We wore these sublime stained expressions so proudly
Tossed some mud and dodged the predators
We had truly achieved chemical nirvana
Short switch and the ignition burns fast
Make believe bombs for a make believe world
bright lights from an old time explosion
Blue green skies fully disrupted
Wrought with pinstriped lines and popped cloud clusters
Abstract and animalistic patrons for this viewing
we came down for a time
but soon realized there never was a good reason
Cannon loaded and funky we shoot back into space
Mismatched farewells with the grudge filled quirks
We populated the moon because we left a trash heap
Blotting anyone who arrived for curiosities sake
Soon we had a nonsense circus that floated with a lack of gravity
we found the space monkey
he was driven insane from potassium deficiency
still he turned into a smile when offered a crutch for his madness
Why find a remedy when you can perpetuate profound insanity?
One kaleidoscope for the world's viewing
look down and witness the action
We watch trying to comprehend such animosity
Progress left with the dinos
fossilized and forgotten
Spontaneously combust and an arm chair is left smoldering
View through tilted physics and sky high perception
Laugh and back slap for bets won
that war was avoided
this one is inevitable
Shall we estimate this year's hunger?
Shall we rationalize all these downward hysterics?
I think I will stay moon strapped and confused
No urge can be conjured to make that trip back to earth
With a lack of God up here for complicating
We may have found the secret for peace
we never did come down
why not?
indeed sir