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avy 17h
And then I realized

I'm not someone you remember in the good times
I become no one when you have everyone

suddenly, when things go south

I'm the one you seek
Your everything for a brief moment

It all disappears as soon as it arrived

The attention and care
Although meaningless to you
Is appreciated by me

I'm being used, I'm aware
Don't worry, I'm leaving
avy Apr 2022
My rest is no longer you and I together
You were my moon that turned into a meteor
You, my personal happy pill, became the reason to my breakdowns

Please, tell me my love,
What shall I do?

Neither of us willing to let go
You refuse to set me free
I am unwilling to hurt you

Tell me darling,
Will all this pain be worth it in the end?
avy Oct 2021
waking up
dried tears, puffy eyes

i've done it again
cried myself to sleep with guilt in my heart

the guilt coming back every time i think of you

You're a king
yet i treated you like a servant

i broke your heart
yet you're still here

why must you stay?
why do you still like me?

please i'm begging you
Hate me
avy Feb 2021
i would love to be a beautiful butterfly
i would love to go around the world and fly
If this happens i would cry
i may even give the world a second try

i am just a skunk with high dreams
My only friends are the trees
The forest sets me free
But when humans see me..

The self hatred begins

People stay away from me
Because of the fragrance that i excrete
A piece of dung is something my fragrance can beat
Even a bath can’t  set me free

Nothing can set me free
avy Aug 2018
Experiencing all these things with you was a great experience, however
Problems couldn’t be avoided,
Regrets were made,
Equality was never obtained
Sorry for saying this my love but
Staying with you caused me more problems
Infused with toxic,
Our relationship will not last
Now that I have told you this,

please let me go
avy Apr 2018
I cant wait for true love to come
Love that completes me
Love that makes me happy
Love that makes me feel like I'm worth it

I cant wait for this pain to disappear
For depression to stop
For my anxiety to give me a break
For problems to stop coming back

I cant wait for paradise to come
A peaceful place..
No war, no racism,  no gender inequality
A place where everyone is happy

I cant wait for death
Because I know Heaven is the only place
The only place where all of these can happen
Death is the only solution
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