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2.0k · Nov 2012
MLentz Nov 2012
Confusion and misunderstanding
Hang heavy
Bending branches of trees
Like a winter snowfall
Unable to shake these heavy feelings
I bear the burden
Of a heavy heart
That one day,
You will know,
Feel what I feel
Whether it be
A photo
The memory of your voice,
your laugh,
or your gentle words
My heart begins to ache
Like the limbs of the trees
705 · Mar 2013
MLentz Mar 2013
The crease curls
I tug at it
The reassuring ripping of the adhesive
Dry-wall revealed
I keep removing it from the wall
Slowly but surely
Inch by inch
Until the entire wall is revealed
Spots of adhesive and paper remain
A nagging reminder of what once was
But will never be again
649 · Feb 2013
The Ship
MLentz Feb 2013
My stomach churns
Like the unforgiving ocean
My ship has sailed
Escaping the treacherous port
Deadly on the storm
A float on the expansion
Of infinite blue
The lulling of the boat
Drifting off course
Until the anchor is cast
My heart will only beat for you
573 · Jan 2013
MLentz Jan 2013
The film rolls
Dim light
Flooding empty seats
Casting long shadows
Revealing one lost soul
The previews flicker by
Flashes of the future
Memories of the past
Merged together
Family trips
First times
Starting a new life
Taking knowledge learned
Time passes by
The movie rolls on
Never to end
The reel growing
With every second
Until the day
Our hearts stop
Wrote this poem about 5 years back. Decided to share it.
512 · Nov 2012
The Flood
MLentz Nov 2012
Images of what I want
What I need
Who I wish you were
How I wish we were
I know
You don't see it
I can't stop
This flooding of imagination
But is it so easy
to close the flood-gate;
To restrain the emotions,
Hold back what I'm feeling?
Just once, I wish
You were there
To save me from this flood
Return me to the surface
To breathe freely
And share how I feel
448 · Dec 2012
MLentz Dec 2012
This tattoo,
The one I bear on my wrist
Brings forth the memory
Of our last encounter
Before the Lord took your kind soul

Three simple flowers
A two word phrase
Unimportant at the time
Now something that means the world to me

A tradition I created at a young age
Picking those delicate little Johnny Jump-Ups
A small bouquet
Just for you

Those memories are forever with me
Imbedded in my skin
Just like you forever remain in my heart
Love you
381 · Nov 2012
MLentz Nov 2012
Happy Birthday
Or what would have been
64 years of life it would have been
Taken at 63 years and almost 9 months
I must remind myself
Almost everyday
That you're no longer
A phone call away
A painful awakening
One that haunts me
Makes my heart ache
For the one I call Grandma
I miss you
More than I can put into words
I'll see you on the other side
But until then,
Happy Birthday Grandma
346 · Dec 2012
MLentz Dec 2012
I ache for your embrace
Just a simple touch
Any form of affection
I long for the brush of your lips against mine*

But you're not mine for the taking

— The End —