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Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Morgan McCormick Dec 2012
Walking on shattered beer bottles from the night before
Ducking under every head beam that grazes my hair as I pass
I wonder when you’ll understand
How us normal people function

I am passion

You are death
You are darkness
You are alone
And forever will be

I’ve tried to show you the way
Where people are nice and in love
You choose your way though
Because to you, it’s the only way

I wonder when you’ll open your eyes.
When you finally let the happiness into your heart
I know I won’t be there for it.

I hope one day you realize how badly I tried
All I wanted was a smile, a kiss
But you were disgusted,
Disgusted with love.

Maybe it’s just me
But my sudden need for adivan says otherwise
I can’t relax, I can’t love, I can’t be
With you

As badly as I want to, I know it’ll never work
I love you with every piece of my body, soul, mind and heart
But you’re killing me
From the inside out

I don’t know how much more time I have.
Last night I woke up gasping for air.
You’re crushing my chest, my lungs
My heart.

I wish you could feel the pain I feel.
What you do to me, its torture.
A battle between reality, love, emotions and words

I’ll never give up
I won’t die a zombie.

A heartless, cold, self-centered, narcissistic, overbearing,
Overwhelming, condescending *****

That’s the best way I can describe you.

— The End —