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 Sep 2010 Moe Awad
He sung to me

He didn't sing well

It was more like harmonic yelling

Off key and scratchy

With that little childish glint in his eyes

I knew I loved him then

No ones ever sung to me before

I smiled playfully

He just blushed sort of

and kissed me deeply

I haven't heard him sing

In such  a long time.....

I hadn't seen him smile

In such a long time
 Aug 2010 Moe Awad
Emma Liang
let's go back, you an me
dance with me, i'll twirl with the dust mop
and you'll laugh and pick dust out of my hair and say i'll never be old

let's go back, you an me
record me stealthily when i sing obscenely-loud songs in the shower
and play them over and over and over as i blush different shades of fire

let's go back, you an me
tickle me while i'm tryin' to play hopscotch
as i beg for mercy between gasps and giggles and threaten to wet my pants

let's go back, you an me
take me for never-ending piggy back rides, pretendin' i'm flyin'
then dump me on the dewy grass, make me laugh because you're laughing

let's go back, you an me
i'll push you in the fountain and you'll grin
and pull me in with you, we'll float on our backs
ignorin' the stares
and watch night fall in little pieces, here and here
except for in your eyes, which blind me

let's go back, you an me
paint sloppy, clumsy kisses on my cheeks
and make stupid looking necklaces out of sparkly plastic beads you know ill never wear

let's go back, you an me
whisper in my ear forever
so that now i can hear you in my head
and smile smiles that don't reach my eyes
and dance with the dust mop pretendin' that it's you
A different style, yet again; comments, suggestions, and criticisms all appreciated. Thanks for reading! (:
 Aug 2010 Moe Awad
Larry B
For several days her daughter would say
The angels said, "Don't be afraid"
Her mother simply dismissed it
Like it was a childhood game she played

But soon she started to worry
For the little girl kept telling this tale
She also said she talked to Jesus
And she described it in such detail

She told her mother that Jesus said
Tomorrow, He's taking her home
The little girl was only three years old
These things, she couldn't have known

Her mother was just a little concerned
For each day it was always the same
Was it just a little girl's imagination?
She was sure it was a childhood game

Well tomorrow came and all was fine
And her daughter never uttered a sound
So she fiiled up the pool, only eight inches deep
And that's where, her little girl drowned

Now, this story is true, every single word
For it happened to some friends of mine
This story took place many years ago
And their grief grew more distant in time

But I just couldn't imagine, the pain that they felt
As they remember what their daughter would say
The Angels would tell her, "Don't be afraid"
And that Jesus would take her away

— The End —