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1.0k · Jul 2014
A Bitter Pill
Montana Jul 2014
The most painful dreams
are the ones where I'm kissing you
because when I wake up, I know

I can't.
960 · Jan 2013
Montana Jan 2013
They say when you lose a limb,
sometimes you can still feel it
even after it's gone
Maybe that's why I still feel your arm
wrapped around my waist
945 · Dec 2013
So it goes
Montana Dec 2013
Hey Billy Boy,
Meet me on Tralfamadore.
You know when, Billy Boy,
We've been there before.

I'll be your Montana,
And we'll talk and we'll ****.
Until the time comes
We become time unstuck.

It's hard to adjust
To four-dimensional sight.
Strange to know the world will end,
With a fateful test flight.

Free will is a myth;
So resign yourself to fate.
Billy Boy, so it goes.
Just sit back, and wait.
Just a silly ode to my favorite book.
Montana Apr 2015
Someone once told you,
“Boys don’t cry.”
And for a while,
you believed them.

But like a flower,
kissed by the sun
and nurtured by the rain,
you opened yourself to the world.

And the world can be harsh.
Cloudy days can be cruel.
But if you wait for the sun,
I promise it will come back.

Your empathy may destroy you,
but that’s the price you must pay
to feel happiness and love
as deeply as you do.

And they will tell you,
“You are weak.”
But darling,
you are not weak.

And they will tell you
“You are less than.”
But darling,
you are more.

Boy who cries, you are beautiful.
But they will tell you
you are not.

Don’t listen.
866 · Sep 2013
Thanksgiving in September
Montana Sep 2013
I’m thankful for your cold shoulder
Turned away from me.

I’m thankful for your taste in movies
Satirical horror.
Running time: 1 hour 35 minutes.

I’m thankful you didn’t kiss me
Lips pressed together tight.

I’m thankful for the goodbye hug
Lopsided and callous.
Approximately 3 seconds.

And mostly, I’m thankful
You decided you were through with me at 10:56.
And not 10:57.

Because I made every green light
On the way home from your apartment.
Montana Jul 2014
You traced the horizon with your fingertips
as if the sunset was something you painted
with Kool-Aid and cornstarch.

The ocean spit salty on the backs of our necks
As the sun faded behind the skyline of the city.
You kissed me hard then lit a cigarette. Laughing,
"Nobody watches the sunset on the East Coast."

I lay my head on your shoulder
as you dug trenches in the sand with your feet.
We sat in silence for a while, and that was okay.
You always said if the words aren't there, don't force it.

If the love isn't there don't force it.

If the love isn't there don't force it.

If the love isn't there don't force it.

I keep that sunset you painted with me all the time
and I look at it when I can't remember
what the sun feels like.

Wrinkled with time and more dull than I remember
it still stains my fingertips red and leaves a sugary sweet taste
on my tongue.
805 · May 2012
Twenty-Five Thousand
Montana May 2012
Get some sleep, if you can.
It won’t be long before you have to start up again.
Go through the motions.
Smile when it’s expected.
Speak when it’s appropriate.
For a moment yesterday, you contemplated running away.
No, not running, walking.
For the only thing worth running from is yourself,
And darling, even you know better than that.
Drive north until you feel like stopping.
With music loud, tank filled up, and a heart unchained,
You would drive.
Until you found beauty.
Until you found purpose.
Until the map turned blue.
Save it for a rainy day?
But the only difference is water, baby.
Cause you’ve got dark clouds aplenty.
781 · Jul 2015
Locus Coeruleus
Montana Jul 2015
This morning I cried
Because the blanket you gave me
No longer smells like you.

That scent you had asked me to describe
But I couldn't.
I said something generic.
"It smells good. You smell good."

I guess it's weird to tell a person they smell like home.

You tell me not to worry.
You promise you'll be back.
Back to sleep under that blanket with me.

I believe you with my whole heart.
Just as I've done everything with you—

My head, however,
Isn't so sure.
776 · Jul 2015
When I say that I love you
Montana Jul 2015
When I say that I love you,
I mean that right now,
in this moment,
I am in love with you.
I mean that I care about you.
I mean, that right now,
in this moment,
I would like to be with you for the long run.
I mean that right now,
in this moment,
I can see myself being with you forever.

When I say that I love you,
I do NOT mean that I can promise that I WILL love you forever.
It only means that right now,
in this moment,
I would like to try.
I do NOT mean that I think loving you will be easy.
It only means that right now,
in this moment,
I think it will be worth it.
I do NOT mean that I expect you to always agree with me.
I do NOT mean that I expect you to love me in exactly the same way.
I ONLY mean that I hope that you can try
to love me too.
"There is so much beauty in the trying and in the failing and in the trying again."
752 · Mar 2016
My rain-soaked skin
Montana Mar 2016
We've been expecting rain
for three days.

The weathermen get it wrong sometimes too,
I suppose.

Besides, rain always seems to come
when you least expect it.
751 · Aug 2016
Green Girl part 2
Montana Aug 2016
I’ve reached a roadblock
in this punch-drunk--

The exhilarated semblance
of warm-color happiness
is peeled back
like the layers of an onion
to reveal raw, pungent inexperience
sincere in frankness,
yet clumsy in approach

The blurred lines of
tender affection
and pious adulation--

The muddy waters of
passionate attachment
and fiery dominion--

A foolish game
for a foolish girl.
744 · Sep 2013
Words Like Drano
Montana Sep 2013
I’ve had writer’s block for months.

Then a five-word cliché unleashed a torrent of
Pent-up for so long.

And the best part is,
You're wrong, babe.
It’s not you, it’s me.

And it always has been.
718 · Mar 2016
Montana Mar 2016
I used to think that the penalty
for devastating loss
was a metaphorical
                   in your

And though that
                  made you
something would come along
to fill that

All things broken
could be made new again.

I know now,
that is not true.
                   in your
cannot be filled.

When you lose a piece
of yourself,
that piece is gone.

And no amount of love,
or support,
can restore you
to shiny, new condition.

that is not to say
that the broken
cannot be healed.

For though a heart
can never be made

It can be made larger.

You can never replace
the missing pieces,
But you can always
collect more.

And though more surface area
leaves more opportunity for
It also changes the size
of the existing ones
relative to what's left.

You will never not miss
what you have

You will never not feel
burdened by your

But it will get easier.
667 · Jul 2015
Montana Jul 2015
Sticky summer days
Bored and lonely

My mother would tell me
To find shapes in the clouds.

"Look. That's a dog."
"Over there, that's a teapot."

"I see it," I'd say.
But I never did.

All I saw were clouds.
640 · May 2015
Star Stuff
Montana May 2015
The freckles on your body
Like stars in the sky
I want to connect the dots

Kissing constellations
across your back

The entire universe
behind your eyes
637 · Aug 2015
Montana Aug 2015
The moon is bright and full
Like my heart
My heart is full and bursting
Like a berry
Red and ripe
And ready
To be devoured
589 · Mar 2016
You bury me
Montana Mar 2016
If loving you is stepping off a cliff
I would gladly take that step
Over and over again.


Tangled limbs and broken bones.

Smiling all the while.



381 · Dec 2015
Montana Dec 2015
The sunshine filters in
dancing starlight across your cheeks
crisp white teeth gleam
behind sun-kissed lips
And I smile
because you
are all

— The End —