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May 2017 · 768
This doesn't rhyme, sorry
Mr White May 2017
Rhyme fairly easily

But what doesn't
Is years and life

Three years of my life
Cover my adult experience

Three careers (as if) of mine
Cover my financial experience

Three relationships of mine
Cover my romantic experience

Three years ago
Was my junior year of school.
My first job, my first heartbreak, my first license. So many firsts

Three years ago
Was my first screwup
All the heartbreak i encountered
Was my own fault
All the friends I didnt have anymore
Was my own fault

Two years ago
Was my second relationship
She hardly existed for anyone but me
And that was okay
And that
Was my own fault
My second job and second license followed suit

One year ago
Was my third job
My third relationship
A bit bigger than the last ones
But thats how it works isnt it

Life is in threes. Third times the charm. A trinity.

Three years,
Three jobs,
Three lives,

Two heartbreaks and a relationship

Three different people. #crappylifepoems #notapoetandicantrapso
Apr 2017 · 172
Twelve Eighteen
Mr White Apr 2017
I havent written anything
Since our second year

It was a stupid way
To get your attention

That i knew and feared.

Obsessive is a word,
One you liked to use

When i got too close
And you feared the abuse

But I ******* up this time, didn't I?

It was all planned in my head

***** her, grab my ****,
Leave her in my bed

I understand it wasn't
Everything it should have been

Nerves are always most powerful
When its 12:18

I ended up not breaking down
Like i joked would ensue

I suppose

Im pathetic

and there's something about
almost a month this time

— The End —