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1.9k · Nov 2014
Moon sun mars Nov 2014
She my lil dancer forget what her man on
She my lil dancer move it slow when I'm on one
She my lil dancer still moven when I'm gone
She my lil dancer never give it up not even to her man no one
She my lil dancer she keep her body tight
She my little dancer move them hips all **** night
She my little dancer when I keep her body wet
She my little dancer dancin in my bed
1.0k · Nov 2014
Moon knight
Moon sun mars Nov 2014
I watch the moon with 1 million problems on my mind
I watch the moon and too my problems I'm blind
I watch the moon every single night
I watch the moon because it' was here when she left me
I watch the moon when the worlds on my shoulders and feels to heavy
I watch the moon the whole time we made love
I watched the moon when I got the text saying your carring my child
I watch the moon y'all left my life
I watched the moon when I seen you took both of your life's
I watched the moon when I lost my future child and wife
Now the only reason why I watch the moon is because I lost my mind
Rest in my beautiful peace moon son and Mary Shultz
612 · Nov 2014
Before he went mad
Moon sun mars Nov 2014
He always smiled before he went mad
She loved him like crazy before he went mad
He lived life wild before he went mad
They worked on a baby before he went mad
He had motivation before he went mad
He thought they would make it until he went mad
All the nights they spent naked until he mad
She went on vacation and then he went mad
They grew farther then he went mad
She said he wasn't the father and went mad
No more smiles only blank
No more love only lust
No more faith no more trust
No more sun no more clouds
No more light no more stars
She won
Solo dolo
502 · Nov 2014
Moon sun mars Nov 2014
Walk in the room everyone knows your the guy
Dudes thank you Kool but your just tryna get by
Women wanna ***** but you barely got the time
Making money quick knowin he has a plan
Used to burn daily not just Benjamin's in his hand
Rarely leaves home but works always boomin
Who woulda known one day the cops would come shootin
Stray bullet hit his son neck
Now it's on now mr,gold had shooters and choppers on deck
Feelin like scarf ace shootin coppers down
Bullets bust his head my.golds down
City's cold now police patrol now
Dudes fighting for control now
468 · Dec 2014
Grown ups
Moon sun mars Dec 2014
I get told I run from my problems
I have 99 of em but I never solve em
Doin what I do to get paid
Maken more then most make in a month in one day
Income like this has me goin state to state
Passport in my bag traveling across the American border
Runnin from my problems cause their stuck in my mind
I guess When it comes  holding on to thought I always been a horder
I thought things would get easier as I got older
It's crazy how I'm so bummed out
I got everything now
Everything but love I guess
John Lennon told me ever since I was a shorty love was all I needed
I get it I get I just don't get why when I look I never see it
It's hard I trust women of my generation
It's all good I'm ona plane right now
Just hit the city I can see the lights from the window
Comen home to everything I ran from knowing bull ***** only continue
I'll just leave this with a to be continued
I'll probably bring part 2 up whenever I decide to grow up
402 · Nov 2014
New hope
Moon sun mars Nov 2014
She give me hope it's not always cold,
She's got me out here Ina t shirt jeans and sneakers no coat,
She's "hot" enough for the both of us,
I'm cold enough for both of us,
I hope it's not hocus pocus
I pray she doesn't do me bogus
Outta my old shell like a locus
Outta the city full of roaches
Outta my twin sized bed
I'm in a land with no poverty
I'm in a Land where the bed never ends
I'm in a land of love not lust
I'm in a land of no lies just trust
We're in this land together its just us
Only us
278 · Nov 2014
Her name was Mary
Moon sun mars Nov 2014
I hardly ever smoke
I hate to cough
I used to smoke everyday
In a attempt to find what I thought was lost
When I stopped I hated it but I made it
I never seemed to remember dreams or nightmares when I was high
I used to be able to sleep through the screams when I was high
Every sober day was filled with no apotite and sleepless nights
I loved my Mary so **** much
But when I was done we had to completely lose touch
While singing the blues I turned on the news
What I seen blew my mind I couldn't believe my eyes
My Mary committed suicide which was induced by the news her love was no longer mine
After that I lost my mind and chose liquor to pass my time
But something wasn't right so I put that the bottle and picked up a bag
The feelings I had have passed now when I smoke I don't feel as sad
When I think of Mary I don't ever get mad or feel bad
I smile and thank about the good times we had
She's high in the sky and once a week so am I
Heaven or hell neither could come I between the love that we had
Rest in peace Mary Shultz

— The End —