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A passionate lovelife begins at the cutting edge of ones  comfort zone. Death ends all ... this too will pass told. Our sun  is not gone as it sets alone. Everything changes as it matures & nurtures; a soulhome full of love passion, mindful hearts, quientessentialy enhancing a compassionate empowering peaceful patient presence. Or mere things do not change, we do. Observe pendulum perceive pit. Forhere awakenaware for now reason & argument forsome, their edge, that is it. Pure calm empowering passion consciousness preferring peaceislove for some that is it. Please a privilege for others for police a right of MEIOSIS. A greater fate is faced with an attitude of forherenow passion. Like fights for wit rights must be felt by allowing an intimate interconnectivity of resonating conscious~hearts. Mindful heartbased interactivity compassion with action. Cards dealt one plays around what is being felt. Done sleeping? End beginnings to start endings...what? Energy...awakening is a passionate art. A heartbeat a part to re late one may appreciate wit meiosis?
2.2k · Sep 2013
**Lenny Supak**
Of Mice and Men along within
Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck be ******
Lenny's rabbits...
What The Bleep Do We Know many runs never end
Of Lenny Bruce a scatological truth
Shock-jocks take clothes off
For censors ships to ignore the shore
Sycamore trees set Lenny Kravitz musical muse at ease
Now whom is the grounded man that lives loves laughs
As if a sailor on a sea of fate with flag at half staff
Know way one passion sit back relax
Seize the big-fish as they attack
Love love love knows know lack
Like **Lenny Supak
1.3k · Jul 2013
A Simple Love Life
A simple love life
Opportune  love
Presence everywhere
One chooses to be aware
Awake and aware of truth personified
Happy with nothing left to lose
Beauty follows grace
Everything changes
How depends on
Face to face
Love will not be contained
To hell with the moon
We glow
Before or after transforms
Here now in paradise
Create universes
Of infinite passions place
Synchronizing-hearts to beat as one
Divine straight true pure
Cuts bleeding
Heartland ironic eh
Fear our matchless glory
Please perhaps maybe space to love
Lovers thinking about moving
Gratefully happy to reflect now
Believing cute twists of hope hot sultry silly
Buttery-silky-soft sticky kisses for real
Checks hearts pulsating limitless too late
Love is ready in all ways here today
Be relieved late again
Coy shy dreadful
Joy why
So few
Joy has found
A simple love
Buttery silky soft
Coy inky **** you & me
Crafting love-life-peace
Show is over go home to simple love
More love over love under again repeatedly unscripted
Coming back for more shocked *** dripping & jaw dropping
Focused and riveted rocketing peculiar passions with pure presence
Terrestrial love **** beautiful eyes style points grace
Throne of blushing stallion champion of abundance giving patience to naughty time to play savor Every mentionable edible
Enjoying fine fresh refined tempered real touched up and down love move it all around for real Even still hear
Sacred silence
Convert no one will ever know
Vegas style passion love over flowing
Powerfully connected heart wrenching censor ships to shore
Love confidently drooling dreaming imagining magical wet mystical
dripping warm sea foam breezes Touch intent
Lips tongues mesh definitely overdue done
Multiple heart-beats resonate as more than one
Mushy in your face grace
Presenting happiness fun presence
****-very-**** fate is alive
One chooses 2 to awake to 3 awareness
Awake and aware of freedom truth
Love love love is within the eyes of the wise
To amuse a muse loose
To a simple love life.
One fearfell a passion-tree:* LOVE*.
Two fell wildly passionately embracing kissing
Hard soft sensuously profusely tender profound heavy breathing.
Then out of the sapphire brilliant blue three said "passion get a room"
Four peeked through the passion keyhole light wanting needing more...
Five felt the sunday sweat of being real close to verify passions' comfy edge.
Six *** *** *** *** *** all whispers still echo sexier passion  welcome in one's ear chills.
Anticipation of seven alone together again & again heavens' passion fills anticipates more more more.
Eight big screen dreams enjoy the weather change and the voyeurs passing passion on & on sharing.
Nine ecstasy time for divine mind(s) heartbeat(s) passions' flame as one vibrant strong beat BEATS.
Ten one fell in [PASSION~INFUSED] with love undone. KNOW PASSION lives on & on & on in one.
1.2k · Oct 2013
I am Poetry Do Me Love
I am poetry do me as your first thought.
I am poetry do me with all ya got.
I am poetry do me in the morning after coffee w/cream.
I am poetry do me as if romance is not a dream.
I am poetry do me as if you have never done me before.
I am poetry do me in a Starbucks store.
I am poetry do me in your latte' thoughts and more.
I am poetry do me calmly in rush hour traffic.
I am poetry do me at home when things get erratic.
I am poetry do me manifesting universal love out loud.
I am poetry do me in the woods and be proud.
I am poetry do me on Sunset Strip on a trip New York to L.A.
I am poetry do me in the Hollywood Hills at sundown.
I am poetry do me on the shores of Maui music around peace.
I am poetry do me out at sea drifting in on currents of a warm ocean breeze.
I am poetry do me catlike and tease.
I am poetry do me at 4 am. when sacred silence sounds again.
I am poetry do me in your heart until that spark never ends.
I am poetry do me on the third day rising in huckleberry heaven.
I am poetry do me with your soul on fire full of passion desire.
I am poetry do me love.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Horrifying why more no more?
Horrifying more than meeting a poet's mind~eye
compassion drips off lips committing
execution slips
blowing heart's apart from their core
thoughts of mirrors trigger
why more no more?
954 · Oct 2013
More more mere words linger rather obviously...
obviously what could one possibly be so obliviously...
Observational objectivity detects: Lurkers lurking to linger probably cling to love's fragile edge?

An arousal of viciousness or visage of immense beauty art performance presence...more relationships steam a shore.
Balancing hearts on the in deep starburst sapphire blue floating more.
More to be revealed for shore.
What to do when the day moves like night or the night the day?
Do you take a few of those neurons for a field trip a little get~away?
A substance may be involved if society has something to say.
Society? Is the night that moved like a human one afternoon after a prayer of peace
creepy or a part of society?
831 · Jan 2013
*Merely***1** *Human*
Merely 1 human.
Healing souls.
Love the black holes.
Where mysteries profound.

Evidence for one to see.
Love rebound.

Where will you be,
When we release,
The hell hounds?

Devastation comes,
On little kitty feet.
The dogs of war,
Are what we meet.

Time to heal,
Future pain.

Where will you be?

It is time.
Lenny's love,
To reign.
Honor & own,
Your own name.
Deep inside.
Lenny's love,
Remains to reign.
814 · Oct 2013
Bleeding Hearts
Bleeding* profuse orbs of bloodletting passion with glowing centers dripping drops that linger like tears sending tracers of heart stopping feelings to one's core.
Sparks ignite moonlight memories puddling & pooling until there is no more moving other bleeding hearts.
Feeling real able to think and feel there is a very real and present feel to actually perhaps maybe A little early or a little late or a little man woman or a meaning aura  or aurora baby.
787 · Mar 2013
Teacher says up front and, ...
Student hears I pre - sent, the ...
* answers.
I am present. ... No?
One responds with a precedent.
Here's our, ...
How many* minds* do I have to gain?
I have lost a few, due to* pain.
Pain of poetry. Lose my mind
Through a hyper conscious kind.
Mere words to pass a peace of time.
Here I go again losing another.
I do not
I have
minds* to find in words and rhyme.
661 · Oct 2013
? The kind that never goes away.
No matter what the doctors say.
You knew like the sky is blue the day
going through.
Lingering in the crosshairs of your soul through the broken veils of reason logic just another brand name pain...
609 · Feb 2013
This Moment.
Transporting consciousness,
Vehicle of the divine,
Releasing attachments,
Yours and mine.

Viewing synchronicity,
Vehicle of time,
Being the peace or else ... ,
Using universal mind.

To understand beyond,
Mere appearances.
One has no needs,
Only inconveniences.
Poet am I? I laugh, I cry.
When I think ... of all I hold dear.
I fail to live, beyond a mere forhere.

Not for lack of courage. Choosing definite decisions.
But for consequences, that occur within my revision.

Finding my voice.
That is all I seek.
To share that choice.
And truly speak.

Of soul love and immortal life.
Everyday sacred living.
I never grow tired, of strife.
And mysteries, revealing.
530 · Oct 2013
All one
to do or be
one took gone
all away from
one    by
all it took
no glance
no look
back or
no syllable spoken
at the wake in the camera
in full highest definition possible
interactive view
right before
525 · Nov 2013
Hello Poetry
save* passion
compassion in action
knowing loves' presence
shows through words that rhyme
attract human souls they always do
cat in/out of bag
dog got one's tongue
one listens well eyes swell
love the sea *save
seize opportunity
Hello Poetry.
Heart on my sleeve.
I don't care.
With immortal love.
I would go anywhere.
Be any-body.
But most important.
Be myself.
No ulterior motives.
Only honest intentions.
My ultimate choice?
Your happiness-connections.
Simple and true.
Longing, longing, another longing,
Merely to experience,
Love, just like you.
Just like you!
475 · Oct 2013
You Write A Po'Em one
'Em one does not know.
Po one will know ore must glow.
Radioactively enhanced transparent now yes.
Never been in the simulated half-life test?
Mistaken forgiving men women heaven we know just exactly what we are doing humans being laid to rest in peace without a doubt.
Grading on a fine line curve to test 1 soul's nerve.
473 · Mar 2013
The (Eye) of Love
Within the eye of darkness.
Lies, our choice of doors.
Find a key to reality.
And we have opened ours.

Further down loves road.
Our mind becomes a maze.
We meet up with the Joneses.
And alter our days.

Remembering the roses, we reach out for a touch.
Feeling their scent.
Helps. Us. Through the thorns.
To love one another. Very much.

Within the eye of light!
Up life's road.
One realizes the beauty.
In easing a heavy load.
461 · Mar 2014
I am here now as one desire. That is not ones upmost issue; & furrow. Port & starboard back & forth on  deep ocean blue breezes as sweet sense you are us teases. I am in the air I am in the trees I am in the window of your eyes. Ready willing & able to please well beyond one divine human hearts wants or needs...oil please?
451 · Oct 2013
Life Was Taken
Soul stopped seeking long ago
heartbeats resonate with mother earth and father     though
everywhere gazes stare's space
are we out of our freaking mind
& who cares
life was taken.
was it theirs?
419 · Mar 2013
Why is SHE still theRE?
I know ...^
I release ... what is already gO. I will always love her like no otherr-r ...
and cry ... while remembering pure unadulterated madness.
No o-o not like a sister or brother,
almost like a mother.
Like a metaphor about a whine that jumpED to a hiGHer more expansive interactive,
No space.
Not even; kNow-LOVE-time. ^
414 · Sep 2012
Poetry takes me there.
Many times it has taken me there
where ~there
the ~edge.
Of thought itself,I amused the muse
Take me there
We are "here", the muse said.
Thank you very much
I am gone.
Yes my love
lingers on.
And the readers' pause
is long.
Just thinkin about, thinkin about ,poetry.
And where it takes me
387 · Sep 2012
I see the Ocean still
Its been along time
I still hope for love
since I've seen the the Ocean still
Its been a short time since I missed you
It has been a long time since I have seen the Ocean still.

— The End —