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Venus Rose Vibes Mar 2013
I dream of life in a fairy tale
My mother is the queen
Family without lacking any self esteem
I am the princess
My life is oh so grand
Every man on the planet
Has asked me for my hand
Dinner is always a feast
My corridor larger than peasants homes
Every day I sit on my ****
Upon my magnificent throne
I aquire jesters for entertainment
Fulfillment at the tip of every finger
But sometimes when I am by myself
I notice there is nothing inwards
Never have I been hurt
Tangents into questions of if I know love
I have never held a tender embrace
Hardly a single hug
No one has ever let me down
So I have never grown
All I do is whatever I would like
But I am all alone
Venus Rose Vibes Mar 2013
I hold tears of foreign seas
whilst I cast my sails to your sand
partnership is vital
in a series of unfortunate events
barter my history of demented
in an attempt to reconcile
in love again, with your eyes
reflecting the Devil's smile.
Venus Rose Vibes Mar 2013
Lovers quarrel
spiral towards tragedy
eyes are forward
heart traded place with body
propped against a hallowed tree
all of you that I seek is your silence
to rest in our quiet
dreams turned violent
underlying the abyss of your malevolence
quest for a chest to rest my head upon again
Venus Rose Vibes Mar 2013
Remain present
post melancholy past
tangible chill
charaded memory
mind capacitated
Venus Rose Vibes Mar 2013
A Daisy and a Daffodil
grew side by side
each so very still
entangled by the Earth

A thunderstorm rolled through the hills
there was a massive stretch of foliage killed
including Daisy's best friend Daffodil

Once the weather turned around
a Rose bud began to sprout
rays of sun fed her leaves
and so she blossomed beautifully

Rose became Daisy's best companion
together their petals danced in the wind
they stayed through seasons end but time came back around

A front stops in from off shore
to birth a storm greater than ever before
Rose watched Daisy torn from her grasp of dirt

The cursed and wretched breeze
carried a Gardenia seed
she has the fairest petals and the sweetest of scent
she rises up to say 'Hello.'
the sun shines again for Rose.
Venus Rose Vibes Mar 2013
I looked over and beyond your shoulder
past the hills and into a far off valley
I saw two figures dancing happily
whos image could this be?

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath of the wind as it picked up
in the pockets of air I could hear their laughter
traversing over the land
they hold hands then break away
their space between is night to day
but they are so close.

Shades of brown cover their faces
brunette hairs wisp in the breeze
the length of one is lesser than the other
I realize this is a man and woman
playful in their harmony
a picture of you and me.
Venus Rose Vibes Mar 2013
Pixie dust, *****.
Our world is bleak and sick
filled by clumsy ***** searching for their next trip
shaking red hands in a haze of cigarettes


So, as I have now lit my cancer stick
inhale my moment of what is truly calamity
a recognized but slow-moving demise
maybe I will quit tomorrow.

I only smoke ****, man.

And who does not enjoy a drink or two
or seven?

Some hole in the wall
that has great chicken wings and cheap Chardonnay that sits over the water;
can we sit and forget the rest of their pointless lives or being broke
and sit just slightly apart
that we can not help but want
and do, touch.

Our smiles, postcards from our togetherness
what was a glum and still depth now rippled by our laughter

I am happy with that, with you.
I would love to stay forever.

one twisted soul reaching out to another.
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