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Monica Raye May 2011
I can't force myself to understand
How the world could contain such sinful beauty.
A smear of curvy tan
Framed by black waves
Two specks of blue
And maybe,
Just maybe,
A shade of... Magenta?
Such lusciousness is dipped and coated
In kindness and love
With a dash of humor
And a pinch of brilliance.
I wish this demoness
Would wrap herself around me
Embrace my flaws
With her perfection.
Monica Raye May 2011
Deep passions and divine passings
You will never speak from your inside, out.
Mistakes linger here and there
But you think it's fine, you have it made.
Take it from the worst of them all
This is not the decision, it's not okay.
When you trip and fall
Into strawberry poison
Don't scrub off the deep stains.
Someday you will understand
But I hope you learn from my messes
That this is the time for an outburst of your most prized oragan
Precious ,though you were, I let you sift through my fingers
And once you loose that precious sand
It's hard to gain it back COMPlETELY
By picking it up
Grain by grain
Monica Raye May 2011
Drip and drop
Dodge drilling electricity

Simply shelter
Under shady greens

Just jump
Become jittery from jolts

Laugh and linger
On lovely loudness

Hold hands
Hide under the honey suckle host

Trip and try
Trickle through fields

Run and reminisce
While the sky roars
Monica Raye May 2011
Sprinkle on your cinnamon lies
Beat your butterfly kisses
Sugarcoat your evil

Tell me, with a sly smile
How your in love
Fake your gum drop beauty

Make me taste your toxic goodness
Poison me with locorice lips
Slip in your own sweetness

Simply shy away
With a strawberry blush
When you know you are caught
Monica Raye May 2011
I look up at these fake stars and remember
How we counted them together
Just you and me
And satin sheets

Its not easy missing you
And the things you do
But i will always love you
And those deep deep blues

Dearest Desire that sparks my skin
With every touch and every sin
Kiss me once more
Take me in with your lure

Speak my name a thousand times
And ill scream yours back to you.

— The End —