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 Jul 2011 Moek
Matthew Vera
No More
 Jul 2011 Moek
Matthew Vera
No more midnight sleepovers.
No more movies we never watch.
No more teddy, no more lambiepoo.
He was the first gift I gave you.
No more sweet nothings in your ear,
No more will I hide you from your fear.
No more mid-afternoon naps,
No more stale bread for the ducks.
No more fries for the squirrels,
No more walks in the light.
No more night swimming,
No more late night ice cream.
No more freaking out,
Laughing till we have six pack abs.
No more will I be there.
No more will life be unfair.
No more tears to shed,
No more angry words spread.
No more will we be sad,
No more will we be mad.
No more will I be there,
To wrap my arms securely around you.
No more....
                                     No more....
                                                                            No more....
 Jul 2011 Moek
JL Deyarmond
 Jul 2011 Moek
JL Deyarmond
                           you fade
                                                        and fall into
                                                        the darkness.

Like a piece of art
From a string
From the ceiling
Legs crossed
and lights                  
There was a risk
and between
this floor
 Jul 2011 Moek
Dorothy Parker
Were you to cross the world, my dear,
  To work or love or fight,
I could be calm and wistful here,
  And close my eyes at night.

It were a sweet and gallant pain
  To be a sea apart;
But, oh, to have you down the lane
  Is bitter to my heart.
 Jul 2011 Moek
R. D. Blackmore
In the hour of death, after this life’s whim,
When the heart beats low, and the eyes grow dim,
And pain has exhausted every limb—
  The lover of the Lord shall trust in Him.

When the will has forgotten the lifelong aim,
And the mind can only disgrace its fame,
And a man is uncertain of his own name—
  The power of the Lord shall fill this frame.

When the last sigh is heaved, and the last tear shed,
And the coffin is waiting beside the bed,
And the widow and child forsake the dead—
  The angel of the Lord shall lift this head.

For even the purest delight may pall,
And power must fail, and the pride must fall,
And the love of the dearest friends grow small—
  But the glory of the Lord is all in all.
I caught a falling leaf today.
I took it to another place far from where it should have landed.
Was it hoping for me to catch it?
I left it next to an intersection.
Jacob Wolfgang Duffin 2010

— The End —