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1.4k · Jun 2014
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Its madness: 2 h8 all roses coz u got scratchd by a thorn,2 gv up all ya dreams coz 1 neva came true,2 luz faith in prayerz coz 1 of em wasn't answered,2 gv up on ya efforts coz 1 of em failed,2 condemn all ya friends coz 1 betrayed u,2 gv up on love coz some1 waz unfaithful 2 u...nomatter wat,rem that anatha chance will always kam around i.e. A new friend,lover,life,chance,dream. So never give up coz life iz BEAUTIFUL N SWEET!!!! Always cheer up.....
1.4k · Jun 2014
Whu'z KASHLINK????!!!
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Am Moses Makau Muthama a.k.a Triple M or M cubed bt simply known as KASHLINK!!! A Kamba by nature,born in Mombaxa around 1993,a saved christian wit God given gifts. I like socializin alot that guys mistake me 4 a 'player'!! Hobbies include: chilling wit pals,crackin jokes,watchin soaps n muviz,lstng 2 cool RnB's n Riddims,swimmin n playin soccer!! A die hard Man U fan indeed,skuld @ Bashir primo 07' n went 2 Kitondo Boys High xul 11' n did well thx 2 papa God! Currently @ JKUAT 15'. Am now lukn 4ward 2 leave a mark in the globe positively very xun! May da Lord bless de work of ma hands!!! Amen.
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Dea iz dis hot chic I waz hooking up some yrs bak. Evrtym I aprchd her she turnd her back on me.I tried callng her a multiple taimz bt she hngd up on me like I waz useless...I nvr lost hp 4 2 wks until I rlzd dat she wz plyng HARD 2 GET 4 me which waz vewy silly! Dhea4 I gave up n gave her some space 4 about 3 dayz,dats wen she realizd dat I waz 1 in a million guyz!! Ges wat, she startd callng bak n textn me dat she waz sorry n she didnt know wat got in2 her etc...she kept beggin 4 us 2 giv t a try bt un42n8ly t waz 2 l8...! Da pain of her ignorin me left a sore in ma heart dat i dared not du otherwise but jst ignore her 2. I simply changd ma line n muvd on wit ma life. I thnk where she iz 2deh she must hav Learnd a lesson..!! NOW TELL ME GUYZ, DID I DO DE RAIT THING???
703 · Jun 2014
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Real ****...
696 · Jun 2014
Life Fact!!
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Did u knw dat Lyf iz lyk a roll of tissue paper,u nvr realz how mch u've wstd it untl its almst finished!! Take care of uaselvz.
Now u know...
625 · Jun 2014
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Love meanz: 2 commit oneself without a guarantee,to gv oneself completely in da hope dat our love will produce love in the lovd person,its an act of faith n whoever iz of liru faith iz also of liru love, its sm'n eternal i.e. the aspect may change bt not da heart,its a dream that only bkams reality wen we meet,its friendshp set on fire by 2 hot souls,its the master key that opens the gates of happiness n it dsnt mek da world go round instd it meks da ride worthwhile,its the emblem of eternity that confounds all notion of time n effaces all memory of a bgnning with all fear of an end,true love bginz when nthn iz lukd 4 in return n its equal,infinite,pure without violence,its an irresistible desire 2 b irresistibly desired by some1 special n all love is SWEET whether gven or returned..!! SURELY THERE IZ NO CURE 4 LOVE BUT 2 LOVE MORE.! I pray dat 1 deh sm1 will love me bak 4 ril. Amen.....!
No lie.....

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