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MoonChild Jul 2013
In a glimpse I saw him
torn,weakened,humble and dependant,
I took him that way
there was no giving to him,
the need was too great,
sense of heightened senses,
I took him again and once more
until he was whole..
MoonChild Aug 2013
A virtual touch
rips me wide,exposed,
filled again by the storm of his love.
A mind vast with tendrils of vision,
don't stop,I said,don't stop
I touch the skin of my throat and see his face,
don't stop,don't stop...
MoonChild Jul 2013
Pushing,pulling,twisting skin
she strips me bare
bones and sinew
cleaned of the debris society has thrown upon me,
trembling I waited
as her world paraded past me
to admire the work she had done,
I wait here still,
for her to complete what she has begun...
MoonChild Jul 2013
For laughter I came here
for the same I stayed
'til it became vitriolic
and unfunny
my shape shifting to suit
uncomfortable and not recognised
I shed the farce
and walked away..
MoonChild Jul 2013
'You might find me,
with poems in my pocket,
A soul full of irony
names of lovers,
Skywriting in my mind,
each a stardust sprinkling,
of memories ever twinkling,
and there were truths,
Sifting through,
many expressed clumsily,
Beached whales drying out,
blubbering soundlessly,
Just another spectacle,
for those who do not understand,
To gawk at.......'
MoonChild Jul 2013
Love murdered,strange love
there are no cigarettes to smoke
the monkey has long nails
they scratch at my neck
Demons gnaw at the edges
I give them my rage to appease appetite.
The sun still in it's mocking glory
MoonChild Aug 2013
strip,soak and despair
no god here but him
he rose above himself
bigger than his body
his senses soar
his hunger roars
MoonChild Aug 2013
Filthy fingernails,despicable and desperate
for clean.
Could I have known how it would end
layers of unknown stripped away
shuddering and trying to shed
the nakedness of my shame
my want of more.
MoonChild Jul 2013
I still walk across your crooked kitchen floor,
in my fine tuned dreams,
The tiny front room where you seduced me,
with nuances of notes that have have settled on my soul
like lichen,
Filling me with hundred dollar whisky and saxaphone sound
that seemed to be tendrils that whispered through me,
It was only when I cried out with the beauty ,
that you took me trembling,
took me down to the sublime,
Wrapping me in circles of you,
turning and twisting with hard fingers,
moulding me to you,
I am still there in my fine tuned dreams,
supple in your love.....
MoonChild Aug 2013
dizzy with want
exposed and adored
alone and filled
with a vibration of shadows
only the blind would feel.
MoonChild Jul 2013
Lions eyes,cloudy yet wise
this gentle and genteel man
a mystery to me,
yet we have touched
Souls intertwined like vines
in a forest mystic,
Backs against Tingle trees,
Fifteen hundred year old texture
pushing us away
leaving imprints like scars unhealed....
MoonChild Jul 2013
The pages flicker
like candles lit
I'm trying  to put it
Trying to come home to
I'm crying out my reality
MoonChild Aug 2013
The Gypsy Boy,The Goddess and the Troubadour...
Did alight upon me with soft wings that night..

The Gypsy boy,the link that holds it all together,
His strength not revealing his deep,deep anguish,
His weariness of a world that tries to jade him,
it never shall succeed....

The Goddess,such soul,
I am humbled by her spirit,her love like a warmth,
She looks to the Gypsy boy,eyes bright with hope,
She knows us this Goddess,
She sees us all....

The Troubadour with his lyrics,
That share the story of who he is,
To those who may be listening,
I think I heard him amongst the fascination,
Play me Troubadour,
See the storm that is in me......

The Gypsy boy,The Goddess and The Troubadour.....
You move me......
MoonChild Aug 2013
lines on a face
tracking years and frenzied loves
visions of such clarity
the curve of a mouth
not quite able
so very kissable
laughing at the lines on a face
well earned.
MoonChild Jul 2013
Gratified and mutilated
upon the river I came
I bathed in the water
sopping,sponged and soaked
cleaner than clean
scrubbed to white bone
bliss of cleanliness
of purity
in this one moment,
Head under the water
deeper and yet deeper
blissfully clean
I let go...
MoonChild Jul 2013
You sang me a song
and then took it back,
Held me like a fragile bird
then let me go.
It's cold here
in the sun by myself,
This bird knows not how to fly
and wants to go home...
MoonChild Aug 2013
The curtains were stained and yellow
like his teeth,
nicotine and despair and food too heavy
his hands tremble as he lights another.
Breath rancid,eyes almost closed
he looks behind him
and sees the pain of a life lived
children lost
once removed.
Hands gnarled with meaningless labor
hold cigarrette to lips pursed
and unforgiving.
MoonChild Jul 2013
Never a poet
but a tattooed Clown,
Laughed at,spat upon
adorned with your debris,
Waste not to be wasted
But thrown,
Hanging like a puppet
stinking and unfunny,
not ever a poet
held down....
MoonChild Jul 2013
Truth sifts through
like fine lace
hand woven with care
but with so much to lose
we keep it wrapped in hessian
harsh and abrasive
kept safe within.
MoonChild Aug 2013
You took me in circles
to the ocean floor
wrapped me in tendrils
left me floating and free.
Whispering witch and a music man
the sea has dried up
all that remains is the lyrical burn..
MoonChild Jul 2013
We talked about the health of Cairo
We searched the world for truth
We came thus far for beauty
and the cigarettes we smoked.
Wine and whiskey and lyrical waxing,
we exhausted ourselves of humor
of angst and rhetorical.
We talked until we were breathless
achieving no peace in  a very short time
long winded speeches of self import.
We never realised it but we were half way there
as we packed up empty bottles,ideas and butts,
Home we went
to the safety of complacent lives.
MoonChild Aug 2013
Shoulders hunched,,,life too heavy?
Embedded color,,,to keep it flowing?
Questions and vision
yet little sophistication.
Lyrics soft,,,drowned out by nervous laughter
Cover me,,place your weight upon
Wash over me,,the flow that is
catch up,whirl around,float free
No expectation
See past and feel beyond
softness is stirring
touch this face
and tell me who I am.
MoonChild Aug 2013
In loose terms
in slacked mouth lies
in stretching truths
spider web fine
unfit for consumption
lines and grievances
I write with tongue in cheek
firmly held away from teeth
bared in a grimace
oh we have begun.
MoonChild Aug 2013
She was held so clumsily in place a long time ago,
until she stepped into a bubble,
a clutter of personalities,
come out,come out wherever you what they kept repeating.
when the 27 came storming,raging,loving at them,
the horror in those made up eyes, burned,
she was aflame with life ,tormented and screaming,
left with no cover,raw and broken,
she clawed her way back,(did she?)
with a soul ripped open,
spewing forth truths that never abated.
She still chokes on those times.
MoonChild Jul 2013
Like ghosts we pass each other
moments of who we were evaporated
a nod,a smile,a glimpse on occasion
only feeling when we argue,
bouncing bitterness off of each other.
We are great friends though we tell
as we drift back to our individual shadows...
MoonChild Aug 2013
the keening begins
mourning cry of loss
of the ungained
too much now
mouth wide
agony runs like water
splashing the surroundings
mingles the numbness
begin to float
the pain is a pool now
MoonChild Aug 2013
Tip and pour the wax
read the signs
fill the cracks
painkillers and  nature
grounded in earth and hopelessness
simple words,simplistic
apt and available
MoonChild Jul 2013
They will come from the shadows,
the ones I have loved,
I will be clear then,
my clarity will beckon them,
like Nora,
No longer desolate with love
but as clear as the wind,
crisp and alive and free,
and the sky will rain music upon us.....
MoonChild Aug 2013
J'ai goute' des 'etoiles,
I'm tasting stars,

Pour them unto me
milk and honey not enough
Succour me with love
not well worn phrases,
I drink of you,

J'ai goute' des 'etoiles...
MoonChild Jul 2013
Had I the clothes of heaven,would I drape them over you,around you,
in hope that the morning sun does not fade them ,
like my dreams.
In the velvet clutch of the darkest night,
my hour of need,my dreams,my dreams,my nightmares.
Clear vision of you ,fade in the morning light
ever holding on with all,
you fade,like my dreams,
you fade away..
MoonChild Jul 2013
Creases on his hands,tracks of time
gathered and pinched to join together
the pen grasped
Still gives it out,the words
simple words of a life
well lived.
MoonChild Jul 2013
such itchy thumbs had she
scraped on walls
against trees and bricks
such itchy thumbs
and fingers of blood
to caress her love,her love,her love,
leaves with a smile
smoke and mirrors
she will come today
MoonChild Jun 2015
like an engorged white spider,
licks her lips of ***** collected..
it drips on to her fat chins .
She whispers venom from ear to ear of the victims caught in her sticky web.
no mystery here
deceit and dirt
get your filthy ****** away from me and mine..
MoonChild Aug 2013
Le Luna sees you Gypsy boy
gazing upon you
she recognises you
like a peice of music never forgotten.

Le Luna hears you Gypsy boy
she listens as you convey your truth
she hears your silent screams.

Le Luna touches you Gypsy boy
and feels beneath your skin
your mask
feels your dreams
so tactile.

Le Luna thanks you Gypsy boy
for seeing beyond
for hearing her truth
for touching her so deeply....
MoonChild Aug 2013
You said I was the closest thing you had to a home
comfort and security,strength,dependability
Then you tore me down like walls
bricks fell upon you
did you feel the screams of anguish in each cracking
every vibration, a love being ripped apart.

I had searched for you in the days before
each time a different face showing
I heard malice in the air when you whispered into anothers ear my story
not yours to tell.

Each word,every syllable you gave away
was another cut,another tear
Did you think these walls were so pliable
that they would not lose fundation
nothing left but raw exposure.

Foundations stand where you stood
of barbed wire and steel
a cemented corner that bears your name
like a headstone
Forgiveness was possible
too many times
I will mourn you as I mourn so many choices.
MoonChild Aug 2013
Lyrics unsung
cries to the moon
dreams not yet realised
notes and nuances
dance upon the air
to be caught
so tactile
sifting through me
filling crevices
violin strings
fragility and strength
MoonChild Jul 2013
....and so I began to speak
but my mouth stretched too wide
and you gagged
as I vomited words at your feet
But my message is incomplete,
Now your hands are upon your head
now they cover your ears
But my message is incomplete,
I was wrong in having
unjust unkind thoughts of you,
but still I repeat and repeat and repeat
like a broken manic record
My message is incomplete...
MoonChild Aug 2013
‎'Did I leave a mark?
like a lyric burned into skin,
the graffiti of my soul
did it leave a stain?
Does it make you itch at times,
irritate,infatuate,remind you
that I was there,
that I still am'......
MoonChild Aug 2013
Weave and spin together
visionary east and west
meet me in storm centre
dance me to a river
cleanse me there
in moonlight do bathe me
see me
I am come home.
MoonChild Jul 2013
but I had to go mad
to become real
a diagnoses of mirrors
permission to feel,
I miss the drugs
when I swallow the medication
mind numbingly beautiful
with veins like seaweed
wavering in water
thirst never quenched
I crave it like he does.
MoonChild Aug 2013
Bruises on skin
perfect finger prints
proof that you were here
sweetest pain
pulled in breath
nails dig deeper
ripping with need
to go deeper
deeper still
scarring and tearing
crest of ever.
MoonChild Jul 2013
crushing,brushing against it,
don't lose it,the feeling,
breathe it in,rancid sweetness
evocative of yesterday
musty and mouldy,like rotted fruit,
your innermost
brick of soul,heart of wire
it runs through your fingers now
sticky sweet
try to wrap it,to warp it,to save it
last years dinner
served up to the undeserving..
MoonChild Aug 2013
I cut my hair again last night
thinking of you as it fell to the floor
how you loved to run your fingers through it
lift it's weight from my neck to place your lips there,
I felt tempted and malicious
as I thought of sending you the gatherings
from my bathroom floor
with no note of remembrance
knowing you would need no such note,
knowing how you would look
as my love fell to your feet
scattered on your floor.

I think I'll cut my hair again tonight.
MoonChild Aug 2013
Hands pushed into my darkness,
and held me up to ridicule
I echoed him,reflected him
and paid a high price for the awakening.

Hands sifted through my lyrical soul
and held me up to the light
to love.
I echoed him,reflected him
and paid a high price for the awakening.

Hands reached across the cosmos
and  held me up to all I could be
I echoed him,reflected him
and paid a high price for the awakening.

No hands are allowed so close now
to touch me
nor hold me.
I have been echoed and reflected
and paid too high a price on awakening.
MoonChild Aug 2013
Love aflame in cinemascope
the shape of this heart,
My woman with the wild,wild hair.

At gardens gate
I remember
there was a girl,
My woman with the wild,wild hair.

Champagne eyes
never forgotten
lines in a notebook,
My woman with the wild,wild hair.
MoonChild Jul 2013
Alchemist make for me
conjure an elixir
that tastes of his tongue
his tenderness
his mouth.
Alchemist make for me
conjure an elixir
that smells of his skin
like the breathing of his essence
his love.
Alchemist make for me
conjure an elixir
a balm for these memories
that burn me and make me yearn.
Heal me of him Alchemist
conjure an elixir
or bring him home....
MoonChild Aug 2013
Letters run
words untangle
and flow through these viens,
Like streams of light that I can taste,

MoonChild Jul 2013
******* son
born of delusion
man of height
of breadth
eyes of steel
corrosion of soul
gone now
thief and liar
giver of light
I step back into the shadows
and wait..
MoonChild Aug 2013
Liquid amber eyes
scorpio sting
heart so big
beats so heavy
a different drum
fascinating rythm.

Liquid amber eyes
scorpio and strung
fine lines of derision
gazing at pictures
you Drew.
MoonChild Aug 2013
I had a friend,I heard he died
on his mistaken morals he was crucified.
He lived for but a moment
in the lines of her face
found peace there
a quiet definition of self.
Then came her tears
filled the crevices
washed him clean until his mouth filled
and he began to drown.
She had forgotten his inability to swim
watched helpless as he floated by
inarticulate and unable to save him.
She loved him in his freedom
mourns him in the knowledge
that now he barely exists.
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