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Jun 2014 · 608
Dreams (part two)
Mr Nobody Jun 2014
As I fade off to sleep

Emotions fill my mind

And now my dreams begin to creep

As I fade off to sleep

I get to escape, and feel blind

Instead of weap

I feel my body fall deep

To a place to ponder

But not to keep

Ideas come in a big heap

Some I may not remember

But some I may keep

As I fade off to sleep

Reality seems to blur

As I awake with a beep

As I fade off to sleep

I want to stay

But nothing is forever

So now I must wait for my dreams to creep
Jun 2014 · 518
Mr Nobody Jun 2014
She always had a smile

But it was bottling up a lie

No one knew the truth

She was always hidden

Behind a wall of pain

No one knew her heart still ached

Not only did her heart hurt, but her soul ached

Society never knew about her plastic smile

Everday her eyes filled with pain

She was offered help, but decided to stay concealed behind her lie

The key to her heart was hidden

Although she was eager for everyone to know the truth

Did she really know the truth?

This little girl’s sanity ached

Her shattered tears lay hidden

But everyday for show, she put on a smile

On her shoulder, she felt the weight of her lie

All she had known in life was pain

What is pain?

To her it was the truth

So badly she wanted it to be a lie

Her eyes ached

As little tears streamed down her face, hitting her fake smile

She kept herself hidden

She kept her scars hidden

Everything that dripped from her own personal canvas was known as pain

As she did this she kept a smile

She pretended to not know the truth

For some reason her body ached

Everything seemed like a lie

This little girl is a lie

Everyday she stays hidden

She watched as the paint dripped, and her body ached

She was the definition of pain

No one will ever know the truth

For she will keep showing off that plastic smile
May 2014 · 511
Mr Nobody May 2014
Love is just this word that is thrown around without meaning.
It can be said and then taken back within seconds.
Like feelings don't even matter,
Like my heart doesn't even matter.

Don't say you love me,
Thats all just a lie.
Its a phrase that we act out until this "love" is dead.

But truth is, our love was never alive.
May 2014 · 714
Mr Nobody May 2014
A place to escape from reality,
where all my problems vanish,
in just one blink of an eye.
I am gone,
in my own little world,
where no one can harm me,
where I'm safe and sound.
I feel the warmth of my thoughts,
it holds me and wraps me up like a blanket.
My life feels secure,
I have no worries,
I am finally at peace.
May 2014 · 557
Nobody Cares
Mr Nobody May 2014
Why bother walking up to me with your fake plastic smile?
I know you could care less about me,
So why pretend to be nice?
I don’t care,
You don’t care,
Nobody cares.
May 2014 · 735
Mr Nobody May 2014
It sits there and waits for me

I feel it’s heavy breath on the back of my neck

I listen in fear to its harsh whisper

I get chills down my spine

I can hear my heartbeat

It’s pounding out of my chest

I know it’s waiting

Blood rushes to my head

I get dizzy

Everything is a blurr

I am overwhelmed with a knot of anxiety twisting around in my stomach

I freeze

I feel its mysterious eyes stare through me and examine my guilty soul

Looking deep within

All I hear is a snap,

And everything goes black….
May 2014 · 523
Mr Nobody May 2014
She paints a pretty picture

Her favorite color is red

The brush is constantly busy

She paints for hours in her desolate room

So secluded from reality

It drips

Too much paint causes damage to the canvas

This canvas has become a mess

It cannot be fixed

But still she won’t stop

So badly she wants help

She cannot stop painting


Paint is everywhere

But it is now mixed with tears

She ruined something so fragile and beautiful

This painting has a twist

Her eyes are swollen

Her tears sting

Too much red





Too much painting

Too much red

— The End —