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MOH Jul 2013
He whispered in my ear
so soft, so slowly
he said what I wanted to hear
and I believed in what he said,
I believed it all.
MOH Jul 2013
These days
I'm thinking back
I miss it all.
The people
The place
The memories
It's hard to think of those amazing moments
Filled with friends, love and happiness

With tears in my eyes
Im thinking back
and if I close my eyes
just for a little second
I see it all
And I remember

Then I let go
But keeping it all hidden a place inside
Deep in my heart
Cause that summer
I'll never forget.
MOH Jul 2013
a melody of sweet happiness
flowing through my body

a feeling of pure love
as it cover my soul

only love
only you
MOH Sep 2013
nothing is holding you back by any limits,
you need to use the power in witch hand I have given you.
you are stronger than you seem
braver than you think
And with all your power and strength  
you can get to the point
where everything is possible.
achieve even the highest goals.
cause in witch hand I have given you.
success will come along the way.
MOH Jul 2013
As we lay there
with our bodies against each others
something changed
and suddenly
I felt nothing.
MOH Jul 2013
Sometimes I rather want to stay in the dream
cause then I don't have to face the reality
of how things worked out between us.
MOH Dec 2014
I was walking down the white halls, and for every step a tear was dropped.
The smell of medicine and sickness filled up my noise as I opened up the door.
The faces of my family members, all in pain, all in tears.
My body turned cold.
I bursted into tears as I gave you my goodbye.
MOH Jul 2013
Once people weren't that busy with being busy.
MOH Sep 2013
I hate that after all this time I can still sit up late at night and think of you.

— The End —