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Sep 2012 · 490
call me home
montag runs Sep 2012
I'm thinking sweet
a cuba libre darling
brown thighs
molasses loving
tell me my
memories are all
oh darling sweet
voice you have
call me home
Apr 2012 · 565
montag runs Apr 2012
the colour drifts
held and split-tastes
and chooses, abhorrent
to friction- spins
and underbelly to sun
dives deep-

the colour drifts
Apr 2012 · 658
montag runs Apr 2012
the colour drifts
held and split-tastes
and chooses, abhorrent
to friction- spins
and underbelly to sun
dives deep-

the colour drifts
Apr 2012 · 596
montag runs Apr 2012
the colour drifts
held and split-tastes
and chooses, abhorrent
to friction- spins
and underbelly to sun
dives deep-

the colour drifts
Apr 2012 · 502
this loss
montag runs Apr 2012
these arms that
laboured once past
pain and thought, lay
now empty at  a  
and staring eyes
refuse tears

and my throat
awaits a cry
this loss, silent
a haunt unannounced
Jan 2012 · 539
lost of you
montag runs Jan 2012
I have no words
for this

I could look askance
catch a sight of
you, but hold only
what I lost
like a taste
I cant chase
a breath drawn and then

I am lost
of you
Jan 2012 · 508
A child
montag runs Jan 2012
a flag listless
hangs- a song unsung
children chant, await
and chant again,
and run- give chase
to all that will run
as well
the breath that stirs-
and the madness of a
clear blue sky
thirsts the bake

I once, a child was
Jan 2012 · 526
A child
montag runs Jan 2012
a flag listless
hangs- a song unsung
children chant' await
and chant again,
and run- give chase
to all that will run
as well
the breath that stirs-
and the madness of a
clear blue sky
thirsts the bake

I once, a child was
Dec 2011 · 945
A sky slate grey
montag runs Dec 2011
I saw a sky
slate grey- clear
but for
clouds that
wanted away-
drift listless

I thought of death
under a sun
and I breathless

I fear silence
between you
and I, tonedeaf
I sing
this, my melody.
Dec 2011 · 464
montag runs Dec 2011
this path
that leads
I follow

worn before I
stepped first
I place foot
in cadence set

yet I stray
seek echoes
and shadows left
by leaves
Dec 2011 · 688
these lungs
montag runs Dec 2011
this air that travels
and wet through
window, grasps
my face in welcome
has scent of field
grown uncut, pastures lost
forgotten- the edge
of city restless
like the breath that
fills these lungs
and seeks a
path elsewhere
Dec 2011 · 579
montag runs Dec 2011
the touch that
draws a face
to accept a
kiss, skin tensed
on fingertips
seeking the yield
that tilts a head
to yours

the gasp
of a kiss first
shared, we mistake
call love
yet love's gasp
comes later
Nov 2011 · 676
to a hurt
montag runs Nov 2011
you broke me
down, past where we
met- to a hurt
I dont understand
I am lost now
without  your

and your touch
broke me down
to a hurt, I
dont understand

— The End —