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 Sep 2012 Morgan Milligan
 Sep 2012 Morgan Milligan
I don't understand why  it is so difficult now
When before it might not have been easy
but it by far was never this bad
I can't hear the whisper anymore
I don't know if I ever will again
Why can't I wake myself up?
I haven't cried in a long time
I haven't truly expressed any type of emotion
except for anger
in a long time
I don't remember myself anymore
I miss a lot of things
If I knew back then
what I was going to be like now
I would run like hell
and try to change a lot of things
Someone once asked a question
"What are some regrets that you live with?"
This is what I would answer with...
I regret the day that I didn't ride my bike anymore.
I regret the day I started wearing make up.
I regret the day i straightened my hair.
I regret the day I didn't wear my retainers.
I regret the day I stopped playing sports.
I regret the day I stopped swimming.
I regret the day I stopped doing gymnastics.
I regret the day I stopped being a kid.
I regret the day my Grandma died and I realized I knew nothing about her.
I regret the day my Grandpa died and I never got to tell him how much I love him.
I regret the days I took for gran-it when I could talk to my mom face to face
I regret the day that I didn't be a little nicer to my brothers.
I regret the day I didn't live up to being the Youth leader I should have been
I regret the day that I decided I wasn't good enough
I regret the day I couldn't look in the mirror and not hate myself.
I regret the day I boxed up my emotions.
I regret the day that I let society take who I was.
I regret the day where I no longer felt important.
I regret the day that I ran away from everything.
I regret the day that I told myself "there is no turning back"
I regret the day that I lost a friend.
I regret the day where I became angry.
I regret the day where I saw my friends turning and there was nothing I could do.
I regret the day the world fell upon my shoulders.
There are so many regrets.
Far more then just this short list.
I'm in a moment of life
where things never seem to get any better.
There are still the same unsolved problems as yesterday
and life still doesn't get any easier.
The best I can do for now,
Is smile,
and pretend like nothing really matters
 Sep 2012 Morgan Milligan
Walking away before you are hurt.
Counting your blessings as they come.
Looking for the silver lining.
Telling yourself those easy lies.

It will be okay, just stay strong.
Don't let it get to you, you are better.
Someday it will be perfect.
In time it will seem funny.

Laughing as the blow comes.
Talking back after your long done.
Fighting when you've already lost.
Insulting yourself just for fun.

Don't try if you can't win.
Next time you'd be better off if you just roll over.
Kiss their *****.
**** up to them, before they hurt you again.

Learn to not trust.
Do not forgive.
Why give second chances?
Speak to yourself in paranoia.

They will hurt me if I let them in.
Evil plans are in their heads.
Check them for weapons as they come through the door.
Watch closely.

Smile brightly even so.
Be kind to those tools.
Because nothing.
Will confuse them to the point of insanity, like you do.
 Sep 2012 Morgan Milligan
John S
The letters fall and make words

The words bend in order to meet my thoughts

My thoughts take a shape that is pleasing to me

I form in a way that the world will see me as normal

Normal adapts to the time in which we live

The letters tell the time
 Sep 2012 Morgan Milligan
I want to thank you.
For ruining me.
I've always wanted my heart to be broken,
I've always wanted to be abused,
I've always wanted to be called names.
Especially by you.
"I love you"
How sick I get to hear these three words now.
How sick I get to think of them.
I shiver.
I *****.
I feel cold.
My family watch me,
they try to help.
"No. Go away."
They listen
So thank you once again,
For making me feel,
A waste.
Mine. Thank you.
Somewhere inside me
is a heart beating drums together
boom-ba, boom-ba, bang
it goes.

Anyone can hear it if they
listen close.
Anyone can hear how
broken I am

But I'll keep
looking for that heart
that beats in tune with mine

Baboom-boom, shatter,
it might say.
Click clack clang,
it may go.

But to mine I'll hold your heart close
because for mine it was meant.
Two halves of a lost puzzle.
We'll patch each other up
with our matching hears.
Oh, the great city's madness when at nightfall
The crippled trees gape by the blackened wall,
The spirit of evil peers from a silver mask;
Lights with magnetic scourge drive off the stony night.
Oh, the sunken pealing of evening bells.

***** who in her icy shivers sheds a still-born child.
With raving whips God's fury punishes brows possessed.
Purple pestilence, hunger that breaks green eyes.
Oh, the horrible laughter of gold.

But silent in dark caves a stiller humanity bleeds,
Out of hard metals moulds the redeeming head.
Emotionally shaken, the body crumbles as the tremors of reality breaks down every pillar and foundation of a structure that has had its share of countless births, childhoods, lives, and deaths and awaits to crush the dreams of an innocent passerby, unaware that his own being will in moments be crushed by an enormous debris of shattered hopes, that aims to make its mark even in its final gasps of air. A symphony of bass and discord that echoes through every wall and pavement alert those who give a **** and don't, and opens their eyes to the existence and now non-existence of two entities that once lived a life of irrelevance, and for seconds, minutes, hours, and days, their lives have finally found its meaning, making an imprint in the very ground they stood on and in the lives of those who have witnessed this miserable end.

— The End —