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carolina Feb 2023
i know her name echoes in your mouth
hides between your teeth
when you're touching me
i keep telling myself
i shouldn't stay
but darling
how am i supposed to leave
when my tongue craves your taste?
i'll never be your lover, i'm aware
but for now
the swing of your hips
and your hands around my neck
can keep me satisfied
carolina Feb 2023
tonight i will push liquor down my throat
let the memory of every single freckle on your face fade away
and wish i had never learned what love was
carolina Feb 2023
i can't tell if you're not the same you once were
or i'm the one who has changed
all i know is that
i don't feel your fingers when you touch me
or your taste when we kiss
your body doesn't bring the heat
that used to keep me warm at night
i reach for your hand
but it doesn't seem to fit mine anymore
"what has happened to us?" i wonder
looking into your eyes
searching for an answer
i can't find anything
but emptiness

that was the moment we stopped being lovers
and became strangers

— The End —