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2.5k · Jul 2013
Mreezi007 Jul 2013

For You Mandela
1.9k · May 2013
Mreezi007 May 2013
Sometimes I don’t get calculators its sometimes quite absurd
I think it would be easier to sit down and work it out like a nerd
There’s no point of a calculator when 99.9% you can’t use it for school
But if you could that would be really cool!
Calculators calculators let me think
Lets change the subject
uhhhhhh Pink!
1.9k · May 2013
The Stinky Crush
Mreezi007 May 2013
I saw her today, that elegant hair
I hope she doesn't catch me stare.
The way she walks, the way she talks
I hope she never sees me stalk.

Her smile is bright, brighter than all the stars
if I could I surely would take her to Mars.
toot what was that, whats that smell, no it's not!
sigh  I thought my sister said  "girls don't ****!"
Mreezi007 May 2013
A boy and his father,
were captured and thrown into a tower.
The father used feathers,
to make wings and fly away.

They used wax as glue,
away they flew.
They flew for miles and miles,
it took quite a while.

The fathers words were
"Do not fly too close to the sun!"
He flew too close, the wax melted,
down went the son!

'SPLASH'  the water crashed,
and so did the boy.
567 · Jul 2014
Why school sucks
Mreezi007 Jul 2014
Who ever divided the school year must be *******,
As we have about 2 months of school every term
And 4 terms every year
And only 4 months of holiday.
Thats exactly double the amount of school to holidays!
538 · Aug 2013
As the dove flies
Mreezi007 Aug 2013
As the dove flies
People die
Tears fade to dust
The heart stops beating
The love has gone
The crack in the sky
Signify the people who cry
Flowers turn to stone
People turn to dust
As the dove freezes
Life comes to a end
482 · May 2013
Cars Are Red
Mreezi007 May 2013
Cars are red,
Buckets are blue,
A face like yours,
Belongs in the zoo,
But don't worry,
I'll be there too,
Not in a cage,
But laughing at you!
475 · Aug 2013
Mreezi007 Aug 2013
The man has fallen
To the poor family who have lost a beloved.
The destruction that was caused
Leaves a scar on the country.
The struggle, pain and loss
All result to power, money and control.
May the heavens bless the fallen heros
Who no one shall forget.
And forgive the ones at fault
For I only pray that they are forgiven.
474 · May 2013
Mreezi007 May 2013
"Did you know that you can use the inside of a banana peel to whiten your teeth.
Did you know Pluto is as big as Russia!
Did you know penguins were 5 foot tall 30 million years ago
Did you know the internet, universe and human brain cells are all similar structures!"

"Did you know that what you just said I didn't really care about -_-!"
390 · Aug 2013
Mreezi007 Aug 2013
Sorry for the things I have done,
The tears I have caused to fall
Stuff I have said wasn't meant at all.
All my regrets add up to one hundred and one.
This can't be put into words that are said,
So i put it in this poem instead.
372 · Aug 2014
Nature in the seasons
Mreezi007 Aug 2014
Smiling in Summer
Dying in Autmn, what a ******
Dead in the winter snow
But reborn in the spring meadow
308 · May 2013
My love
Mreezi007 May 2013
I think to myself how I landed such a beautiful girl.
That legs, that hair, that face.
You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
Her voice, her ways, her beauty.
That's right guys, I love my dog!

— The End —