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Apr 2013 · 796
After Dad
MN Apr 2013
Have you ever been so ******* scared, you’ve ****** yourself on the spot?
Or not, or when you were a child, when the fire alarm used to make dads head go wild… pulling and yanking on the wires of desperation, not being able to see the positive relation of
father and daughter, the moon and the sun, where hitting walls was the only idea of fun
Realising your own bruises when you’d wake up, and healing me with some sparkly makeup
Dibbling and dabbling with your own torment not actually realising that im not your vent
Or your toy
Or your mistake
Or the one you like to think you didn’t make
Dragging up past and blaming it on present
When the time you left is my only depressant
Thinking of what might become just makes me want to run
Because I don’t want to lose you, but then I must chose to
Leave. Before my bedroom walls start to heave and become so thin
Its as if I never had a chance to win
Over you, its as you proposed to
Let me grow up instead of find out that your body is still in doubt
Of my abilities to not remind you of mum that my genetics might not have made me like her in her tum
do you know that I know how bad you were
or think I remember just the incense and myrrh
Fitting keys into doors that aren’t meant to lock
‘daddy, why cant I wake you before ten o clock?’
more of a spoken word poem...
Sep 2012 · 947
Loving Content
MN Sep 2012
I’d like to live to see the clouds turn into dust and ice
My skin to mottled, silky wrinkles of pink
And for the ground to fall beneath the lightness of my weight

The stars and moons would slowly disintegrate and crackle on the marble floors of the universe

And finally my body would melt into the sea and drown
In loving content of death.
Feb 2012 · 746
Smother Me Whole
MN Feb 2012
My body leaks from the prickly heat of your stare

My every move being gazed upon
from the perch that you summon me to,
as your judgment has been made,  and my sentence awaits…

Your body is such a heavy mass pressing down against my bruised ******* and tender lungs.
Your kisses on my neck are paralyzing my icy veins
Your flaming hands are smoldering my fragile fractured skin
Go away. The sight of you smothers me right now.
Jan 2012 · 623
MN Jan 2012
We are the births
We are the deaths
We are the lives
We are the gorgeous
We are the ugly
We are the insecure

For within our time
These are for sure.
Dec 2011 · 835
Pretty Things
MN Dec 2011
Pretty things
Like Kath kidston florals
And open fires and cheery wine
Harrowed souls are repaired by music
Minds grow hazy from *** smoking
Clean air that was dusted with magical sparkles
Now choked by perplexing precipitations…..
Atmosphere surrounded by regret
Whilst the act is still submerging from chaotic emotions
Remorseful tears do not appear until alone
Until the tide of the ocean reaches minds
When they are isolated from the world and all it brings
Nothing but sorrow consuming body and soul
Like a cantankerous person within person
Scratching from inside out
Until lyrics are sung to the world
Declarations of apologetic notions
‘Im sorry, I love you, Im sorry, I love you…’

Nothing else can be said.
Nov 2011 · 884
Just Be Still.
MN Nov 2011
Arriving in reality after a week of surrender
Stepping out onto platforms of life
The sudden gush of rushing bodies
Surrounded by trees from autumn and spring  
Forgetting how breaths of fresh air are taken for granted
Forgotten that it’s crucial for life, and all it can give.
Lungs expanding, as they fill with the clean, icy freshness of oxygen
Faces appearing from all angles, swarming like wasps to their nests
Mind filled with hazy delusion
Sounds of screaming whispers belonging to unknown ears.
Beads of sweat simply reminding us that our world is ever moving,
overwhelming and, as always, prepared to
Take on the universe and all its secret secrets
Oct 2011 · 2.1k
MN Oct 2011
Right now, I am your doormat
Wanting to be accepted, used and loved…
As soon as I have this or give up trying to get it
I will want to be a dragon, free, feared and sinful
My mind is precise of its wants and needs, yet my body cannot grasp them
My every desire dangles in front of me,
Like a spindle of silver scorned thread filled light
Our happy memories do nothing but leave me in ruins
Remembering each contour of your face,
Each movement your live carcass made
Leaves me like a crumpled envelope, misused,
Misguided and disappointed to not be permitted to experience you in the way so many others have…
Oct 2011 · 888
MN Oct 2011
I want to cry in the mourning of something I have not yet lost.
I live constantly concerned that the destructive actions of my soul that commence,
Like a reflex not simply in my body,
But somewhere so submerged in my fragile being and conscience
I cannot and do not manage to withhold the wreckage
Within me once it begins to emerge...
I will tarnish the things that have been my cradle,
My sanctuary of happiness and level headedness.
Interpreting your every move, almost anxious for any
Give away signs of lost hope, lost lust, lost companionship
Despite the metaphor of its definition,
Companions you cannot be over miles of land and sea...
It’s as if all this space between us is at retracting magnet ends,
Or a snow storm battling a deserts sand swoops.
Yet, throughout all of my own battles of emotion...
I secretly know you are in blissful ignorance, for you do not
feel time should be kept anywhere, least of all in a waistcoat pocket.
Oct 2011 · 905
MN Oct 2011
I’m spinning in the
Underwhelming haze of my own imagination
I’ve been in your hometown before
Familiar is your soft husky voice that is
The only lullaby to my ear
Yet the need to hear your conscience
Is still just as desperate
As a whisper to the sea salty
Atmosphere of our love.
You, and only you bare nothing of my knowledge
You, and only you hold permit to my inside.
Yet you are the only that has not had me, or my knowledge
For you have chosen as yet not to take it.
You do not have the right to it in your eyes.
Because everything in this world works…
As I work in a mirror
Of a hundred pieces.
Oct 2011 · 725
The Precious Penny.
MN Oct 2011
For the first time in ten months
And three days
I do not miss you.
I can breathe without you here
I can function as myself
This is not through my lesser loving for you
Or any less longing for you
Nor in any doubt of your love for me…
But in confident ease
Of our returned love and respect
We are two humans
We are separate
I see this now
I am no longer a possesive being
For we are joined
At the soul?
In fate?
I haven’t a clue
And never have
We are ever changing
Ever growing in our ways and beliefs
The likelihood of us being forever is like
A penny in a puddle
But highly unlikely for any one to find
And even less likely for someone
To attempt to reach.
For they forget the joy
That penny could potentially give.

— The End —