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Feb 2016 · 582
Bitter Crisp
Morgan Hillhouse Feb 2016
I no longer care for you
***** up your life,
     Loose your friends,
          Become a gypsy.
Your path no longer concerns me.
You use to have my empathy.
A long road,
      many names called...turned to sympathy.
I tried to be nice,
     Help you,
         Even when you silently cried,
It became clear things were unraveling for you
     To destroy any feeling of affection happened
     You hurt me...
           ...those I love...
                ...cannot be described.
At the beginning I wanted to be your friend,
How could you?
Apr 2014 · 434
Word Games
Morgan Hillhouse Apr 2014
It's all a word game
He said she said as it were
But this time...
     It's only a she said.
Filled with lies and misdeeds
                 Top story of the town.
It's all a word game
To hide the truth
Destroy someone's reputation
                                                the truth doesn't matter
Not as juicy
                   as rich to talk about.
I've said sorry
Never meant to hurt you
     cause you pain.
I can't keep being nice
                          when pain is all you give back to me.
One day hopefully you can move past what happened
Dec 2013 · 998
Morgan Hillhouse Dec 2013
How do I start to explain
How much you mean to me?
I could start with a cute joke,
     maybe quote Shakespeare...
                                   ...make you think.
I could make comments like
                   "I can't live without you"
But the thing is that I could.
I just refuse to let you go.
With you my days become perfect
You turn what is a bad into something memorable.
And while I could live on without you...
                                                         ... I don't want to.
You have become my addiction in all ways.
I smile brighter at just the happy look in your eyes
...tells me that you love me as much as I love you
My stomach still gets butterflies when you touch me
     and a feeling of pure heat with your kiss.
My knees buckle and I turn to mush when you hold me close.
When I look back at what we've been through in just this short time I smile.
It's true that we have been through more then anyone should
But the moments like when we started to talk... first took my hand...
...our first kiss...
...that one afternoon we gave each other
These moments are what make it worth it. to start?
Jason, sweetie.
I would gladly crawl through hell to be with you.
I love you more then I ever thought I could love anyone
You have opened up my heart and soul to a happiness that I didn't know existed.
I look forward to spending each morning, afternoon, and night with you...
...rain, sleet, snow, or a perfect day
My life with out you would be livable it's true
But just as a shell of the life I will have with you.
Dec 2013 · 566
Morgan Hillhouse Dec 2013
You always smell like coffee
No matter how much time has passed between cups
That smell hangs on you like a cloak
It's a scent I use to loath
And now smile whenever it draws near
For I know that with that smell
    comes your warm embrace.
Oct 2013 · 460
What happened?
Morgan Hillhouse Oct 2013
running; unknown direction
which way is up? down?
head swirling; full of fog.
how could i have let it get to this point?
not knowing what the choice will scares me every day.
why do i feel like i've been spun in circles and then released?
no point in going farther?
the direction needed is long in the past.
a new path must be made,
get to the same destination?
is a new one needed?
Aug 2013 · 834
Morgan Hillhouse Aug 2013
Hold me close...
     ...never let me go;
Let the world continue on,
     As we spin slow.
Heads pressed together
In each others embrace
Hold me close...
     ...never let me go.
Jun 2013 · 875
Morgan Hillhouse Jun 2013
You make me smile
Like no other I have ever felt before
Nor can ever live without now
A smile that doesn't start or end
It just is
I can feel it from the tip of my toes
     to the very top of my head
Brought to me like that of a bee to a flower
Neither one able to sustain without the other
With the sweetness of honey as the result
May 2013 · 3.3k
Morgan Hillhouse May 2013
I'm damaged
Dented, torn and broken
I have wear and tear in all my places
     from years of being built up...
          ...just to be hammered down
Years of emotional turmoil from someone that should have been a support
                                                                                                                           instead of the dynamite.
In places where I shouldn't have been hurt
I now have barbed wire up to protect
The things that were done to me,
                                       said to me,
                                       or put upon me by you...
                                                                                   ...make me who I am it's true.
But some experiences are best not even told in horror movies let alone lived;
                                                          by someone who thought they were loved.
Words and phrases of endearment kept me there
Even through the pain
I thought I could fix it.
You leaving me hurt at first I admitt
Codependency is an awful thing.
But I soon realized that I don't need you, desire you or want anything to do with you.
My life is better off without you and your mind games.
I may be dented,
Hell I may even be infixable from all the crap you put me through.
But now that I don't care what you think I can live with my dents and tears.
Makes me a better person to know that while I am strong enough to deal with a hell relationship
     I will never allow myself to be in one again.
     I won't allow myself to be treated like that again.
I know now that I am too good for you
For where I offered you everything...
                                                        offered nothing except for lyes and cheating.
I moved on, something I was told you really hated.
I'm now truly loved by someone who I intend to share the rest of my life with
Someone who loves me for me and is working to repare the damage you left.
Good-bye to all your crap and pettiness
I don't miss you the way you wanted me to.
I'm happy and there's nothing you can do about it except for sulk.
You're not the one putting the smile on my face.
Never were and never will be.
May 2013 · 576
Loosing You
Morgan Hillhouse May 2013
I'm afraid of loosing you.
Afraid of seeing you leave;
     like all we had together were words written in sand
Instead of engraved in our hearts.
Afraid that one day you won't look at me with the love you do today
Afraid you'll walk away and not look back
     as if all we were was dust in the wind.
I've been plauged with nightmares
Everynight; the details change with them all
    but the end is always the same.
I loose you. I loose us.
The love I see in your eyes and hear in your voice: gone.
Everynight I don't see gets worse,
     the nightmare progresses.
The time we spend together makes it better
     shows me that you and I are meant to be.
But the days or weeks I go without
     are like weights on my heart dragging me down.
They make my fear seem more real.
Apr 2013 · 423
Just a Moment
Morgan Hillhouse Apr 2013
A romantic night
Just for two
That's what I want
     Just a moment with you.
And hopefully one can turn into two
     And two into three
Who knows, this could lead to eternity.
That's what my heart wishes for.
For with your arm
I want a many as you'll give
Wrapped in your embrace.
Feeling your warmth
     Hearing your heart.
Your eyes
I want a many as you'll give
Staring into that perfect world that they create
Knowing that the way they look back at me
     You feel the same.
Your lips
I want a many as you'll give
Feeling them upon mine
The softness and sweetness of honey
Yet with a fierce intensness telling me to never stop.

Just a moment
A moment alone with you
To turn one into two
And two into three
And three into eternity.
Mar 2013 · 639
Morgan Hillhouse Mar 2013
Someday soon
right around the corner
I'll be waking up to start my day by you.
The alarm may go off at 6am
and I can promise I'll be tired and grogy
but engulfed in your arms embrace-
          will make me smile
and a good morning kiss-
          will make you coffee.
The day will go on, unfortunatly not all by your side
Our lives will pull us apart; work or school
But know that throughout the day,
     even if my body is not by your side...
My heart is always with you
My thoughts are always about you.
It is simply knowing that at the end of the day
     I get to come home to you and snuggle under covers-
          that will get me through my day.
We may not go to sleep right away but;
You'll be the last image I see at night
The first image I see in the morning.
Nothing could make me more happy........
                                                                           ......than you.
Mar 2013 · 620
To The Bone
Morgan Hillhouse Mar 2013
The wind howls,
The windows shake-
     as I sit inside on a cold winters night.
I'm bundled up
blanket and all with a sock on each foot
     and yet I shiver to the bone.
The tea in my hands tries to keep me warm
but it seems that after its ceramic casing
all warmth is lost and I remain frozen.
The warmth I need doesn't come froom heated water
or even wood buring in the stove.
I need the warmth of my love
     as I huddle in his arms.
I need to be engulfed in his embrace
     while he holds me tight.
This is the warmth of which I crave,
This is the warmth of which I need,
If I am ever to stop shivering to the bone.
Feb 2013 · 464
Morgan Hillhouse Feb 2013
My love for you is constant
     something that will never be questioned
There is no answer for how I found you
     nor how you found me
          or how our feelings came to light.
But the love we now share
     is just a simple, whole hearted truth.
My love for you is bigger than the universe,
     deeper than the sea,
          brighter than the sun,
               and more constant than the stars.
It transcends words
     over flows music
          and is more beautiful than any piece of art.
There is no amount of time that will ever be enough with you
     and now that I have you I don't want a minute without.
So lets start with forever and go from there
See where this love takes us
I see many happy days in our future together
The road could be rough
But nothing worth keeping
                                                was ever easy to get.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Morgan Hillhouse Feb 2013
We wear a mask that covers and shades
The price we pay to be accepted.
Never showing who we really are
Fear of not fitting the "perfect image"
We speak differently,
hide our true feelings.
And yet we smile.
Why should we show our true selves?
Just to be disgraced and turned away?
No...lets hide.
We wear a mask.
It helps protect us from the others.
The others that wear a mask.
For they too pay the price
continue their day with a smile.
Society has become a cookie cutter
To make all fit one
What no one will admit is that
We don't fit into a cookie cutter.
We're all our own with quorks and all
And yet we continue to wear a mask,
Smile and all.
Feb 2013 · 743
Bottled Up
Morgan Hillhouse Feb 2013
In more ways, than I can even start to describe
     You're ******* up my life.
I have many words for you,
     for all the pain you've caused me,
          all the things you put me through.
And yet I don't say them to you.
Because unlike some people (you)
I can keep my mouth shut.
Something that takes a lot of self control
     Of which you have none.
But sense you're never going to read this; lets have me open up
     My true feelings for you.

To start, I hate you.
                                                     Actually-come to think of it,
             It's really as simple as that.
I don't think there's a better way to explain it,
     A "nicer" set of words.
I feel the opposite for you than  the dearest thing I love.
You think you're smarter than me,
     but I've figured out your plan.
I'm just holding back,
                                      ...waiting to see you fall on your face.
Waiting for the perfect moment when I can finally tell everyone
            much you ****** up my life.

You see, you're keeping him from me.
Something that's not wise to do.
There's only so much I can keep bottled up.
I had it all planned out,
     how everything was supposed to work out.
And then you had to go and **** it all up.
I can honestly say that I don't wish you any harm
I just want you as far away from my life as possible.

One day it will happen,
     I just have to wait.
Then everything you put me through...
     Will just be a bad memory.
Something I'd pay a scientist to erase from my mind
     because even having you as apart of a distant memory,
          in the back of my mind
               is too close to me.
I want you gone,
                    erased from my mind,
                                                 and completely, forever, from this day forward...
Out of my life...
                            ...before you **** it up some more.
Jan 2013 · 518
My Dream
Morgan Hillhouse Jan 2013
I had a dream about us the other night
It wasn't one of lust...though I've had those as well.
But rather one of the simple pure truth
     Of the loved shared between us two.
It was one of our future
     Something I'd like to see someday soon.
We had our own little house to call our home
     Filled with warmth and life
          Not to mention a new little born.
The smiles on our faces, in this dream of mine
     were one's from ear to ear,
          paired with eyes that shinned.
The love between us two doesn't need words to explain
     but is rather shone in our own little ways
          of smiles and smirks.
Now I wake from this dream
Only to find that it is no dream at all,
But instead a life's path
     Chosen by you and I.
The path isn't one of ease and grace
But instead on that will try to tear us down.
It will test our strength courage and love,
     Try to pull us apart.
The path will forevermore remain one not of ease and grace
But it is also our journey.
Not just any journey either;
     But the hardest one of all.
A journey of two soul mates,
     Two halves to a whole,
          Who have found each other.
Who wish no more to simply dream of a life together
But rather make our reality
     Better than the dream.
Jan 2013 · 2.6k
Your screw gain
Morgan Hillhouse Jan 2013
Everyone who knows me
Thinks you ******* up for what you did to me.
Even your friends think you ******* up
     By breaking up with me.
I put up with all your issues,
     Didn't push you to do anything,
          Handled everything you threw at me.
Only to be met with "I can't stand to be around you anymore"
That's what I get
     For trying to be my best...for you.
After you said what you did I only asked why?
I'll never get a true answer,
     So I stopped asking.
You asked me after if I'd ever get back together with you...
     One day...down the road...I said yes.
Some people asked me why I would.
     It's because you've been with me through everything;
           Not exactly a hearts desire.
Now if asked the same question my answer would be
     Absolutely, with all my heart, forever and always...
I'm done with all the crap you put me through
All the words you said that hurt
     And the one's you didn't say...those were worse.
I'm 100% over you
     Mind body and soul.
I'm in love again
This time with someone who feels the same
He makes me feel more happy than you ever did...,
     Ever could...and ever will.
You and I had our good times
I'll never take that away from you
There was a time when you made me smile...that's gone.
It's been replaced, upgraded if you will
For where you made me smile...
     My new man does that and more.
My heart flutters, eyes brighten, knees go weak,
     breath quickens and body warms
At just the sound of his voice.
He makes me feel more than you ever did,
     His touch like heven on earth,
          His "I love you" more sweet than honey.
Goodbye, so long, farewell to my past with you.
For I have found a future with him
     That I'll much more enjoy.
Jan 2013 · 520
Morgan Hillhouse Jan 2013
Two souls intertwined
Neither one aware of the divine intentions
Just a constant pull to bring together
     A life meant to be spent in the others arms.

Their journey beginning with a simple smile and smirk,
     A light in each eye
At the love they both wanted to share,
But were too afraid to loose what was already had.
A chance had to be taken
     See if the minds eye was true to the heart
By the handsome man who first began with a simple statement...
     "You look nice today."
Replied with the woman then dressing how he liked, hair down and all,
Just at the chance he might look and see.

The journey has grown from there
Been blessed with kisses, caresses, and feelings like never before
While the path is long and bumpy
     With the other there anything can be achieved
No end will be found for the two souls
    Because how can an end be found
          To a never ending story?
Dec 2012 · 740
Rough Waters
Morgan Hillhouse Dec 2012
I've liked you for awhile.
I just never admitted it.
Because I was in a relationship that didn't seem broken.
Why rock a boat that's already floating.
Little did I know,
     It was sinking.

I admitt it,
     I wollowed for a little.
Honestly it was because I was mad at myself.
If my relationship failed once without my notice...
It could happen again;
     I could get hurt in the end.
Whoever said "It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"...
     has never been dumped.

I took a chance,
Made my feelings known.
I've never been more happy
Than when you said the same back to me.

We've hit rough waters early in this relationship of ours.
I think it makes us stronger.
When we make it through all these troubles...
     that's going to be a wonderful time.
I can say how I feel about you then,
Without backlash equalling hell freezing over.

I say it now and hopfully soon aloud.
I truly love you and all that comes with.
My feelings have not changed
Not from the start and will remain the same til the end.
I just hope I can say all to you soon.
It's killing me to be quiet about the feelings of my heart.
Dec 2012 · 576
Sudden Urges
Morgan Hillhouse Dec 2012
I have the sudden urge to hurt someone.
Not just anyone; Oh no.
This person has a specific name,
     with a specific face,
          and only one identity.
I don't mean physically hurt either.
I couldn't ever hit someone;
     unless they hurt me first.
The hurt I mean is verbally.
You see...a bruse heals,
     or even a fat lip.
May take a few weeks and be an eye sore...
          ...but it heals.
Words stay with you and have a thousand meanings.
This specific person...well,
To put it as "is putting me through hell" is saying it lightly.
My turn will come soon...I can wait.
     Pacience is a virtue.
And I promise, each word will be like a dagger.
You'll wish I punched you,
     got it over nice and quick.
I warn you now,
     You messed with the wrong girl.
Dec 2012 · 495
Not always good
Morgan Hillhouse Dec 2012
I'm not always good;
That's just how life is.
But just because I'm not doing something good in your eyes,
     doesn't make me bad;
It just means that you don't approve of my decision...
    for one instance ... or maybe multiple.

I can't always be good in your eyes,
It is not physically possible.
So I won't try.
Honestly it isn't worth the energy,
     when all I'm gonna do is fail.

Can't you just accept me for who I am and
     all the quirks that come along?
Or is that too much to ask of someone?

I'm not perfect and I'm most definetly not an angel.
My goal is not to get into heaven;
    or whatever lies above.
My goal is not to always appear good to you;
     my life doesn't revolve around you.

What is it then; you may ask, that is my goal in life...
To be me; wholly, truly, and unchanging.
To find someone who won't want to change me, but accepts me.
To live the life I want with the someone that accepts me.
And lastly; to not always be good...
     because sometimes being good,
          is actually bad.
Nov 2012 · 982
Morgan Hillhouse Nov 2012
A circle, simply a circle
Worn everyday, in the same spot
With the same meaning as the first day.
A visual reminder of the love and devotion between two people.

I do; two words
Spoken between two people whose hearts don't belong to themselves
But instead to the other.
A verbal confirmation of mutual love.

300,000; a number
The price of the two who said I do
To start the life dreamed of together.
A physical devotion to a life with each other.

Their life together continues; like the simple circle
Worn everyday, in the same spot
With the same meaning as the first day.
The love and devotion remains.
Nov 2012 · 522
Morgan Hillhouse Nov 2012
Trust no more- unit of shambles.
Words meaningless,
     I do...I lie.

Love gone wrong or love given wrong?
Who is an onlooker to decide?
Family or foe?
     Both fit this scenario.

A home filled with bodies
     Some fake emotions
As full of life as a graveyard,
     A moment of unison and then gone.

When does the fighting subside?
When he admits he's wrong,
          When she admits she's wrong,
                    When they admit they're both wrong,
                              When they admit alcohol isn't the solution?
Never realizing the most deadly family killer isn't another come into the picture,
     But instead a little clear liquid taken ten times a day.
Nov 2012 · 778
Morgan Hillhouse Nov 2012
     One, Two, Three
     One, Two, Three
Everything has a rhythm
     A time and place
If you don't listen closely it can easily be missed.
We both listened closely to what we heard
     And found that our hearts beat as one.

One Two Three
One Two Three
We moved together,
     As close as can be.
Our heat radiating off the other
     Bodies pressed together.

     One Two
     One Two
The heat rising off the other
     Makes us want more.
Laying there together,
     Kissing and holding.
Nov 2012 · 894
I feel...nothing...
Morgan Hillhouse Nov 2012
You never liked me,
          not even from the start.
Nothing I could do would change your mind,
     I was always just a step.
          A blemish to the "perfect unit".

You didn't try to stop it when I almost drowned...
Part of me feels you would have enjoyed it.
          No more unwelcome guest to dinner.
My birthday was almost always forgotten,
     Like you didn't want to think of another year of me.
The holidays were always long and sad,
     You never wanted me there, I might ruin something.
          In your eyes I already had.
My academic status meant nothing,
You're a trade family-I didn't fit in.

What did I do?
I tried to fit in,
     To be one of the family,
          To get you to like me.
All my attempts were met with a frown and turn of the head.
So I gave up and just went of being myself.

You're in the hospital now...and I feel nothing.
I hope you get better, I really do.

But while I don't hate you...
                  I dont't love you either.
Nov 2012 · 2.2k
Dad, where'd you go?
Morgan Hillhouse Nov 2012
Why did you shut me out?
You said I don't talk to you enough,
          But how do I keep a conversation going...
                    when the only response I get is "cuz" and "k"?

What did I do to lose you in my life?
You're my father biologically;
          You use to be my father physically as well.

Our conversations...
          "How are you?"..."I'm good. You?"..."k"
You helped raise me for god sake,
                    And I feel more a stranger to you than the guy down the street.

I have longed to have you back in my life;
          The way things use to be.
"Lets go throw a football" turned into hours of fun.
          Now I get a smile on my face when you wave to me while we drive...
           opposite directions...

I bet you couldn't tell me what's new in my life-
Maybe you stopped caring...or maybe she won't let you care.
Sad part is that either way you're allowing it.

I keep being told that you're losing out by not being there.
You've already missed my graduation and surgery...
          What's next?
I''m losing out on the time I could be spending with you.

How many baseball games have we missed going to?
          Or even just sitting down and talking.
I'm not asking for least I don't believe I am.

A child should be allowed to want their father in their lives.
I've had to learn how to grow up without you now.
All the bike rides, talks, games played have been filed away,
          In the past...
                              ...where my dad truly is...
Nov 2012 · 1.4k
Broken and Fixed
Morgan Hillhouse Nov 2012
You took my heart and broke it in two;
What did I do to deserve that from you?

My heart was yours,
As was my body.
Anything you wanted I would give.

So you took what I had to offer
And eventually found that I wasn't enough.
I got hurt in the end even though I offered so much.

Now I'm moved on
And there isn't anything for you to do.
I'm done with your crap
Before I have another anxiety attack over you.

I still care, that much is true.
But I also need to love and be loved
For that is what I was born to do.

I've found someone new who loves me for me.
And I hope you do the same,
Becasue I want you also to be happy.
Nov 2012 · 586
Morgan Hillhouse Nov 2012
How is it that you’ve fallen for me;
                                      That I’ve fallen for you?
All these questions – swirl in my head.

I don’t know how everything will play out,
                                                   If there will be a happy end,
                                                        Or where all the pieces lie.

Here I sit in the middle of a storm,
                                                          ­ The wind and rain pound on my window.
Lights flicker as I write this in partial dark;
                                                           ­               And yet I think of you.

There are few things that make sense in my life,
                                                           ­  So many questions that need to be answered;
                                                       ­                                                              All I know are the simple truths.

I bared up my heart ... you found the key,
                                   I built a wall around myself ...  you found the gate.
I want no more or less than continue this path with you.
                                    You have my heart in all the ways possible.
I tell you this now – even though it took longer than you.

I truly love you.
Oct 2012 · 2.5k
Morgan Hillhouse Oct 2012
Through my life you've been there . . . now there's empty space.
When I needed a hug,
                                     hurt myself,
                                                        or needed protection . . .
You were who I went to.
With your words I made it through battles;
                I believed in myself.

Through the years I grew up and you were always constant.
But through the years as I grew you became secluded.
You found a women who seemed so fair, but looks can be decieving;
               Now this women has taken my place and my words mean nothing.
You're no longer there when I need a hug,
                                            if I should hurt myself,
                                                              and too protect me . . .
You've broken promises;
                Like to be there for prom and graduation.

Now I'm hurt with operation in a few hours.
And this women that seemed so fair keeps you away from me.
I'm getting cut open . . .
                                           . . . and you're going to be missing . . .
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
Morgan Hillhouse Oct 2012
I gave you my heart,
I gave you my body.
No explanation given as to what happened,
Just an abrupt end to a long story.

Maybe I wasn't enough to keep you interested,
Or maybe you found someone better than me.
I wish I knew,
            I wish you told me.

All the promises made...
     "I won't ever hurt you...I won't make you cry..."

Not enough tears produced to drown out the pain,
Not enough strength to hide my hurt.

Now you've moved on and I try to do the same.
I try not to let the thought of someone else in your arms bother me.
But how can I succeed when it was mine for so long?
How do I open up to another when my wall came crumbling down?

The shoes you left will be hard to fill.
The solution is simple...
                                                       ­           Find a man who wears boots.
Sep 2012 · 1.8k
Morgan Hillhouse Sep 2012
A sleepless night, Jazz in the background;
Smoke fills the air around your bed.

Talking, Gambling, Betting,         Cards-
     Just to pass the time til' called to fight.

Are you a hero?
     You don't look like one.

One step at a time to win the war.
     Your footsteps left in the sand behind.

An empty bed lay next to you,
     So much for "no man left behind."

A picture lies beside your bed -
     A loving women, soon to be wife.

One calendar hangs on the wall.
One date circled with the word "HOME" written on it.

A bird returns with loaded caskets,
     The same one that will bring you home.

Bags packed beside the door.
     Loading the bird with the cargo and friends going home.

Grins on all the faces.
A long flight, but worth the trip.

The ride is rough, boring, and cold,
Unloading is better then entering.

A crowd waits for the heroes.
     The ones that saved them from distress.

Young boys look up at faces in 'awe'.
     "Here son, shake hands with real heroes."
Sep 2012 · 844
Hell Run
Morgan Hillhouse Sep 2012
One path,
One choice,
One life you no longer control.
Your soul in the hands of a devious character.
What got you here?
Was it the beatings or the drugs?
Perhaps it was the ******.
This was the wrong direction.
One future you didn't want.
Maybe you could go back, try to start over.

Each memory of what you did wrong,
Re-plays in front of you like a movie.
Sweat beads run down your face.
What have you done to your family?
Tears down your feet,
Pure agony,
Their jouney disappeared.
One person,
Disgraced by all.
Sep 2012 · 738
Morgan Hillhouse Sep 2012
One little girl stands next to a grave,
A single tear runs down her face,
Her eyes are blood shot from the darkness that consumed her.
A lifeless body stands with the soft wind blowing black robbons.
Brown eyes stare at autumns grim leaves.
Tears escape her and fall around her body.
This day is gloomy from the horror that took place the night before.
Mist covers the ground to hide the blood stained earth.
One little girl stands next to a grave.
Sep 2012 · 1.8k
Morgan Hillhouse Sep 2012
Is the world a pleasant place?
Or in reality a nightmare in disguise?
In my opinion the second choice makes more sense.
Is life carefree?
Or one more possession that will be taken from us?
For me both seem right.
Life is carefree, but it was given to us and can be taken away just as easily.
Why is there destruction and killing?
Stabbings and beating?
People being abused and children turned onto the streets?
Is it because the human race is selfish?
Or have we just not tried to fix the problems and enjoy making more?
People think the world will get better,
     Thinking doesn't make it so.
The world is filled with violence, in my opinion it isn't going to change.
Life is a never ending circle.
Life is a nightmare.
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
Morgan Hillhouse Sep 2012
Once upon a time...
Isn't that how the story starts?
The one that everyone wants to happen.

Is it because of the hope of a smooth story?
Or the promise of happily ever after?
What happens if the story goes astray?

Does the world seem to go into chaos, or do you try to find the ending?
What about starting over,
     Instead of going to an unfortold story?
Or is an unfortold story best for this person?

No one ever looks to the past for the answers.
No one ever asks for guidence in their travels.

Why travel head strong to the future without the past...-
     When it's the past itself that's getting you to the future.
Every step, turn, twist, sprint counts.
Everything is put into the equation.
Where you end up is only for you to decide.

No one can know,
     If it will be a happy ending.
It is one's own perception that makes something happy.

How someone takes from experiences
     Turns into the story one tells.
It turns into their happily ever after.
Sep 2012 · 592
Morgan Hillhouse Sep 2012
I sought to make a difference to few,
I sought to make myself matter to you.
For you are who my heart skips for
     - you are who my mind races towards.

All I wish is one second of your time,
All I want is a spare minute of your day,
All I yern for is an hour of your life.
Time spent together talking - nothing in particular,
     Just enjoying the others company.

How do I show you who I am?
How do I show you what I dream?
What will you think if I'm not as you thought?
Will I be kicked to the side to wallow alone?

Only time will tell if I can be accepted.
Only time will tell if I'm as you expected.

One moment in time to prove myself to you,
     One moment not like any other.

Just one moment in time if you please,
Just one moment in time is all we need.
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
Morgan Hillhouse Sep 2012
Looking for home
Sun ablaze in his eyes
Such heat he feels it will take his soul.

Water splashes over the bow
Moisten dry lips for a second
Sun bleached clothes return with color
Heat attacks, they are left brittle as before.

Open eyes look to the horizon
Hope to have the watchful gaze of his love slips
A miricle waits for him at home.
One life that could change the furure.

An abandoned cry
The truth is too much to bare;
Thoughts of nurture seem too far in the past to remember

A passing  moment
Shore line in sight
My love waits for me.

Waiting to see his face
Sun spots block her view
A haze on the horizon

Waves crash upon the shore
Wet feet for an instant
Hope sings sweet songs in her heart
Not to be diminished for a second

Storm clouds start to roll in
Thunder starts to roar
A stomach full with the greatest joy
A kick and a smile

Shutteing inside for what is to come
When will he get back?
Too much pain

Storm lightens up
A mast on the water
Family whole again.
Sep 2012 · 1.4k
What Happened?
Morgan Hillhouse Sep 2012
A lost dream- story untold
Tears shed,
     Scars that need mending.
Blood runs cold - a bruise here or there
Fire burns, lost intentions
A scream in the distance,
     Nothing to gain.
Sorrow becomes the song for this maiden.

A silver lining tangles in the clouds.
A heart is pure and soft,
Challenges ahead - sorrow runs deep
The sea of love is one unknown
Appetite for someone's touch,
     Depth of passion

No map to follow,
     Journey can be harsh.
No urgency to finish the adventure.
There must be a golden light at the end...

— The End —