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Jun 2013 · 404
all mine
Molly White Jun 2013
i'd show you
the inside of my mind
if not for the fear that you'd take a
wrong turn;
you'd never remember
how to get back.
my friend,
how disastrously,
it would be to get
in such a place.
you'd reach out to catch a
and it would disappear underneath your
you'd be
Jun 2013 · 490
Molly White Jun 2013
Everything spins
And the world tips,
Slips away, and
My mind screams for insanity.
It feels wrong and
It feels amazing.
Has it been an hour
This is a wonderful place,
Slower, longer.
Like someone set my
Traffic light to yellow.
Slow, yield
The right of way
To other thoughts,
Unimportant and unevaluated.
Jun 2013 · 468
The Fairy
Molly White Jun 2013
With the stars in her eyes
And the sun in her hair
They throw her a cloud
Now she's walking on air
Around the world
And into the sea
The angel of water
The magic of she
The arch of a rainbow
The shine of pure gold
Absolute perfection
A story never told
The keeper of keys
The dreamer of dreams
She sings you a song
A story never what it seems
Jun 2013 · 369
Molly White Jun 2013
I'm stuck on the ground
Trapped and bound
Unable to run
Unable to get away
And maybe some day
It won't be that way
But right now
I need to find someone
To be my morning sun
To take all this away
To make it all okay
To lift my spirits high
And let me fly
I need to be
Completely free
Jun 2013 · 377
Molly White Jun 2013
The more that I know
I'm watching
The more that I hear
Always listening
The more that I know about
What I'm beginning to fear
Fear is real
Fear is forever
It never stops
I can't let it be
Someday maybe everyone will see
Fear is as real as you
And as me
Fear makes the world go round
It's hiding everywhere
It might never be found
All that I see
All that I hear
All that I know
It scares me
Sep 2010 · 2.4k
Molly White Sep 2010
It brings to life
A violent monster in my stomach,
Clawing; Screaming;
Rushing to devour what's left of my sanity.
So powerful;
It steals my breath away,
And brings me to my knees,
And there's nothing I can do,
And that's it.
It's new, it's strange.
I can't decide;
This raw emotion all can see.
Unfamiliar and unnecessary;
But not entirely unnatural.
Tell me; tell me:
Who likes jealousy?
I overdid the punctuation but, hey, what can you do?
Feb 2010 · 903
Molly White Feb 2010
A windswept night calls your name,
Dares you to play my midnight game.
So I offer you this one escape:
What danger will you find to make?

Freedom follows when you flee;
Will you come and follow me?
Shall you do it, or will you run?
Will you abandon all my fun?

Moonlight, starshine, wishes made,
Will you let your shadow fade?
Cross the distance, enter night,
Do you see the distant light?

Do you wander? Across the sky?
Away to where the stars can fly?
Do you like it? Do you know
How to light those stars aglow?

You can’t take His side and take me,
You won’t be able to cross the line.
What to choose: His side or ours?
Will you watch this clash of powers?

A windswept night calls your name,
Dares you to play my midnight game.
So I offer you this one escape:
What danger will you find to make?
I wrote this for a creative writing assignment, but I love it. It's inspired by William Blake's "The Tyger".

— The End —