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kj Foster Sep 2014
The only thing they found under the bed,
were unmatched socks and worn out comics.
The real terrors that waited for me,
Hid inside my mind,
Somewhere between regret and worry.

Desperate to drift to sleep
I'd meet the monster inside.
He wouldn't try to attack,
He'd grin and I'd grin back,
We were the same after all.
kj Foster Sep 2014
Our own silent meadow,
The kind we always knew we'd find.
Swaddled in silence,
We lie upside-down on a quilt of petals.
You are safe with me;
I am myself with you.
Like Dawn and Dusk,
All at once,
I am calm and in awe,
All at once.
  Sep 2014 kj Foster
Standing there, wounds exposed
Bruised and broken,
Fiction put up a tough fight with reality,
Reality won in the end
But alas!
Fiction became the elixir for reality's injuries
kj Foster Sep 2014
Rise up little fire.
Can’t you feel the great heat within you.
You’ll never be missed in death if you never start to live.
The sparks scare me too.
We can’t control where we grow.

It wasn’t an accident.
It was out of necessity.
The universe needed our presence.
It has a service,
just one thing it needs from us.

In return, we live.

That in fact, is the requirement to live.
Loud. And with great force.
So that even the coldest phantoms can feel it.
Don’t be afraid to melt them.

It will hurt. But what other choice do you have?
Sizzle. Putter. *****.
Build. Burn. Blaze.
kj Foster Sep 2014
I came back for you.
I wasn’t done teaching.
I never started.
I need you to let me listen.
Let me watch.
Let me find the answers with you,
Not for you.
It isn’t my job to plan your life.
But to give mine for yours.
It isn’t right to tell you how and where,
But only dig up the why nots.
You can be the greatest,
Go the furthest,
Shake the stale dead dust off this old sphere.
Shatter to the core,
Even the Earth has a heart.
Will you heed it’s beating?
kj Foster Sep 2014
Noise is not the presence of sound,
but the presence of sound without meaning.
I hate repeating myself,
repeating myself,
Not all words deserve the same amount of volume.
If only harsh and hate had a mute button.
-But may silence my own thoughts.

For a moment it would be...

kj Foster Sep 2014
Neverland never was,
Wardrobes lead to nowhere,
For even if there was an OZ
There’d be no one left to go there.
It took me years to realize,
It took me time to see,
That all these magic tales,
Had cast a spell on me.
Princes must be charming,
While every beauty needs her sleep
But what truly is alarming?
Our true beauty buried deep.
The truth is,
Dwarfs are just plain scary,
Trees are just plain wood
A frog will never marry,
Three wishes do no good.
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