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1.8k · May 2011
Molly Grace May 2011
A tap on my shoulder
The world at my back
A sick grin on its face

It wants me to cry

I've tried to stay strong
And be the girl I can be
But it's gotten so hard

I've begun to suffocate
And no matter how hard
I can't seem to catch my breath

I just want fresh air

I want the fog to lift
And all to be well
A path set out before me

"You can save the world!" they tell me
"You're so smart" they gush
Is it really so true?

The pain and the fear
It's dragging me down
I don't want to be wrong

Maybe I just don't quite know

If I fall
If I fail
Will someone be there to pick me back up?
Stream of consciousness
1.6k · Jan 2011
Footprints on the Moon
Molly Grace Jan 2011
If you reach for the stars
Then brace yourself
To fall back to earth
But hold on to your goals
And remember, fine dreamer, that
There are footprints on the moon
1.4k · Jun 2011
Conquer the Seasons
Molly Grace Jun 2011
Time for an adventure
Would you join me?
Pick up your life and follow me to the corners of the earth

Past the sea monsters
Through the storm
Just trust me and hold my hand, I promise

We've made it this far
So keep holding on
Past rushing waves and rocking ships
We'll scream at the gray clouds
Dance in the deadly rain
Let's conquer the seasons together

Watch lives fall around
Death sits at our feet
With ripped sails and broken masts

Put your heart in my care
I'll hold tightly
Just trust me and hold my hand, I promise

We've made it this far
So keep holding on
Past rushing waves and rocking ships
We'll scream at the gray clouds
Dance in the deadly rain
Let's conquer the seasons together

Time for an adventure
The search for gold
Let's conquer the seasons together
1.3k · Feb 2011
Molly Grace Feb 2011
Come, little children
Follow the fairy
To a world of fantasy

Leave on your PJs
Sneak out the window
Leave your parents behind

No more rules
No more yelling
Not here, not ever

She really is beautiful
The fairy from the window
Who beckons them away

She reminds the children of their mothers
Safe and kind
And always trustworthy

So they follow her
The pretty fairy
To the land she promises

With her voice so soft
She leads them away
Forever and always

And in the morning
When the mothers come to wake
Their sleeping treasures

They scream
They weep
They curse their God

Held in her arms
The mother hugs her dead son
Who followed the fairy to fairyland
1.2k · Jan 2011
Molly Grace Jan 2011
Love him deeply
So deeply he'll love you
And free words will be spoken
Of hidden love and lust

She'll continue to ignore the signs
Of sanity slipping
Of love dying
Look through the stained glass
Of a wicked church
Sit with him under the eyes
Of that so virtuous mother
And know the poisonous glare
Upon the *****'s back

He'll whisper words of comfort
And then words that cut
In her grows confusion
Inside her chest the ****** heart breaks
And the simple mind flees

In death filled grief
The sad girl weeps
And mutters words no man should hear
And wanders without thought
Past trees, over rocks, into water
While breathing stops and lungs fill
She looks into the sky
And dies
Inspired by the Shakespearean play: Hamlet.
903 · Jan 2011
Molly Grace Jan 2011
The fogs rolls in
and blinds me.
The world tips.
I cannot stand.

Falling hard
but unable to feel.
Landing in front of you.

You see an opportunity.
The girl you've chased
In front of you.

I can't think straight...
I can't push you away...
It doesn't feel right...

So unclear.
So strange.
My body can't do
what my brain tells it.
What's happening to me?

The fog clears.
I can sit up straight.
My head aches.
My body is sore.

My clothes lay around me
in careless piles.
My pride shattered
and laying in a pool of my own blood.

Like a child in the womb
I curl into a safe position
letting my tears fall.
Crying out in a loud voice
that no one hears

He took from me
all I had left

I want to be in that fog once more.
I don't want to feel
857 · Mar 2011
Molly Grace Mar 2011
The chipper sun sleeps under
his thick blanket of
black night sky.
His sister takes his place
as our watcher

And I have said my last words
of the day.
My mind buzzes with thoughts
and memories and ideas

But I am on the sun's schedule
so I lay my head down
and wrap my own blanket
- though not as comforting as the black night sky -
around my resting self

Through unopened eyes
I can see a world that is all my own
and become the girl I have always
wanted to be
Molly Grace Jan 2011
Blinding lights and
blaring music.
Colours flashing all around.
Bodies moving
to a rhythm.
Everyone spellbound.

Her hips move
with his.
Slowly left and right.
Arms shoot up
into the air.
Cheering for the night.

No voice is heard
past the boom
of DJ's chosen music.
Hypnotic stares
on every face.
The perfect evil trick.

This dancing style
we all adore
is pathetic and disgusting.
Girls shake their ***
and rub their thighs.
Incourage ***** thrusting.

The music played
is talentless.
A sore excuse for tune.
Their singing is false,
yet these are the people
in which you all swoon.

Every person
looks the same.
Dressed in what is popular.
Have no pride.
No dignity.
Since you feel like a star.

What is a dance
but one large ****?
We must all look so dumb.
And even I'm ashamed
to say
That I think they're pretty fun.
692 · May 2011
Molly Grace May 2011
What is forever
But a promise never kept?
Everything has to die
All things must close their eyes
Shut their world
Say goodnight
I may not believe in forever
But I believe in you
Please hold me close when forever ends
676 · Jul 2011
Molly Grace Jul 2011
Should I write a love story?
Or a story that love should be?
Rather, tell me your story.

There is a prince; a knight
in bright shining armor.
He loves a princess - a ******;
a woman, yet still so naive.

What is a love story without a villain?

There is a dragon!
He steals the princess!
What does a dragon want with a princess?
No matter,
for the prince will save her!
And she will give him all of her love everlasting.

Such a love story this is!

Don't we all just wish
we could exist in the mind of a kind writer
who would design a story
with a simple beginning
a simple middle
and end simply
671 · Jan 2011
Burning Kingdoms
Molly Grace Jan 2011
In ****** battle
Falling down
Shouting curses
Broken crown

Blades of silver
Wounds of gold
Impossible scene
Forced to behold

Horrors and wonders
Hate and love
Mixture of feelings
A demon above

Angel wings
Caught aflame
Halo shattered
Lost royal name

Marble castle
Cracks under blow
Of feather weight
And fallen snow

Acid rain
Falls from red sky
Burns through pale flesh
And watch them die
664 · Apr 2011
Mother Nature
Molly Grace Apr 2011
Hey, little girl, there's a problem brewing
You sit in your garden, your anger stewing
Life isn't fair; it's pathetic and wrong
But keep your head high, and try to stay strong
It won't get easier, I'm afraid
This life of lies, and masquerade
One problem is gone, another appears
No one but you can **** your fears
When the sun sets you close your eyes
Frightened of your inevitable demise
Nothing can comfort but your candle light
You are only safe in the arms of your knight
It hasn't rained for weeks and weeks
Tears fall down from eyes to cheeks
Your garden is dying
Its leaves are drying
Under a tree when the moon is not out
The world hears your dying shout
657 · Jan 2011
Here We Go Again
Molly Grace Jan 2011
Fire melts hearts of ice
Makes us forget all the fights
Is this wrong, is this right?
Smiles just to be polite

Stomach flutters from your touch
Simple words of love and such
But it really can't mean much
Like excitement from gold rush

And the chills through your skin
Here we go, pain again
You will toss, I will spin
Here we go, pain again

Whisper calming words of love
Pray to gold angels above
See my wounded, ****** dove
Once again, hear all that love

Broken memories, shattered trust
All your efforts were a bust
Fueled by deadly hellish lust
Look upon them with disgust

And the chills through your skin
Here we go, pain again
You will toss, I will spin
Here we go, pain again

She says he causes only pain
He says that girls are all the same
She cries and screams and calls his name
He turns and leaves her in the rain

Those chills keep running through your skin
Here we go, pain again
You will toss, I will spin
Here we go, pain again

Here we go, baby, pain again
650 · Feb 2011
The Last Witch
Molly Grace Feb 2011
Dance with the magic
Ignore all the consequences
Tomorrow will never come

Lay your head
On the pillow of nightfall
Will you wake in the morning?

Your sister is burned at the state
Your brother, beheaded
Do you even shed a tear?

They call you a monster
A ***** from Hell
Either die or prove them right

Liquid mercury runs through your veins
Pain and warmth
Released from fear

Yesterday is gone
Tomorrow is dead
Enjoy one last today

Nothing lasts forever
Everything ends
The only absolute truth

A raven calls for your demise
Watch one last sunset
And **** yourself
630 · Jan 2011
Passion Cries
Molly Grace Jan 2011
A silvering shadow
from the midnight charm
glistens in the heat
of the daylight charm

Rose damaged lips
The thorn melts away
into a puddle of dreams
from a happier day

Shut tight eyes
Broken blue
Playful hands reach
softly whispered to

Painful words cut deep
Acidic blood runs fast
Fire skips over graves
The sunlight won’t last

Forbidden fruit grows
within arm’s length
Ignore or give in
Who has the strength?
619 · Feb 2011
The Cannibal Dance
Molly Grace Feb 2011
Graceful dying
Graceful pain
Bleeding, begging, going insane
Happy hands move too fast
Angry beating will not last

Killing them to stay alive
Ripping out the cold blue eyes
Tearing into broken flesh
Still-beating heart held like a prize

Yellow teeth break through the skin
He savours the taste of his victim
While he licks at pools of blood
The Devil smiles at his sin

Crying for peace
Crying for rest
He looks upon them with detest
He glares and spits, and whispers "no"
And brings down the axe for the ending blow

He's the demon of your dreams
The monster in your fears
The one who smiles when you cry
And drinks up all your tears

He's that feeling on your neck at night
The eyes that watch you rest
And he's the last thing you'll ever see
While stabbing at your chest
604 · Aug 2011
Dying in Your Dreams
Molly Grace Aug 2011
Imagine the fear and worry
If tonight is your last sleep
Perhaps you'll draw your last gasped breath
Before the sun steeps past your curtains
Comfortable ideas, the thought of long life
But that's not always the case
Lady Death holds no prejudices
To age, gender, or race
Imagine your next birthday
And you're not alive to celebrate
See tears fill lover's eyes
Because you passed last night
Sleep well this moon
Have happy dreams
And go peacefully in your rest
586 · Jan 2011
Wishing Stars
Molly Grace Jan 2011
I rested under a star studded sky
And I wished for you
Without even a shooting star
My wish came true

You crept into my heart
You intruded my thoughts
I worshiped your every movement
I ignored all your faults

But after some time
The truth became clear
You weren't "The One"
Your words weren't sincere

So I sat under those stars
The same from that first night
And I wished you away
For the strength to fight

Did it work?
I really don't think so
Those ****** stars can lie
And my heart took another blow

So here I am again
Wishing for something new
I'm wishing for something
That is far overdue

With shut tight eyes
And fingers crossed
Laying on the ground
Feelings I thought I'd lost

No more caring
No more tears
I know I'll always love you
Through to the next years

Ignoring you will be tough
But well worth the try
I guess what I'm trying to say
Is goodbye
Molly Grace Jan 2011
He was not dressed for the beach,
And yet there he stood:
Top hat and petticoat,
Barefoot in the sand.
people in bathing suits gave him strange stares.
He just smiled and said
"I don't follow fashion trends."
I took the seventh book from my bookshelf, flipped to the seventh page, started my poem with the seventh line, and limited my poem to seven lines. It was fun.
581 · Feb 2011
The Phoenix Girl
Molly Grace Feb 2011
With each day
She weakens
With each day
She falls
The end for her is in her sights

There was a time
When she forgot
When she feared the flame
But now she understands
Now she waits

There was a day
When it began
When her candle started to flicker
And a fear rose from her gut
Because she knew her fate

The fire spread
She felt the warmth and held her breath
She knew what to expect
And she liked it
And she loved it

From the ashes she stood
Again, for the first time
She felt her heart flutter beneath her skin
Felt the wind blow past her face
And began yet another life

With each day
Time passes
With each year
Death grows closer
And with death a new life will begin
A friend of mine calls me a phoenix, and so he inspired this poem
563 · Jan 2011
Molly Grace Jan 2011
Explosions utter the final cry
From those who must fall down and die

Hatred be in the hearts of those
Who lay their bodies before the crows

Burning churches and broken homes
A million names on millions of stones

Let dark crash over and tumble about
Let whispers win and ignore the shout

Throw up your hands, oh valiant one!
Know tears that show the battle is won

Nightly prince comes for the dead
That crown of bones upon his head

Yesterday they spoke and thought
Today their mouths fill with rot

The royal sacrifice that means so little
The burning corpses becoming brittle

Please say a prayer for those long gone
For they are forgotten with the dawn

And weep for the soldiers of tomorrow
Who will bring their mothers sorrow

Blackened sun over dark red sky
Close your eyes, whisper 'goodbye'
I support our troops
552 · Mar 2011
Another Teen Love Poem
Molly Grace Mar 2011
When I get sad
And I feel alone
All I need to do to
Is wear his sweater

On stormy nights
I cannot sleep; I'm scared of the thunder
So I cuddle my pillow
And pretend it's him

During stressful days
I stare at ticking clocks
Because I know that soon
I'll be with him again

I song on the radio plays
About love and silly things like that
And a smile crosses my lips
Yep, I thought of him

He's all I need - simple as that
550 · Apr 2011
Molly Grace Apr 2011
The world is big
Bigger than me
Looking at all the eyes
Knowing what they want
I want to hide
Maybe walking through a fog
Is safer than seeing where I'm going
546 · Apr 2011
Writer's Block
Molly Grace Apr 2011
Your words move my pen
Your frown forces my eraser
Every time my ink touches paper
Your blue eyes block my thoughts
I try to write about other things
But it always becomes you
You invade my dreams
You conquer my poems
With you, writer’s block has a new meaning
You are my writer’s block
533 · May 2011
Molly Grace May 2011
I'm lost
And I think I may need help
But no matter how I reach
No one is there

I'm falling down a pit
I'm grabbing at the walls
Looking for something to hold

With a moment of luck
And reflexes quickened by fear
I find the root of a tree
And cling for dear life

Seconds turn to minutes
And minutes tick on
My grip is not strong

I can't scream, I can't see
All I hear is my breathing
My slow, deep breaths
And I let go

Fear is so the living
And soon I'll be dead
Gone in a ****

I know it will hurt
But that's not what scares me
Is there a Heaven and Hell?
Or are Atheists right?

I've tasted life and consciousness
And I loved it too much to see it go
523 · Jan 2011
Painting Alone in the Night
Molly Grace Jan 2011
Each candle of the night
Burns violently
With a passion
You've only ever heard of
In stories and tales
Of lives not belonging to you

Under the stars
Do you feel that peace?
The blank canvas of the empty head
That vast darkness overtakes you
And hides your playful sins

The stars paint you a picture
Paintings filled with lust and greed
Black and white
Simple and clean
Silent giggles and quick fingers
You're alone now

Who do you belong to?
Who is it that guides your hand?
Fuels your desire?
You act on impulse or
A false hope of acceptance
Alone in your night sky

The everlasting depth
The infinite calm
Entrances you and your reasons
In your happy existence
A naked soul
516 · Jan 2011
Nobody Sees
Molly Grace Jan 2011
A flickering flame
So warm, so calm
The melting wax
The shrinking candle
Lucky is she
This flickering flame
Which brings forth joy

And nobody sees
As flame burns on
Which everybody loves
Though the wax slips off

Soon the candle is small
But the flame burns on
And nobody sees
it shrink with pride

And the next thing
Which nobody saw
Because the flame continued to burn

The wax is gone
And the flickering flame
So warn, so calm
is out
And now everybody sees

But it’s too late
A poem for a friend that was going through a rough (and frightening) time. She's all better now ^.^
509 · Mar 2011
Molly Grace Mar 2011
Escape to your dreams -
to a world that is yours.
Where your only boundary
is your desire to create
506 · Jun 2011
Butterfly Wings
Molly Grace Jun 2011
I can't believe, just won't believe
That you tore apart her wings
Colours vibrant, always cheery
Full of life, full of love
Always willing, never running

Grace was her name, it was her way
Her life, her rules, her tone
Now without luster
She is called worm
Never to fly again

How can you enjoy the butterfly
If you won't let her spread her wing?
How dare you take them for yourself
And leave her alone to die

A lover can be used up
And tossed aside so quickly
But a love is hard to find
Hard to keep
So hold on when you can

Obsession is not attractive
And cruelty wins you no games
Steal the colours from those around
But your world is forever gray
And you'll be forever in the dark
498 · Jan 2011
Words I Can't Say
Molly Grace Jan 2011
To hear your voice
And feel your touch
I can dream of nothing so beautiful

When you whisper my name
Heat flashes through my body
And you always notice

I crave you
All of you
All of the time

I'm not ashamed to admit my addiction
You're my drug
My beautiful *******

You tell me you love me
And I still can't say it back
You patiently wait

I'm clumsy
But you're always there to pick me back up
And laugh

I can't say that which
Haunts my thoughts as I try to sleep
Not out loud

So I've written you this poem
To speak the words that I can't say
I love you
Stream of consciousness poem
490 · Jan 2011
Molly Grace Jan 2011
The crown you wear
of sticks and thorns
Your skin bleeds
Your flesh is torn

Betrayed and hurt
But forgiving those
Who shout at you
and rip your clothes

You beg your Father
to leave them be
Only human
they do not see

You take it all
for days on end
with love in your heart
free of sin

Nailed to boards
your mother weeps
praying for mercy
at your feet

You died for our sins
In heaven with Him
Now thanks to you
We can be forgiven
482 · Apr 2011
Molly Grace Apr 2011
For the weak
and the strong
and the poor
and the rich.
For the lonely
and the alone

Those with tears in their eyes
that fall into our souls

For the dying
and the dead
and the newborns everywhere.
For the broken
and for those who piece them back together


Whether you believe in God
or many or none
And despite the fact you may not accept this

I will still pray for all of us
469 · Feb 2011
Playing With Boys
Molly Grace Feb 2011
I sit and I watch, and I wait to play
In all that organized disarray

They run and laugh, and brightly smile
I'm just so curious about their odd style

I've never thought of chasing girls
I never once dreamt of their curls

Their skin is soft, sure I guess
And long legs do look good in a dress

But still, their high-pitched giggles don't arouse me
Nor do their hair, left down and free

Red lipstick just looks cheap, smeared across their face
And only ****** wear legs of lace

But you are different
From your smile, to your hair, right to your scent

You're special and kind
Wild, yet also refined

You're all this and more
Yet I know I'm not the one you adore

To be a man in love with a man
Is a fate no female can comprehend

And it hurts me every day
Waiting for my turn to play
449 · Feb 2011
Molly Grace Feb 2011
These four walls
trap me
force me away
I can’t leave
I want out
The silence of loneliness
The deafening nothingness
I hate it
I cry out in anger
My voice just echoes off these walls

My windowless room
is mine alone
I count my long days
until you visit me
You miss me
I know it
We dream about each other
About our night together
You feel me breathe

One day you’ll come for me
so I can leave with you
We love each other
You’ll realize it
You’ll save me
We’ll run away together
I won’t live here forever
I love you
I’m always watching you
Are you watching me?

My tiny room
can fit us both
I don’t mind
There is a longing for each other
You feel it
I know you pushed me away
Locked me away
But I know you love me
You think about me
*I see it all
The last line in each verse is a line from the song "Echoplex" by "Nine Inch Nails"
424 · Mar 2011
Molly Grace Mar 2011
I'd like to spend an afternoon inside your head
If that's not too much to ask
You see, I'm just curious

How do you see me?

When I look at myself,
reflected backwards in a mirror,
all I see are flaws

My hair is unruly.
Curly and tangled.
It takes hours to do it the way you like

My skin is home to
bumps and scratches.
It's cracked and dry and pale

My teeth are crooked
My eyes are dull
My body is nothing special

So this, my love, is why I ask
to look through your eyes just once
and see myself as Beautiful
387 · Feb 2011
Your Poisonous Friend
Molly Grace Feb 2011
You think you're so strong
But child, listen up
If you have to keep telling me your strength
Then deep in your core
You know you're weak

I see the looks you give
To me, my friends, my love
You hate us
And you love us
You want us to suffer
Or you wish to join in

I'll be your friend
But you can't trust me
Because you know the truth
My every word I share with you
Is always lined with venom

Can you trust a snake?
Even one loved my all?
Do you want to be part of the crowd?
Of course you do
That's your defining weakness

That you couldn't let me go

— The End —