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2.8k · Dec 2013
And who’s to say I’m not perfect?

What are you to know I’m not?

Say, I feel mad, Say, I feel anger

Why,some soul mate I turn out to be

Be unapproving, few cracks on a mirror

And my hands are *****

Are yours too?

oh, how jealousy becomes of me

yet, I am perfect, yet I am right

Yet do not feel fine.
1.9k · Dec 2013
To Monday
OH Monday! How I loath your existence
You strive from Satan *****.
Do you think people like your presence?
Go away, please go away, you demon!
Oh Monday, we’ll never be eye to eye.
Oh Monday, please don’t cry.
It’s not your fault that you’re ugly.
It’s not your fault that you make me want to die.
is it clear that you only hate Mondays because your life *****?
1.6k · Jan 2015
Al levantarme del suelo, pregunto
Cuanto diablos peso? Que ni ha estremecido
lleve locuras en mi cabeza
besos de locura, besos de ternura, besos de pasion,
enredaderas de piel, claro y moreno

Lunes, martes y ahora miércoles:

Hablame cuando termine mi taza de cafe
ya que la mañana no agrado, no funciono
como gasolina a maquina
mi cuerpo se activa
Me hablas cuando termine el cafe
y despreocupate
que no tomare el ultimo sorbo.

Siento tus huellas, sangre acumulada
besos de ternura, besos de pasion
besame , agarrame
me dejo caer, si en fin
so incomoda mujer...
pero vuelve a levantarme
sujetame otra vez
siento que no peso
por favor, otra vez.
1.1k · Jan 2015
La depresion no existe
Atencion Atencion!
La depresion ya no existe
Si! todos son unos locos
muy muy tristes

Estudios tras estudios
de los estudiosos ingenuosos
ya me lo han probado
la depresion dexiste
ya esta comprobado

Oido tras boca
que es antisocial
que no se levanta
y no sabe del manantial
pero solo le hace falta
ayuda celestial

Que va ser?
Si el nene tiene chavos
madre y padre y par de carros
Déjalo tranqiuilo
esta en la etapa
si nunca de alegra
se va a matar
997 · Mar 2014
Fly high
You **** while you walk
You spit while you talk

Tell me what you think
If any thought occurs

Your head heard about poverty
But your mind thought about deny
Deny deny, don't think about those 
And lie, lie about your fathers
Lie about your name
Represent your style 
Making it poor to get game

Smoke that blunt
Go "fly high"
Leave reality
You ******* who denies
You say you love
You say you care
You think your preaches
Will leave you fair

You **** while you talk
When you spit hypocrisy
You **** while you type
Into a so called democracy

You ain't doing *****
I too ain't a pearl
Haven't you heard?
I to the poor
I to the capital
I to society
haven't said a word
I keep quiet
I keep it simple
I'll prefer to say nothin'
Than **** lies to society
Prefer to root my feet in reality
To fight stern when they call me
I ain't done **** so far
I'll say my prayers if I die
And you will keep flying by:
"Go away society".
Make peace with nothing
Yeah you'll go high
Suffocate in your smoke
'Cause you ain't got no wings to fly.
no hate for **** by the way.
This poem is a rant for a few "friends"
906 · Dec 2013
Mi mascara ( My mask)
No me pongo maquillaje,

Mi disfraz esta descubierto.

Mi belleza mas horrorosa,

Te la doy con conciencia.

No me pongo maquillaje,

Juro que no hay tiempo.

Para que atender mis rizos?

En la cama los enredo.

No me pongo maquillaje

Y mi cara llena de venas

brotando sin disimulo

manchas en la piel

barros y labios resecos.

No me pongo maquillaje

descubre que no soy porcelana

Mi disfraz esta descubierto.

No hay sombra que me cubra,

Mi belleza mas horrorosa.

La admiras aunque mi máscara anda perdida.
Poem is in spanish... sorry!
823 · Mar 2014
Escondite cielito
Amanece en la ciudad
Y una sola estrella arriba
Pa' deslumbrar
Ella esta cansa de parrandiar 
Pero se queda pa' el despierto saludar
Tiempo de gozaera 
Tiempo pa desayunar
Una mangu bien prepara'o
Pa' esos amanecio's despertar
Y no se preocupe
Por si su alarma no escuchais
Porque la estrellita esta ahi
Sin descansar pa' calentar
Dicen que no se ve
Lucecita que viene a jugar
Ella se juega escondite
Dime lucecita a donde estas?
Puerto Rico, inspirado de la salsa
740 · Jan 2015
Viene Viene
los dias no se van volando
se arrastran
Y yo lo anticipo
los degrado, los lamento
porque vienen?
Tan lentos y sigilosos?
Como serpiente
Te muerden
te envenenan
tus pobres venas
marchitadas por dias
sin sanidad sin piedad
vagos y explosivos

Dias cautalosos
dias hambrientos, me piden
sere yo para darlo?
No se
no sabes
no hay
dias cautalosos
dias hambrientos
Me piden tanto.
732 · Jan 2015
Que dolor!
Fisico, anatomico, somatico
Que tormento!
Tetrico, tragico, terrorifico
Que podre darte, ahora?
En esta desgraciada tortura?

Lagrimas empachadas de verguenza

y que insensatez
que no me dijistes
lo que me distes
que cada vez entrastes
mirando mi semblante
gritaba, chillaba
me descuartizabas
por ti, para mi
para nada
para lagrimas
para conocida rotura
y poca recompensa

muchas disculpas
pero eran tuyas
708 · Jan 2015
Dientes de bebe
yo tengo los mios virao's
como esos que han mastica'o
yo tengo los dientes de niño
como esos llenos de cacao
dientes ricos y bonitos ah!
y pues claro amarillitos
linditos de bebitos
cremosos de leche de mama
raros y vira'os porque si
yo si he chupa'o
697 · Dec 2013
Pain is a beauty
Dry dry legs from all the damaged you've pressured into me

Irritated flower and poor little underarms

You have rose bumps all over, they sting and bother

They go away with chemicals

They come back and steal more minutes away

How to wish a body can be so perfect and mutilated?

When can those strands on your head be perfectly curled?

Heat, pain, cute little rose knives,scratches,

You’re pretty with pink

You’re pretty in blood.
Society's know how on how to be pretty makes women go to the extreme.
689 · Dec 2013
Sweet Weeks
Another Sunday, another attitude.

This Monday, different kind of solitude.

But Tuesdays, gimme another sundae,

I passed Monday!
Treat yourself.
653 · Dec 2013
My true blue
My true lover will give me blue roses.
No, not the usual red,
Red is not this,
This love they said,
It would be.

Love is not red, like anger
My love is not angry.
Nor the blood through my veins.
Love may well just be my blue veins,
Helping the blood current flow
To give me life.
Give me life

Love is sad, calm and pathetic.
My love is ocean’s depth,
Dark,unexpected, full of mistery.
Blue our love
Our ocean blue, whether it may
Be light blue, winter sky.
Be turquoise,indigo,be royal blue
Just like the midnight.

Our blue is steel,
Strong, never-ending,never-dying, ours.
Why would he ever give me red?
Saw a photo of blue roses and thought of this.
639 · Jan 2015
Con desprecio
y mucho sudor,
A penas con el sol
te dara lo necesitado
te recibirá solo
con mas calor

te veo para evitarte
en tu mirada
no entraras en mi pupila
535 · Jan 2014
Cultured girl
There's a thousand girls,
they dress like you,
same skirt, same shoes.
They even got your hairdoo.

There's a million girls,
they like what you do.
They sing, they dance,
they move to your groove.
Some write, some play,
They all had better days...
Days to feel pretty, days to feel new
Days where they fall and feel like fools.
How can you differ one from two
If all you are is all that you knew?

And they bare that black liner
and they wear those same boots,
oh how it angers them too
Little do they know
Little do they see
What is the difference between you and thee.
They have these white faces
plastered all over tv screens
on posters,on newspapers even on magazines
They have define how to look
They have told you what to buy
Believe it's just a simple advice.

Now step one that scale, to breath and sigh
And oh! how that number makes all cry!
Don't you feel like you really want to die?
How to look at the mirror and feel pretty?
How to dress and hide this abnormality?
They will guide, they will help you see
What is the difference between you and thee

Go and find the best mirror and see
Look with your own eyes, not the eyes of society
They are not here, please do not shy
See the difference between you and thee

And my! Must you be so pretty?
To me and to all the girls in this society who look in a mirror a hundred times a day and still can't see beauty.
530 · Dec 2013
we have a soul
one soul
us two, so soulful
sins we bear,
sins we live
things we die for
trips we seek
never lack of prophecy
write the fairy-tale

it’s set in stone.
Write this,love
on our..

its ours. Life is bleak
the dead will reek
but we so soulful
our soul’s to keep
529 · Jan 2015
Y diras
Que haces todavia?
con mi irresponsable
inutil criatura?
que ves?
si no, una sola mentira
no lo culpa, cualquiera,
yo también.
Pero que angustia
por querer satisfacer
513 · Feb 2014
to her
Miss the touch of shrill skin
To the loving body, that
He loves, to it she's a starter
Mirror lover mirror hater
She loves the skin he touches
With the light
And the pretty looks she
Catches of his sights
Who's the looker
She can't tell
Mirror mirror won't ******* yell

Scream how pretty
How vain how vain
Catatonic mess keep it sane
Ask this **** to the hanging saint

To the stall, ah! Run
To the mirror on the wall
He'll never know what she saw
and what she knows its cultural

Oh vanity how I sin to thee
Oh how the shameless walk
Red carpet on bright flickering lights
Who wants to be a superstar?
She'll ****** for the front page
Sin, my lady, what a gun
Bang bang shoots the camera
Cried out the undead
Shriek out to the infected
Sick pretty girls
Shattered diamonds
Occupy the souls
Lights that dim the truth behind walls
Shadow through the rights
Walk walk through the night
You the living dead souls
Surrounded, crowded.
Part of my new collection of poems to the Sold out "girls"
469 · Jan 2015
Al Poeta
Que poeta,
que autor.
                      Que personaje,
                           que valor.
                                                  Que creatividad,
                                                         que traicion.
Generacion tras generación
       vives poeta,
           vives autor
Fue parte de tu plan
vivir inmortalidad
vivir dentro de tus paginas
en la totalidad de tus palabras.
464 · Jan 2015
Te lo pido una y otra vez
Te lo digo
te lo escribo
Te lo enseño, te lo anticipo
para exitarte
para avisarte
que vienen gritos
que vienen lagrimas
y arrepentimiento
435 · Jan 2015
Navajas de carne
con tus dagas
centenales de agujas

te siento como cuchillas
y me parte el alma
pero deseos de tenerte
no me hacen falta
410 · Dec 2013
And I looked in a hundred mirrors

And I can’t find myself

And I looked at shattered glasses

And see the relics that were unleashed

is it me? is it her? is she it? is she me?

Can I stop pretending that mirror is reflecting thee?
409 · Dec 2013
To be.
Guess I’m living in the moment,

It seems alright, it seems slow

Days pass by and here I am

There’s no snow, there’s no seasons

This place knows no winter

It’s heat and sweat.

Study? What of it? Do you think you’ll get a job?

Why study, the knowledge within you can die

Die, life,knowledge will **** it

Be smart, be wise, be a student of demise

I am tired, I am sad,

I have no reason to die

Will I ever be? Truly be

Can you not see

within me

within thee

I do not flee

I do not feel

I sow, but do I wonder?

Oh to wonder, is all I can be

to dream to see

to question to be

There is no help, for people like me.

They are lost, and they cannot be.
345 · Jan 2015
As Clean as Dirt
As clean as dirt.
Disgrace me,
take me.
infuse me,
Wonder wander
how to tumble
in these ***** hands
won't make feel fine
pure shame
pure hate
Want you,
Just maybe

by you and for
you, the loved
and adored
how silly, so forward
the fear fights us
fights by us

Attention, can lead us,
dominate, yet
I cannot tell
which fell
from the swing
that keeps us.

Attention, oh!  
By the need you give me,
he gives me,
I want yours.
339 · Jan 2015
How I dwell in the past
and so dwell on the after
ever after
with damaged goods
and "old" bones.
314 · Jan 2015
Post- break up
Yes go ahead
pop some pills
go back to bed

Is it to difficult?
to deal with your head?
what else is there to do
than pretend your dead
dead.. dead.. dead...

please go away
no, don't insist
I won't sway
No, it's not hard
to wake.
just to be,
just to see,
the day.

Oh! To dread
what's on thy way
If only I
could have a say

— The End —