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4.1k · Feb 2010
Brilliant Orange
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
“a puddle!” I thought while
next to the water.
when I focused
my eyes did I think to
“oh wait, that’s a pond”

every day following,
walked by this pond and
one day that  
The Reason
i am always late
class (and for
in general)
stopping to see the
everyone else passes by.
3.4k · Feb 2010
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
Tomorrow is the day I die
The grass never so green
The lemons from my lemon tree
Brighter than they’ve ever been
2.2k · Feb 2010
Alcatraz Haikus
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
Moonlight rains into
The windows of Alcatraz
At night we are gone

Rage and anger lift
Above walls so strong so thick
Meal time get your plate

Plate used every day
Has seen every food they serve
After but two days

The drug lords reign here
The killers keep to themselves
I talk to no one

The walls find my way
To the chain link barrier
The blood stings my palms

Running father now
Reality then hits me
Life is now defined

I live every day
Just a convict on the run
A killer on the run
1.4k · Feb 2010
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
Hidden stigmatas fall from your heaven
Solidly landing as a pathway to your righteousness
Running from your broken land
Broken lamp
To provide you with silver thread no more
Centuries of torment squeal under burnt rubber
And mudslides turn to avalanches
Room for the becoming
Pens leak ink over new white blouses
Draped over chairs like makeshift tents
Next to fireplaces to read
Seclusion from enormous intruders like yourself
Dusty pills litter the night table
Subtle reminders of doom once left
Left to chance
Echoing clacks as ***** scatter everywhere
Across the green felt next to the portrait
Covered by the heavy burgundy velvet drape
Whose eyes are blind to your savage beauty
You put the bell in the jar and cried out lonesome
Too many times before
You tried to pick some mushrooms
But it’s harder than you thought.
971 · Feb 2010
Shades of Envy
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
I can’t see you through my green fog
But I know you’re there
And I can’t hear what you say
But I know she’s enjoying it.
You’re standing in the kiddie pool
You actually stoop that low
She reeks of one night stands
When I said I promoted free love
I never thought of you

I never thought of you
And what you could do with that power
It’s my privilege to be mad
After several longing glances
I crawl back and withdraw from your spell
Unknown to your foreign eyes
I keep my lust to myself
While you spread yours all over her
And I want to scream out
But then you would know who I am
783 · Feb 2010
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
you eat like a gentleman
pinky out
chin up
while slouched in the corner of the couch
unconsciously you fold your
wrapper into a neat little square
and perfectly align it with the corner of the table
to be thrown away when you
get up.
781 · Feb 2010
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
We freed our spirits
Twirled ourselves
Through flowers upon music
Guitars in the grass
Stems in your hair
The musk of peyote and jasmine
Lingers in the fibers if our clothes
The sun shining brighter
Low hushed peace
Out sounds of existence
Barefoot we ran
My skirt hugging my legs with each leap
We collapsed to the earth
The wind sending wisps of your hair gliding over my face

And we lost our shoes.
732 · Feb 2010
The Auburn Letter
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
The letter
branded on her bare shoulder
made with incense and a broken heart
stands out on her skin
as a constant reminder
that love
690 · Feb 2010
Yesterday's Today
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
What if you woke up tomorrow
And find that it’s today
Well no this day, today, per say
But find it’s yesterday?

Go to the fridge to get an orange
And find there are still four
You swore you ate one yesterday
But shrug and shut the door

You turn to go back up to bed
Hand firmly on your mug
But the minute that you turn around
The dog ***** on the rug

This isn’t just bad de-ja-vu
Or a dream you just walked in
This is just like Groundhog’s Day
Everywhere you go, you’ve been

You suddenly come to realize
As you bend to clean the floor
The dog shat same place yesterday
Just right behind the door

Now I know just what you’re thinking
And I’m telling you it’s true
Just wait around and then you’ll see
It will happen too, to you

I could go on about this day
But I think I’ve filled your cup
So when you wake up on that morning
Don’t even bother to get up.
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
You are my escape into a world
Better than any I’ve ever known
Your neck so smooth
As my thumb glides over its surface
Which I’ve grown to knows so well

I know all your sounds by memory
Your dials perfectly set
to my preference
Your body
sleek and slender
Is so familiar in my hands

The tips of my fingers are hard
Callused from my addiction to you
When others smash you across their stage
I understand
You have betrayed them

So I lie back and dream of you
And your underestimated effect
On the human race
Which so few comprehend.

Yep this is love alright;
Strings attached.
520 · Feb 2010
Molly Morgan Feb 2010
when the sun hits the water
it hisses.
to be remembered
the moon hides
as not to be taken advantage of
crimson cratered berries
cause mercy to be begged for
by the consumer
a paradise proximity to nature
when no one is watching
a bird’s eye view of tomorrow
never changing
churning aqua
as it gently caresses the line of shore
vomiting up shells and rocks
for little hands to collect
and forget
darkness consumes the earth
as it is plunged into night
the stars are punched out of the black sky
the remains silently showering the universe
as the waves hit the sand

— The End —