me and others.
1.2k · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O Holy God , his love overwhelmed me with much joyfulness.
He has rescue me from a hopeless life of total self-destruction.
He whom love each of us in a awesome,and perfect way.
He whom went to the cross, to die a sinners death to save his people.
He whom bored  our sins, so that we may have a second chance.
At living a life filled with his Mercy, love, and grace abound.
We are so unworthy of his great love, yet he freely give it away anyway.
1.2k · Apr 2014
In A Blink of an Eye
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
In a blink of an eye, changes take place in our eyes some good others bad.
In an blink of an eye, birth happens, so does rebirth as well as death all take place.
In a blink of an eye, your wealth is establish as well as the lost of your fortune.
In a blink of an eye you realize that you are not alone any longer here.
Because you tied the knot or you or your wife brought into this world.
A child, someone that needs you to provide for them until they grow-up.
Life has all kinds of things that happens in an blink of an eye.
Christ return shall happen in an blink of an eye as well as other things too.
1.2k · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Suffocating , in this world full of sin and despair.
Christ is allowing our freewill to override all else.
Revealing to us, what happens when we are in control.
If the world really seen the truth , they would repent.
That we all need Christ, this mess that the usa is ion.
Is proof of what happens when man is in control.
But the ones in the world are being blinded to the truth.
That Christ way of living is the only true way to live.
1.2k · Mar 2014
Please Dont Give Up
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Things are getting more differcuit in these trying times that we are living in.
I know there have not been a day that went by that I did not want to give up.
But remember Christ has already won, we have to just walk out the victory.
Just trust him , he is really on our side, he not like the politicians making lying promises.
He is God, he is Holy which means he does not lie to no one , so just trust him.
For he wants only the very best for us, he died on the cross for  everyone that loves him.
So all that we can do is finish the walk out , for he already been victorious.
Thats what this life is all about trusting in the one that created us.
1.1k · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I lay my dreams, and everything else down. so my God can use me.
To be his hands and feet, to reach out to the confuse and lost world.
Because so many have no clue what is going on right before your eyes.
For Christ is God and he only wants the very best for each of you.
When you decide in your heart that you truly do need the creator.
Laying down all of your doubts, so that you will get to know him.
Then you shall see that he truly does love each and everyone of you.
With an unconditional love, and the problems that are in this world.
Are really created not from God but from either ourselves or others.
When you follow him you shall not walk in defeat but victory.
1.1k · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I live an extraordinary life, only because I been blessed by my Lord.
I am just an ordinary man with an extraordinary Savior saving me.
For I am a simple, less then courageous, man chasing after Christ.
For he is my teacher, my mentor, and my Saving Savior God.
I been through so much on this journey that he has place me on.
He is my strength, my Courage, and my Faith I am nothing without him.
My life would have been ended along time of go without him.
But he been doing many miracles and wonders in my life, since the beginning.
1.1k · Feb 2014
Living Supernatural
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I am living supernatural,  here on this planet of ours.
Because I have a Savior , whom is working through me.
I seen the many miracles that he has preform through me.
He has saved my life many of times more then I can remember.
He has blessed me too beyond all measures, for he is good.
He restores what is stolen from the evil one too .
He is my Lord, God, and Creator, that blesses me.
With long live and abundant blessings to go with it.
The poetry  he writes through me to help others.
1.1k · May 2014
True Obedient Love
Eddie Starr May 2014
Even through your sufferings, especially through your sufferings.
Put others first, this is the way to reveal Christ living within you.
This is how Christ want us to live, by putting others before one self.
Especially while we are hurting the very most, this reveals Christ.
Because Christ love is not like a sink faucet or shower head.
That may be turn on and off whenever we chose to love others.
But its an action that shall be shown always through us.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My soul yearns for the Great I am.
Provider of all of my needs everyday.
For you give and you take away.
The soothing Savior to my Spirit and Soul.
Who am I but a man that been blessed.
By you O Lord an ordinary mortal.
With a Super Natural Extraordinary God.
Who saves and redeems all of his people.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Perfect World
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We do not live in a perfect world, because sin ravage it.
A perfect world would be full of peace and love for all.
It would mean that there would be no poor people either.
It would mean no sickness nor homelessness nor pain.
It would mean that we would all love one another.
It would mean no death , just life full of unconditional love.
But we do not live in a perfect world yet not till Christ returns.
Then it shall be the true Perfect World for all whom belong to him.
1.0k · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Amazing life we live, knowing that this suffering shall not last much longer.
That we are headed to a better Lite place, because Christ shall be there.
Not just in Spirit but he shall be there in flesh as well to say well done.
This will be the greatest moment in all of Gods people lives to see him.
Face to face we shall see the nail holes and  give him a hug like a child hugs their father.
To have the treasures that we earn given to us O Glorious day that will be.
To be in heaven with our Amazing Savior, whom died so that we shall live.
He truly does amaze me with so much that he has done for me already.
1.0k · Aug 2014
God Jesus True God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
For my God saves, he rescue the hurting and the lost.
There is none other that is like him, for he is truly Amazing.
He bless his people, he rescue those that were his adversaries.
For he looks at our hearts and knows our future as well.
For he is God, he died so that we may live and be saved.
Those of you whom are suffering, lay it at the bottom of the cross.
God so love he world that he gave his only begotten son.
That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For we are saved by his blood, God is Holy, Righteous God.
Not like the fake gods like zeus or thor they are just demons not gods.
996 · Apr 2014
Biggest Miracles
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Sometimes the best miracles are not for exactly for you.
But they happen,  so that those around you will see.
That Christ is God and God alone is the Savior of the World.
Example you might not be ready to give up an certain addiction.
No problem, Christ does not need your permission to deliver you.
He just need to show you that it was him that deliver you.
By revealing what happens to those living in disobedience.
People around you know how you struggle with it.
Thus knowing that it was truly a miracle that you were delivered.
990 · May 2014
Dreams Shaper
Eddie Starr May 2014
My life stands at where it is because of you Lord.
For you are my Situation changer, Dream Shaper.
You are my Life Changing Dream Healer God.
For you shape, mold, and change us from the inside-out.
You twist, mold, transforms us into your Masterpieces.
So that others will see the beauty flowing through us.
Transforming our brokenness into something Beautiful.
962 · Jul 2014
Totally Trusting
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We are called to totally relie on the Creator of the universe.
So to trust with all our heart that Christ only wants the best for us.
To never give up on Christ never no matter what is going on.
To be there for others the way Christ is always there for us.
To totally stand firm, even in the midst of bomb explosions.
Keeping our eyes totally focus on the only one that can truly save us.
947 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Sometimes the best way to receive a blessing is to give one away.
Its ironic but Christ said the greatest person is not the one sitting.
But the one that is serving others, its not like the worldly perceive.
The same can be said for wanting hope then allow Christ to use you.
For we know very well that Christ is our Hope and Salvation.
For only through him can we obtain either one of these blessings.
So if you want a life fulfilling, then help others obtain it first.
By doing this then your life will be fulfilling to you and others.
913 · Jul 2014
New Day Dawn
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A new day dawns which gives each of us renewal hope.
A new day dawn, giving us a chance to reach out and inspire others.
A new day dawns that give us a chance to lift others up.
To bless others and to draw others out of the darkness.
That holds them hostage and leave them in hopelessness.
A new day dawn giving us a chance to embrace our dreams.
A chance to love upon other people with unconditional love.
A new day dawn giving each of us a chance to be the people of God.
905 · Feb 2014
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I stand before you the Healer of my soul.
I fall upon my knees to worship you, my Healer.
For your ways are good, your ways are pure and holy.
I will worship you O God, for you are the Healer of my soul.
I will stand in Awe of you, for I have seen what you have done.
So I shall fall upon my face, to worship you O Lord God.
For you are so worthy, you are so good and awesome.
904 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We whom follow Christ has the Spirit of God at our disposal.
The very same Miracles that Christ did when he walk the earth.
We too can do through Faith, as we believe it shall be done.
For through Faith we can move mountains into the oceans.
So remember the next time you need a Miracle to take place.
That you have the Holy Spirit with Faith at your proposal.
So know that it shall be done and it shall be done through faith.
For this very reason Christ has given you the helper to help you.
876 · Jun 2014
Blessed Are You
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Blessed are you , the children of God for he is your Father.
Blessed are you, who love Christ with complete love and devotion.
For he shall , lift you up to minster to many people in his name.
Blessed are you because your home is in heaven above us.
Blessed are you God's people because you know God intimately.
Blessed are you because Christ shall use you to do miracles.
Blessed are you, because you obeyed, when Christ called you.
Blessed are you, who choose to follow the King of the Universe.
852 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
What a sad pathetic existence that a lot live in.
For they are so consume by what they feel and need.
That they fail to see the hurting, Christ and everyone else.
They are so caught up in hording everything from everyone else.
You should be ashamed of yourself, this is not about you.
But it is about Christ, the creator of each of our very souls.
Who are you to think that the world evolves around you.
On judgment day, you will wish that you had heed my warning.
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